The Adventures of Pinocchio


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This is a much more elaborate version of the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland. I was considering putting this ride in parks that don't already have this ride, namely, Walt Disney World and Hong Kong Disneyland. It will also go in the German Disney park I have thought of. (See this link here for more details). More details to follow soon...


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The differences between this ride and Pinocchio's Daring Journey begin even before you board your ride vehicle (the same design as in California, but instead of having two benches across per car to seat four, there will be three benches to seat six, just like the WDW version of Snow White). Anyway, the exterior design will not be theme to Stromboli's theater. Instead, it will be themed to Geppetto's workshop (think the little Pinocchio-themed store right next door to the Pinocchio ride in CA). Anyway, I gotta go now; be back later. Peace!


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You wind through the queue, which is of Geppetto's workshop, much like the closing scene in the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland, namely, the clocks, toys and such. When you reach the end of the queue, you find a large mural depicting the characters from the film. Here, you board your six-seater cars. One difference between this version and the version in CA is that instead of entering the ride building on the left and coming out on the right, here, it's the other way around (a la Peter Pan). As you board, you hear Jiminy Cricket providing the safety spiel:

JIMINY CRICKET: Hello, friends. Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket. And you're about to embark on a journey with my close friend, Pinocchio. But first, a few words of advice: remain seated with your hands, arms, feet and legs inside and parents, watch your kids. And remember, always let your conscience be your guide.

Once seated in your car, you face a closed door leading further into the workshop before you...


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You leave the load area and head toward the closed door, which opens into the area of the workshop showing the workbench. Pinocchio is seated on the bench, listening to Jiminy Cricket as he sings, "Give a Little Whistle". You then head out the front door and onto the cobblestone street where you see Pinocchio meeting up with Foulfellow and Gideon. Foulfellow holds Pinocchio's schoolbook away from him; Gideon holds a mallet behind his back. "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" plays in the background while Foulfellow tells Pinocchio that he should be an actor. Meanwhile you head toward the entrance to Stromboli's Puppet Theatre.


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You then enter the puppet theatre and see Pinocchio dancing on stage singing "I've Got No Strings". The Dutch puppet is on his right and the French puppet on his left. Then you enter the backstage area where you see Pinocchio in the cage and the menacing Stromboli towering over him (and you). "This will be your new home, my little wooden gold mine!" Stromboli yells at Pinocchio. You go past the both of them, past Jiminy Cricket pointing the way out. You go through the giant cage and out into the cobblestone street.

You head past the signs pointing between "Pinocchio's Village" and "Pleasure Island". Jiminy appears and tells you to wait up. "Wait!" he shouts. "Stop! Get back here!" You then go through the main gate of Pleasure Island.

Here, the sequencing of events is different than California. Instead of seeing the boys riding the merry-go-round first, you see the candy cane Ferris wheel first. Foulfellow and Gideon playing the hi striker game produces a different donkey bray than in California. Also, instead simply the music of "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" playing, you hear a chorus actually singing the Pleasure Island version.

As you approach the Rough House, you can tell you're passing down Tobacco Road, because the floor is paved like a giant strip of chewing tobacco. Then you pass through a scene not seen in CA: the Model Home. As you pass beneath the sign saying that it's open for destruction. You pass through the front door (the stained glass window above already smashed).

Inside is all the things seen in the junkyard-type scene in CA's ride. There is no such scene here. You pass by smashed furniture and mud tracks are seen crisscrossing the floor here. You also pass by a mustache-wearing Mona Lisa. Then you head into the Billiard Room where you see Lampwick turning into a donkey while Pinocchio covers his mouth with laughter. The Coachman is seen in the booth nearby.

So, tell me, what do you think thus far?


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Continuing onward...

You leave the Billiard Room and enter the boat dock scene full of crates in which the sad boys-turned-donkeys are imprisoned. They are saying stuff like, "I wanna go home!" and "I don't wanna be a donkey!" You pass by Jiminy Cricket as he points the way out. You narrowly avoid the Coachman as he tries to force you into an open crate being sent to the salt mines.

Get ready for a new scene not seen at all in the old Pinocchio ride that will be seen in the new one! :animwink:


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Sorry for the delay, everyone, but I got too busy.

You then leave the boat dock and head down to the sea, where Jiminy Cricket warns you to watch out for Monstro. Now here's where it really gets different from California. You then head forward through pitch blackness and then suddenly lightning flashes while you hear the roar of Monstro. You then enter the wide open jaws of this great behemoth (think Storybook Land).

You go down the throat of the monster and find yourself in the belly. Here, you see Geppetto's small schooner. Pinocchio has made it inside the beast. A fire is already built. "I've come to save you, Father!" Pinocchio says. "But how?" Geppetto asks. "We'll make him sneeze us out with the fire here," Pinocchio replies. You go through the raft and then head back up the throat and out the mouth where more lightning flashes as well as a slight burst in speed are used to simulate Monstro sneezing.

You then swing around through the rocky crevice nearby and the rest of the ride from here on continues as in California. Here Jiminy says that they made it home to the village and you enter the workshop. Inside, you witness the holographic Blue Fairy disappear, leaving a trail of fairy dust behind. Here, Pinocchio will actually look like a real boy instead of just a puppet. "It's my dream come true!" Geppetto cries. "You ARE a real boy!" You then pass by Jiminy Cricket with the oversized gold conscience badge on him and then head straight for the unload area. The ride ends.

So, what did you think? Let's discuss again!


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All right, here now is the full verbal tour from beginning to end:

This is a much more elaborate version of the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland. I was considering putting this ride in parks that don't already have this ride, namely, Walt Disney World and Hong Kong Disneyland. It will also go in the German Disney park I have thought of.

The differences between this ride and Pinocchio's Daring Journey begin even before you board your ride vehicle (the same design as in California, but instead of having two benches across per car to seat four, there will be three benches to seat six, just like the WDW version of Snow White). Anyway, the exterior design will not be theme to Stromboli's theater. Instead, it will be themed to Geppetto's workshop (think the little Pinocchio-themed store right next door to the Pinocchio ride in CA). Take a look here to see what it looks like.

You wind through the queue, which is of Geppetto's workshop, much like the closing scene in the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland, namely, the clocks, toys and such. When you reach the end of the queue, you find a large mural depicting the characters from the film. Here, you board your six-seater cars. One difference between this version and the version in CA is that instead of entering the ride building on the left and coming out on the right, here, it's the other way around (a la Peter Pan). As you board, you hear Jiminy Cricket providing the safety spiel:

JIMINY CRICKET: Hello, friends. Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket. And you're about to embark on a journey with my close friend, Pinocchio. But first, a few words of advice: remain seated with your hands, arms, feet and legs inside and parents, watch your kids. And remember, always let your conscience be your guide.

Once seated in your car, you face a closed door leading further into the workshop before you.

You leave the load area and head toward the closed door, which opens into the area of the workshop showing the workbench. Pinocchio is seated on the bench, listening to Jiminy Cricket as he sings, "Give a Little Whistle". You then head out the front door and onto the cobblestone street where you see Pinocchio meeting up with Foulfellow and Gideon. Foulfellow holds Pinocchio's schoolbook away from him; Gideon holds a mallet behind his back. "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" plays in the background while Foulfellow tells Pinocchio that he should be an actor. Meanwhile you head toward the entrance to Stromboli's Puppet Theatre.

You then enter the puppet theatre and see Pinocchio dancing onstage to your right singing "I've Got No Strings". The Dutch puppet is on his right and the French puppet on his left. Then you enter the backstage area where you see Pinocchio in the cage and the menacing Stromboli towering over him (and you). "This will be your new home, my little wooden gold mine!" Stromboli yells at Pinocchio. You go past the both of them, past Jiminy Cricket pointing the way out. You go through the giant cage and out into the cobblestone street.

You head past the signs pointing between "Pinocchio's Village" and "Pleasure Island". Jiminy appears and tells you to wait up. "Wait!" he shouts. "Stop! Get back here!" You then go through the main gate of Pleasure Island.

Here, the sequencing of events is different than California. Instead of seeing the boys riding the merry-go-round first, you see the candy cane Ferris wheel first. Foulfellow and Gideon playing the hi striker game produces a different donkey bray than in California. Also, instead simply the music of "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" playing, you hear a chorus actually singing the Pleasure Island version.

As you approach the Rough House, you can tell you're passing down Tobacco Road, because the floor is paved like a giant strip of chewing tobacco. Then you pass through a scene not seen in CA: the Model Home. As you pass beneath the sign saying that it's open for destruction. You pass through the front door (the stained glass window above already smashed).

Inside is all the things seen in the junkyard-type scene in CA's ride. There is no such scene here. You pass by smashed furniture and mud tracks are seen crisscrossing the floor here. You also pass by a mustache-wearing Mona Lisa. Then you head into the Billiard Room where you see Lampwick turning into a donkey while Pinocchio covers his mouth with laughter. The Coachman is seen in the booth nearby.

You leave the Billiard Room and enter the boat dock scene full of crates in which the sad boys-turned-donkeys are imprisoned. They are saying stuff like, "I wanna go home!" and "I don't wanna be a donkey!" You pass by Jiminy Cricket as he points the way out. You narrowly avoid the Coachman as he tries to force you into an open crate being sent to the salt mines.

You then leave the boat dock and head down to the sea, where Jiminy Cricket warns you to watch out for Monstro. Now here's where it really gets different from California. You then head forward through pitch blackness and then suddenly lightning flashes while you hear the roar of Monstro. You then enter the wide open jaws of this great behemoth (think Storybook Land).

You go down the throat of the monster and find yourself in the belly. Here, you see Geppetto's small schooner. Pinocchio has made it inside the beast. A fire is already built. "I've come to save you, Father!" Pinocchio says. "But how?" Geppetto asks. "We'll make him sneeze us out with the fire here," Pinocchio replies. You go through the raft and then head back up the throat and out the mouth where more lightning flashes as well as a slight burst in speed are used to simulate Monstro sneezing.

You then swing around through the rocky crevice nearby and the rest of the ride from here on continues as in California. Here Jiminy says that they made it home to the village and you enter the workshop. Inside, you witness the holographic Blue Fairy disappear, leaving a trail of fairy dust behind. Here, Pinocchio will actually look like a real boy instead of just a puppet. "It's my dream come true!" Geppetto cries. "You ARE a real boy!" You then pass by Jiminy Cricket with the oversized gold conscience badge on him and then head straight for the unload area. The ride ends.

And please respond! I've not gotten any responses! :cry:


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Here's some of the random bits of dialogue that you will hear when you go through the scenes:

As you board your vehicle, Jiminy Cricket says one of these versions of the safety spiel:
1. Hello, friends. Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket. And you're about to embark on a journey with my close friend, Pinocchio. But first, a few words of advice: remain seated with your hands, arms, feet and legs inside and parents, watch your kids. And no food, drink or smoking, either. And remember, always let your conscience be your guide.
2. Hi there. I'm Jiminy Cricket, conscience official. You're about to take a trip through the adventures of my close pal, Pinocchio. But before you do, here's a word of advice: remain seated with your hands, arms, feet and legs inside and parents, watch your kids. And please no eating, drinking or smoking, either. Well, I'll see you under the wishing star.

In the workbench puppet theatre scenes, you hear songs from the film to match the scenes: "Give a Little Whistle" and "I've Got No Strings", respectively. On the cobblestone street scene occurring between them, Foulfellow says one of two lines:
1. My dear Pinocchio, you should take the easy road to success... to Stromboli's Puppet Theatre!
2. I can see your name in lights, all six feet high!

At the backstage area, Stromboli says one of these sayings randomly:
1. This will be your new home, my little wooden gold mine!
2. To me you are belonging now!
3. You will be making lots of money!
4. When you're too old, you'll be firewood!

Then before you enter Pleasure Island, you go past Jiminy Cricket, floating down on his umbrella, while he says one of two lines:
1. Wait! Stop! Get back here!
2. No, no! This way! THIS way!

At the Pool Hall, you go past the Coachman who says one of a few words:
1. Go ahead, make a jackass of yourself.
2. So, you likes a good time, eh?
3. You had your fun - now pay for it.
4. Having fun don't come cheap.

At the boat dock, Jiminy says:
1. C'mon, we gotta get outta here!

...while the Coachman says, while opening up the enormous crate:
2. Goin' somewhere?

Then you reach the seaside where you again pass by Jiminy, who says:
Look out for Monstro!

Then inside Monstro, the dialogue between Pinocchio and Geppetto are as follows:
1. PINOCCHIO: Let's take a raft and then when the whale opens his mouth...
2. GEPPETTO: No, Pinocchio, there's no way out. When Monstro opens his mouth, it's to eat. Then everything comes in; nothing goes out.


1. PINOCCHIO: I know a way to escape!
3. PINOCCHIO: We'll build a fire and make him sneeze us out.

When you reach the street again, you again pass by Jiminy, who says one of several things:
1. Whew! Here we are, home at last!
2. We're almost there!
3. Well, looks like we made it!

Inside the bedroom, Pinocchio always says, "I'm a real boy! And I'm so glad to be home at last!" After that, Geppetto will say one of three things:
1. Home at last!
2. My little boy has come home!
3. It's my dream come true!
4. Figaro! Cleo! Pinocchio's come home!

Then he will always say after that, "And you ARE a real boy, Pinocchio!"

Then you pass by Jiminy with the oversize conscience badge on his shirt while he says one of two things:
1. Oh, thank you, Blue Fairy, milady.
2. Gee, thanks, Blue Fairy.

And that's that. Can anyone explain to me who should do the voices of these characters?

Figment fan

New Member
And that's that. Can anyone explain to me who should do the voices of these characters?

Okay, here are my suggestions for Pinnocchio, Geppetto and Jiminy:
  • Pinocchio - Seth Adkins (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Geppetto - Tony Pope (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Jiminy Cricket - Eddie Carroll (All current media)
As for the others, I don't know.


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Okay, here are my suggestions for Pinnocchio, Geppetto and Jiminy:
  • Pinocchio - Seth Adkins (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Geppetto - Tony Pope (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Jiminy Cricket - Eddie Carroll (All current media)
As for the others, I don't know.

Unfortunately, there are a few things wrong here.

Pope is unfortunately deceased. It was back in 2004, according to the Internet Movie Database. And Adkins was born in 1989, so it's possible that his voice may be just a little too mature for that role now. But as for Carroll, that's perfect!

Maybe we could use...
  1. Andrew McDonough as Pinocchio
  2. Bill Farmer as Geppetto
  3. Eddie Carroll as Jiminy Cricket
  4. Jim Cummings as Stromboli
  5. Jeff Glen Bennett as Foulfellow
  6. Malcolm McDowall as the Coachman

What do you think of that cast?

Figment fan

New Member
Maybe we could use...
  1. Andrew McDonough as Pinocchio
  2. Bill Farmer as Geppetto
  3. Eddie Carroll as Jiminy Cricket
  4. Jim Cummings as Stromboli
  5. Jeff Glen Bennett as Foulfellow
  6. Malcolm McDowall as the Coachman
What do you think of that cast?

That's a great cast! McDowall fits perfectly as the Coachmen. Keep up the work!


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Oh, I just remembered another set of lines, spoken by Pinocchio when he sees Lampwick turning into a donkey. After Lampwick brays, Pinocchio will say one of these three lines at random:
1. Oh, my gosh, what's going on?
2. Oh, dear, what's happening?
3. Good heavens, what's happening?


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Here is a picture of the load area mural for the improved Pinocchio ride. The picture is actually from Disneyland Paris, but if you can imagine English words in place of French (this will be the mural for the ride in WDW), then you can imagine what the picture will look like. That picture up there is exactly how the load area mural will look, save for the language being translated, of course.

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