Trip Report The 12 days of Heat and going to bed Early Report!

Welcome to my 2016 Trip Report!
The cast of this report is Myself 27, Dh 27, DD 3, DS 11 months,and my Parents.
Where: Caribbean Beach
When: Sept 20-Oct 1
...and here we goooooooo

Departure Day: Tuesday Sept 20th
We originally had a 7 am flight which I changed since I didn't want to be up at 3 am. So we changed to an 11 am flight out of O'hare airport, it was my first time flying out of O'hare and it was great a lot better than Midway in my opinion. We had a peaceful flight besides 2 excited children to go to Disney. We arrived at 3:15, got to the hotel changed and headed to Epcot.



Once we got to Epcot It was like seeing an old friend. Last time we were in Disney I was 36 weeks pregnant and even though I had a blast it was nice not lugging around any extra luggage haha. We headed to our First FP Frozen. What did I think of this ride? It was cute, I don't see how it took so long a lot of things weren't a huge difference compared to Maelstrom in a few rooms, but I did like it.

After Frozen we were late for our next FP because we waited in line for 20 plus minutes in the FP line so we headed to meet Baymax since our Dinner was in an hour. He had a 10 minute wait.


He was cute! We headed to Figment enjoyed our ride then headed to Dinner at Garden Grill.
The food, great the server terrible. We were there for a solid 2 hours and with an 11 month old that is very hyper it was terrible, but we made it through!


The kids loved seeing every one but I was pooped so around 9 we caught a bus and headed back to the hotel got some drinks and settled in for the night!! Tomorrow was our first full day at Universal and Breakfast at 1900 Park Fare and a sick little nugget :(


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Day 2-
We woke up around 11 and went down to eat lunch and ran into the chef she called her self Big Momma, she was the funniest person I have ever met in my life, she told me she would make my food any way she wanted me to and came and checked on me today and every other day we ate down there during this trip. my Dh got a Philly and I ate his dessert a cupcake.. I was sad that they took away the Monkey cupcake it was one of my favorites, they replaced it with a Pina Colada .. no thank you! After lunch we grabbed my parents and headed to Universal. All we were doing today was buying our HHN tickets and doing a few things before heading back to our 1900 Park fare ressie at 8. We bought our tickets and fast passes and headed inside just in time for my daughters favorite Parade. We did the parade, The Barney Show , Et, Simpsons, and Men in Black. It was about that time that we had to head out and head to Dinner. We arrived right on time and were seated fairly quickly. Then we started having our friends come to the table. First was Cinderella, Evil Step Mother, Anastasia and Drizella, then Prince Charming.

The picture with me and Anastasia she told me to cover my self for the picture because ill never get a prince with " those" hanging out and she pointed to my , it was pretty funny.

No Sooner after we ate and had everyone at the Table my Son vomited every where! He tried a lot of new things this trip and lets just say Pickles was not a good choice. I forgot to bring extra clothes so I Changed him and took that Nakey baby butt to the store and bought him a new outfit.

As I was letting his belly calm we seen that Cinderella was going to be out for a Parade so we let my daughter do it. She loved it

It was getting late so we headed back to the hotel got drinks and went to bed.
Up next: Sea World and Chef Mickeys and RAIN


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Day 3-
We woke up pretty late and It was raining so we went down stairs to buy some food! We said hi to Big Momma and we each got a sandwich. We headed to Sea World around 2 and when we arrived we ran to the Pet show we just made it! It was a good show as always and we got to hold out for some of the rain which was nice! After we watched the show we went to the kiddie area and my daughter got to go on every thing. I actually enjoyed some of the rides myself for being an adult! We took my 11 month old into the baby care room for a little while to get him out of the heat and I loved it, it is such a good idea. The only thing I didn't like was the lady that changed her baby on the Highchair instead of the changing area.. that grossed me out. We headed out of Sea World and back to Chef Mickeys. I haven't been here in years it was good, not my favorite buffet but good!
It wasn't long before the Characters came!

After seeing our friends it was around 9 so we headed out and back to the hotel. We put the kids to bed I left to do Laundry and I hung out on the hammock. It was nice until a kid screamed Alligator and I never jumped so fast in my life!! With tired legs and clean clothes we headed to bed! Up next: day 4 a rollercoaster, and a broken nose :(


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Day 3-
The only thing I didn't like was the lady that changed her baby on the Highchair instead of the changing area.. that grossed me out.

This past trip, there was a mom that changed the diaper for her 2 yr old in the queue for Peter Pan ride and that was disgusting. She had to wrap up the dirty diaper and put in their backpack and we had to follow the smell all the way through :depressed:


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Day 4-
Our First Magic Kingdom Day, I always get super excited for this day! We woke up and headed to the park around 11, today they were closing early for the Halloween Party so we wanted to get every thing in. First we headed to Starbucks and got some Coffee! We ordered a Cake Pop for my daughter and they ended up giving us 3 and didn't charge us.. Disney Magic :) We headed to 7DMT first, My Dh and DD went on First there was a 30 minute Wait, but they ended up meeting me back at the entrance in 25 minutes total. Then It was my turn to go on! My daughter loved it! We asked her what she wanted to do next and she said Meet Gaston, with out Further a due we headed there!

She told Gaston she had a beast Stuffed Animal and he told her to buy a Gaston one! I told him I would think about it and we headed to Little Mermaid Ride & Dumbo. My little nugget passed out so my Dh and I switched going on wit my daughter. After all that fun we were hungry so we went to Pecos Bills and Spit some Nachos. I loved that I could get as much Gucac as I wanted! It was around 2 and we had an hour and half until my Daughters Pirate Leauge Make over, we went on our PP Fp and seen he was out so we went to meet him!

The first picture I was showing him my Tatoo

He told me he liked my Pirate Markings. We had an hour so we went to Small World and then got a little Snack.

We started to head over to Madyson's Appt and it started to pour as soon as we walked into the Pirate Leauge.. Lucky or what><? I really liked this experience and I think next time we will do this again and also do BBB!

After that it was around 5 and we Had an hour until our Liberty Tree Ressie so we headed back to Mine train.. That's where we ran into @Tuvalu it was so nice meeting her!

We headed to eat at Liberty Tree, that's where my Night started getting bad.. First thing my daughter spilled chocolate Milk all over and I had to change her and she was not a happy pirate, the server was very slow and my 11 month old wasn't having it. We made it out and headed to the bus to go back to the hotel. We didn't want to settle in since it was 8 pm so we went to the arcade and that's when a young boy about 6 or 7 was standing there and my son was holding onto a rack with the suckers. The child pushed my son down, he parents didn't speak engligh or they were faking. I picked up my son and got terrified

We and CBR decided to Call the EMTs they were there in Minutes, we decided to take him to Celebration Hospital and it was confirmed, he had a broken nose.We were given Tylenol and told to take him to an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist when we came home. We got back to the hotel around 2 am and I stayed up most the night watching him and finally passed out around 5.
Up Next: Universal Again!
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Well-Known Member
Your poor son! I can't believe another child did that to him, especially a much bigger one. What is wrong with kids these days? I would've been furious. Hope he wound up being okay!

Also awesome that you got to meet Tuvalu! She's like a WDWMagic celebrity LOL


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry about your poor little guy. :( Hopefully he has fully recovered. Our family has experienced the Disney EMTs...twice...and it sure takes some fun out of a vacation.

I am glad we got to meet!

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh, that makes me sick. Your poor little son! How did he break his nose? Did he fall onto the floor face first, or did the boy hit him?? I'm afraid I would have found a CM and called security! They should not have gotten away with that.
I hope your little one had a good time in spite of that. What a sweetheart:)
And after your little girl had to change her pirate outfit. Wow, you really needed some quiet, alone time, and hope you got it:)

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