Pre-Trip Take 2! Twice a year is just as nice! A Grimm family production

I could not resist starting my new trip report before I had the one from January complete. So here goes….

This trip pretty much planned itself right after we returned home from our January trip. We had enjoyed the Boardwalk Resort area so much, we are trying the Inn side this time. A few evenings at our home base Bay Lake Tower will be perfectly followed by a four night stay at our beloved Polynesian Village.

The lineup
Drive to Cleveland and spend the night at the airport hotel 23rd. I think we are planning to leave early afternoon from Erie and stop for shopping and dinner in Woodmere. They have a Sur La Table and Penzey’s Spices nearby I need to look around for a few items. Then we will have dinner at Bravo Kitchen and head over to the airport area.

Flight leaves before 8:00 I believe-that gives us plenty of time for a delay lol..knock on wood. NOoooo it leaves us plenty of time for Epcot! I try to be positive, but DM and I have a habit of thinking about the worst case scenario. I have mentioned before I never feel completely relaxed until we have grabbed our bags off the claim and are on our way to the car. We have started many a vacation without a bag or two and it is frustrating, but we have been incredible fortunate on our trips to Disney I will say.

We should land around 10-10:30 and be on property by 11ish. The IHOP or Miller’s Ale house is usually our first stop depending on whether we are in the mood for pancakes and eggs or fish sandwiches and brews! Either way I am ready for caffeine, especially after getting up so stinking early! Im not expecting our room to be ready so early, but the Annual Passes have been nice because you can go to the park whenever, as long as you go a couple times a year the added value is there for us. Plan is to head Epcot! J

Boardwalk: water view September 24th-27th
Bay Lake Tower: 2dbr lake view September 27th-30th
Polynesian Village: garden view September 30th-October 4th

Our first night we will dine at Teppan Edo and here is the rest of the ADR gang!
Teppan Edo Dinner
Hollywood Brown Derby Lunch
Trattoria Al forno Dinner
Via Napoli Lunch
Tutto Italia Dinner
California Grill Dinner
Plaza Lunch
Artist Point Dinner
Chef’s De France Dinner
Plaza Lunch
Paradiso 37 Dinner
Portobello Dinner
Mama Melrose Lunch
Citricos Dinner
California Grill Dinner

I am ready to roll-who’s with me?!


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Cast and Crew

Here we are posing with my nephew Nick’s favorite characters-Deb 59, me 33, and Big Daddy 59 also. We are hoping to go with both of the boys soon. Josh is just a tot at 18 months, but he lights up when he hears the name Mickey Mouse.

Day to Day planner

Arrival day: September 24th: Epcot and dinner at park
September 25th: Hollywood Studios; Hollywood Brown Derby; dinner at Trattoria Al Forno & Fantasmic
September 26th: Epcot, Via Napoli lunch, Tutto dinner
September 27th: Check out day-move to Bay Lake Tower-Magic Kingdom-dinner California Grill
September 28th: Magic Kingdom-Plaza lunch-dinner at Artist Point
September 29th: sleep in-Epcot for lunch, dinner at Chef’s De France-Eat to the Beat-Wilson Phillips
September 30th: Magic Kingdom-Plaza-Downtown Disney Springs shopping-Paradiso 37 dinner
October 1st: Animal Kingdom-Portobello dinner
October 2nd” Hollywood Studios-Mama Melrose lunch- Citricos dinner
October 3rd: Epcot-Magic Kingdom-dinner at California Grill again :)

We have some free time planned for swimming, resting and shopping. I have a list of backup lunch spots for spur of the moment decisions.

Pretty much everything is set, reservations, car rental, plane tickets and the night before we leave hotel ressie is done. It is just the waiting and the waiting!


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The first set of Magic Bands have cometh! Our AP ones arrived yesterday. Popped them upstairs for now. We have company this weekend so it should be good time! After they leave it is packing time.

Still debating on whether or not to get another tripod for travel. My large lightweight one is okay, but it is aluminum and I am worried about it bending at some point. I guess I will check Amazon a bit more.

34 days to go.....


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Today is the 30 day mark!! It is cool and rainy here today and for the next few :eek:

Picked up some new sunglasses at the optician yesterday. I was going to get new glasses, but they are in great shape and my prescription didn't change at all. These new Ray Ban Wayfarers fold up into a square little box, perfect for a small bag!

We had a lovely visit with my aunt and her husband. The spare room is put back together and we can start laying out some clothes and things for the trip. We also have a garage sale in two weeks and there are plenty of items around the house to sell. Normally, we don't really like the hassle, but some objects need to go and what a good way to make some $$$ for Disney.

Work has calmed down, but boy I can't wait to get out of here for a week! The end of summer gears up for a busy fall-our work picks up, even though my summer was crazy it is about to really pick up here. I will check in with you all later!


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24 days to go! I started to get a few items laid out in the spare room. We also did some major cleaning upstairs and set aside some things for the garage sale.

I ordered myself a new smaller camera bag that will be perfect for the trip along with a set of macro lenses for added fun!

Everyone has new sneakers, but unfortunately mom (Deb) had to get support hose for her leg as her varicose veins are really getting bad on her left leg. We are hoping that she only has to have a minor, minimally invasive procedure. I planned the trip to take it slower since she had meniscus surgery in May, so if we need to get her a wheel chair or if she needs more breaks it is already planned for.

Other than that just enjoying these last few weeks of summer weather-this week looks lovely and in the 80s most of the time. Looking forward to that long Labor Day Weekend.

Check back with you all soon!


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20 days to go and into a long 3 day weekend. OMG thank goodness. Work has been a bear! My co workers are not going to have fun fitting into my shoes. I thought it would have calmed down, but here we are heading into football season.

Mom's leg seems to be okay, but she has a follow up on Tuesday. They were worried it was a clot, but looks to be less serious-praise the lord! It still feels better for her to wear the support hose for the day. We will probably have to take it easy and perhaps rent her a wheelchair at some point in the trip.

This weekend will be spent laying out clothes and items for the trip as well as getting items ready for the garage sale. Everyone have a great weekend and talk to you soon!


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14 days-two weeks before we are headed down to WDW! Technically we will leave two weeks from yesterday to head to CLE, so it's even a little sooner.

Went back to the eye doctor today-I have been getting buildup on my contact lenses and it is getting super annoying! I tried a couple different contacts, but ultimately instead of going to daily contacts, I am going to try to be more aggressive with cleaning. The disposable contacts make it easy not to worry about much maintenance, but your tears can change over time and get gunked up. She said it was rather common and I have a new pair of lenses to check out.

DM leg is okay, but her cholesterol is way high. Back to a statin she goes, which isn't great for her fibromyalgia, but unfortunately the effectiveness (for some people) of the drug make it the most prescribed type. Otherwise she has been walking almost every day to get ready.

Work has slowed down in areas, but still busy in others. I am hoping to get some bigger projects out of the way in the next week so my co workers aren't overwhelmed.

The garage sale is Saturday, hope for lots of people to stop by and buy all of our stuff lol! See you all real soon


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10 days to go! It is coming down to the wire.

The garage sale went great-I wish we would have unloaded a couple more of our bigger items, but I am hopeful that the weight bench will see this week. we have a couple of interested parties. The weather was terrible-cold and it rained all day. I think we would have had more folks in the afternoon, but the cold and wet conditions made the crowds fizzle in the pm. We did make a nice stash of cash for spending money though!

Still waiting to get a big project rolling this week. The artwork needs to be changed, so now it is the waiting game. It is making me nervous, but I do not have much control over the situation. Just have to remember one more full week-you can do it!

See you real soon! :D


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I will be there the 25th through the 27th! It is so close, the Disney excitement really started to kick in at 10 days out. My brain is already on vacation!


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Thanks @FlaggNL & @Kosmo1986 ! I know, down to 8 today-at least my big project at work is moving forward. Fingers crossed the art works and they can print the mugs. There never seems to be problems until you are getting ready to head out the door!

Batteries are being is being set aside..things are really rolling :)


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6 Days to go...if I make it through today lol! Rough morning so far, but hopefully it will get better.

Soccer tonight, babysit my little cousins Saturday night, breakfast Sunday morning with the family and later a football party! It is going to be a fun weekend, so I am ready for this day to be over haha. I have my appointment with my MP at noon and he is going to work on my knees and get them all ready for the trip. I ought to be a zombie at soccer tonight or maybe I will kick some butt!

Added ponchos and a shoe horn to the pack list--handy tools and inexpensive take alongs. I finally set up my video camera software on my new laptop. The Sony Handycam wasn't so compatible with the Mac and with the new versions of Windows, nothing wants to plug and play anymore. I could not locate the disc that came with the camera, so it took some downloading from an expert-my bff. She is really good with I know enough to be dangerous, this is not always effective :confused:

Well see you real soon! We are getting crazy here :D


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Tomorrow is the day!! Sitting at work just counting down the hours. My big project went out the door yesterday and I am relieved. Trying to tie up some loose ends before I leave the office.

DF stayed home-what a badboy-to pack up the cases. I will still have to pack up my carry on when I get home, but everything is laid out on the bed, or table ,or downstairs, so ok it may take a few minutes.

I stripped my bed this morning so I will have nice clean sheets when I get home-not that I want to think about that already! we try not to leave a lot of laundry because it starts to get funky after a while. However we should be able to get those sheets washed and dried before we take off.

I will certainly be checking in from time to time-so long for now! See you real soon :cool:

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