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Another season has come and gone, and Rachel was a very worthy winner.

This episode, however, was the most boring of the entire season.  It was very obvious, and I'm guessing there was a LOT of editing work to make it seem closer than it was.  The fire making is so boring.  We spent an hour or more on the challenge, the decision about fire making, the actual fire making, then the post-discussion after Sam won.  And every season it's the same discussions.  It's so played out and boring.  Yes, this was one of the more entertaining fires, but it still needs to go.  I'm never bored during Survivor, except for the final four.  It's not fun.  And tonight we added one more reason to hate it... the wind decided that the person who was clearly the better fire builder wasn't going to win.  It ended up with a better outcome for the final tribal council, but it still wasn't right.  13 seasons of it, and it's time for a change.  There's nothing redeeming about it anymore.

To talk a bit more about the "boringness" of the episode, I still enjoyed it, but the outcome was extremely obvious as soon as Rachel won immunity.  I don't think they should have split up these past two episodes.  I think it was a CBS decision, rather than a Survivor one, so production had to figure out how to split it.  But still, all the intrigue was last week.  And it left for a pretty obvious and lackluster week of hype leading up to it, only to have to sit through two hours of knowing exactly what will happen.  If they continue this format in the future, they need to figure out another structure.

Alright, enough negativity.  Overall, this was a solid season.  It had some great episodes the past few weeks, but outside of that it was just "solid".  Nothing bad, but nothing great.  I have to update my rankings yet, but it's probably an average to above average season.  For me, I think Operation Italy and Genevieve will be the standouts from the season, with Rachel in there, too.

Speaking of Rachel, she's a very worthy winner.  I definitely see the comparison of Mike and Ben (and it was hilarious they caught the shade tonight), but Rachel definitely have more social capital than them.  She didn't isolate herself like they did.  Her game wasn't only reliant on challenges wins and advantages.  They were aspects of her game, but not the entire game.  Without having updated my rankings, I would imagine her to be in the top half, maybe even top third.  Last episode I said she was probably the second best player of the new era, behind Dee, but I think she may have some competition for that spot.  I think a little time and perspective since last week makes me more realistic that while he game wasn't only luck with advantages and her challenge strength, she definitely wouldn't have won without them.

Sam was a good player, but he didn't do a whole lot to deserve votes.  Yes, he figured out how to make it to the end, but it was mostly by default of other players being bigger threats than him (Andy, Genevieve, Rachel).  He tried to gain footing many times and failed almost every time.  He didn't ride coattails, but he was kind of drug to the end.

Sue was a fun character, but she had no shot.  Same if Teeny got there.  Teeny was one of the most emotionally-driven players we've seen in some time.

Overall, I'm happy with the season.  It wasn't a top-tier season, but it was a fun journey.  And nowhere near the bottom of the list.  I'm sad we're in a drought for a couple months.  Looking forward to 48!

When I've updated my season, winner, and overall player rankings, I'll post them here.

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