Story Ideas/Overall Themeing


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So, what the heck are these cars doing driving through a storm?
Are they a tour agency? Evacuation? Out on a test-run? or some new idea?
I'm for either the tes-run or tour agency, simply because I like the old "Man thinks he has control of nature" plot...

Also, what is the faciluty they are operating out of?
I'm all for the penny-stock, research faciluty who is testing a new concept car for their grand opening..

I suppose time will tell...


Well-Known Member
I also like the " tour agency" idea.. It seems to fit better then anything else..
What about a taxi service? The driver could be bringing you somewhere... Just another possibility.
I also like the "Man thinks he has control of nature" plot.
That person could be the taxi driver who thinks he's "king" of the road...

.............. Just a thought...........



I think if you go testing new equipment or something it would make a lot of sense, like testing a new car that's supposed to be the safest in the world so they drive it in the rain with passangers when all of a sudden a tornado touches down. This would be good to connect the whole idea of multiple cars because they are testing different models or something on that line. One problem is it kinda sounds like the Spider-Man ride at IOA where they are testing the news vehicles


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dizpins14
I think if you go testing new equipment or something it would make a lot of sense, like testing a new car that's supposed to be the safest in the world so they drive it in the rain with passangers when all of a sudden a tornado touches down. This would be good to connect the whole idea of multiple cars because they are testing different models or something on that line. One problem is it kinda sounds like the Spider-Man ride at IOA where they are testing the news vehicles

That also sounds like Disney's OWN Test Track... HMMMM I'm having second thoughts about the testing scenario...

~ Justin...


that's true, didn't think of that but then again at Test Track they don't go into what kind of car they are developing and how it'll be a new innovative car. I was thinking the SUV or truck is designed to be skid proof and minamize the wind pushing against the car, an all purpose condition car and off course some of the features fail. The man against nature idea is good the problem is people might think it's too much like the movie Twister.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dizpins14
that's true, didn't think of that but then again at Test Track they don't go into what kind of car they are developing and how it'll be a new innovative car. I was thinking the SUV or truck is designed to be skid proof and minamize the wind pushing against the car, an all purpose condition car and off course some of the features fail. The man against nature idea is good the problem is people might think it's too much like the movie Twister.

Sorry but that doesnt help your idea with me... It just makes it seem MORE like Test Track... I think we should stick with the tour agency or taxi Service..;) ;) :kiss:

Im not ditching your ideas.. Just they sound ALOT like Test Track.. And in reality Disney wouldnt build 2 attractions that relate to that kind of testing.. I wish they had your idea in Test Tracks place...



New Member
Something to think about to make this more realistic. If many of the attractions seemed designed with certain types of sponsers in mind. Imagination: Kodak, Land: Nestle, etc. Should we keep this in mind when we are trying to decide what type of storyline the ride should have? I'm mentioning this because of the car storyline.. disney wouldn't have competing sponsers.

I dunno does this make sense?


I'm just trying to figure out away to make it realistic that a car is going out into a storm. Unless...... the whole thing is based around a tour of some sort of reasearch facility, i.e a power planet or genetics lab and while on the tour they find out about a storm coing that could be hazourdous so they take the guests out of the tour area and evacuate the labs for safety sake and while they are taking the guests out the tornados touch down. This would allow for a big final scene with the lab blowing up or something like that.

I just don't think a simple plot that you are out in a taxi is going to work, and what kind of tour agency would be out in the country


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I wonder if Dizpins has been reading at all? And once again i HIGHLY recommend skimming through the thought pot..

Bungee Jumping is for Wimps, Sky Diving is weak, if you really want to get BLOWN AWAY.....

Thunder Thrills Tours-Offering the most INTENSE experience on the face of the planet! While safetly seated in one of our state-of-the-art vehicles, come FACE TO FACE with the rawest force on the planet! You will get the oppurtunity to drive into the heart of a real Hurricane! Please call now, operators are standing by.

That was the original idea, you are signed up as part of thunder thrills, a just-starting-out company offering high thrill tours through hurricanes (Hence it being based in florida). But, a tornado is spawned from the hurricane, (as they often are) and it cuts the ride a bit..short..Causing your car to scramble, looking for shelter....

If you want me to post my original script, I can, I'll even revise it to include the extra tracks


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I have strep throat. I gag and cough. I don't work, or go to school, or anything, I just lay in self pity..

Of course I have time! :)


I get it now because I must have skipped over those posts. I understood the angle of going at a thrill seaker type view but how would one know when a tornado would touch down but you got that covered with the hurricane. It's a great idea however I think what should happen is that the guests are stranded at like at a gas station and the guests get in a truck they think will evacuate them but ends up being part of Thunder-Thrill Tours and they bring you to the hurricane thinking the guests are their next group.

For some reason I like the idea that the guests are accidentaly taken away, even though they know perfectly well what will happen before entering the ride, it just seems like the plot would be a little better if they just didn't sign up to be on the tour.

In the cars there could be TV moniters saying Welcome to Thunder-Thrill Tours and explain what the tour will be about. First time riders will think when going on the ride that the hurricane will be chasing them when in fact they learn you'll be chasing it, I think making it a little more thrilling with this small plot turn.


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I understand what you're saying..but it has gaps..Where would the queue be, at the gas station? Would you wind up and down the conveneince store aisles? Mmms...Slushies! Making you enter the actual thunder thrills agency gives the ride a reason, and gives it more believability (sp? it looks weird). Plus it flows a bit better then a gas station..


Well-Known Member
Now what about the narration of the dialogue? Did I miss it in a earlier post when I ask? Who will do the dialogue?
Famous person ? Disney Voice Talent?
~ Justin


New Member
I think we should get Maynard from the band TOOL to do the voice. He knows sarcasm, seriousness. I mean, his band members speech for for winning a grammy was...

"I'd like to thank my mom for doing my dad...and Satan."

How much better can you get? If not, then I suggest we get Vincent Price to do it (Is he even STILL alive :hammer:?) because he s soo good at the creepy, but don't worry, it's ok voice. Get it.

As for the agency idea. I say that we have this be a museum that sponsors Storm Chaser tours. The museum is going bankrupt and also needs a way to boost attendance. Plus, you can stick that Disney 'edutainment' in there, becuase museums = education and Disney = fun. So, there we go, but that's my idea.

- The WeirdOne :D


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Danny Devito and Brendon Fraiser.

Danny Becuase he would be great for the 'sleezy' puts money before safety of customers

and Brendon for the nerdy science guy because girls love him, and I would like everyone in disney world to see him dressed all nerdy, and acting nerdy. Plus, he did play a loser nerd guy pretty well in that movie where he got his wishes..


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chad
Danny Devito and Brendon Fraiser.

Danny Becuase he would be great for the 'sleezy' puts money before safety of customers

and Brendon for the nerdy science guy because girls love him, and I would like everyone in disney world to see him dressed all nerdy, and acting nerdy. Plus, he did play a loser nerd guy pretty well in that movie where he got his wishes..

Yeah thats true... Bedazzled? whatever lol...

~ Justin...


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OK, Guys..
We've been beating through this Idea for months. I've finalized a script. I think we should go with it, so we can move on to other ideas. Weatherific is STILL waiting for us..
If you all like the idea, we'll go ahead with it and get some concept art on this, and then leave it alone until we plan the REST of the pavillion...We can sort of -SEAL- this idea, and if, in a month or two, we have more ideas, we can Add to it. Of course, that's just my opinion of what we should do. I'd just like to get a CONCRETE decision out there.

Here it is. It's been modified with the multiple path scenario...

In a corner of the Shifting Skies Facility, a small, penny stock corporation has based their operations.

"Thunder Thrills Inc. : Forerunners in Adrenaline Pumping Action! SkyDiving is for Wimps, Swimming with sharks is for LOSERS, you haven't lived till you've CHASED the storm!"

The line first takes you through a hall with different offices. The entire place seems a little...Disorganized.. Papers are strewn about on desks, phones ring off the hook, seems like the are trying to run their buisness a bit *TOO* Effeciently. The Next Queue room is the Company's break room, it winds through tables with half eaten sandwhiches, computer reports which read things like




with graphs and such underneath the read outs. Windows would cover the wall of the break room, and outside, simulated storm conditions will be seen outside.

Anways, you'd finally arrive to the "Ready Rooms" A big banner would hang over head,
"Grand Opening"
You'd head into the pre-show rooms, and on the screen would be two people typing on computers, while another two argue in the back...

1st Man: "I don't CARE if we can't track the storm, we NEED the business, this is the only storm we've had all SEASON, the creditors are breathing down my neck!"

Nerdy Man: But..sir! The cars have only be tested in a simulation..we don't know how the controls will respond in that type of interferance!

1st Man: Then we'll just collect on the insurance then, won't we?....pause.....Look, the guests will be in the room in 10seconds, I'm not giving them a bad report! Fix it. Or don't come back tommorow.

...nerdy man walks off...and a countdown begins in the left hand corner of the screen


1st man: Welcome! To your first, and OUR first Storm Chase!
Thunder Thrills Inc. is Proud to present our prototype ST-1, the most advanced vehicle on earth! Equiped with Radar, Sonar, Weather tracking devices, computer steering, and OnStar!

...nerdy man re-enters..

1st man: "Quiet, their listening." he says, nudging him..."With our new vehicle we are going to take you as CLOSE as ANY civilian has gotten to a real Hurricane...well, closer then anyone SAFETLY has gotten before....My associate will fill you in, and then you'll be off! For the ride of your life!

Nerdy man: "But sir! sir!!.." he wipes his forehead, looks back to the camera and fakes a smile.."Um..OK, lets see..the Hurricane is about here.." he says, pointing to some screens,"See, hurricanes are a group of strong storms circulating around a central point..We've been trying to track it, and we have it narrowed down to a few paths, so we should be able keep you away from the extremely strong parts, so you can view the beauty of the storm..But we're not quite..

1st man again: YOUR JOB!

Nerdy man: I mean, I have every confidence that we'll be able to steer you through...We have a few rules..No smoking or eating..not that it would be possible in these conditions..No flash photography either..We should be ready to go in a few minutes, beyond those doors is the loading area...Good luck.."

--the screen goes blank and the doors open--

Loading Area:

This is pretty standard, Equipment will surround the room, weather devices, etc. A door is at the end which swings open as you leave...The vehicle, an EMV. Though this is a newly started company, it does have state of the art equipment

Your cars go off in groups of two. A pair of cars will follow both a unique path, and a standard path, leaving the standard to go off on their own trip, before returning to the normal path.

As soon as the door opens, you are hit with the storm, Wind blows, rain mists, (We don't want them soaked..) and you are immedietly on a two-laned 'country road' trees line the road, which shake and blow..You head fowards a bit, and the car pauses. A fake building will LITERALLY roll past you before stopping, Here you will also catch glimpse of the tornado, billowing over some trees...

Nerdy Man: It seems like the hurricane has spawned tornados! I'm bringing you back .....

1st man: No! We'll just take them on a different route!

Your car would seperate here,dodging back and forth (the house would roll back and reset itself for the next guests) and into some dense trees, suddenly some start falling in your path, the car would quickly veer away from each tree. You'd head up a hill (ramp) and slow down, suddenly, the electric poles along side the street would lurch foward, and fall, you would zoom under them, sparks flying,until you reach the third one, which seems like it will fall right ontop of you, but it would stop right before hitting you. Each of the spererate paths would also have some unique elements..One path would have a car falling on it from a hill. Another would have a collapsing bridge.
After that set, they cars would converge back onto a similar path

Nerdy man: Uh, the map shows some sort of factory up ahead, we should be able to keep you there till the storm passes over...

You'd pull up, and see a maze work of pipes and cylinders, and a sign, that reads:

QuickLite Propane Storage Faciluty

Your cars would seperate again through the propane, wind blowing would cause pipes to strain against each other, and leaks would appear with loud hisses as you drive through them. Each of your cars would have a different path through the propane,
One would be shorter then the other..for a good reason..
Nerdy Man: Uh..We lost track of the other car..
1st Man:What? Thats crazy, your stupid computers just aren't working..
as you approach the actual 'Building' your car would pause, and you'd see an overturned 'dummy' car, making it look like your other tourists quite literally, bit the dust. This is the reason one path is longer, because each car would pass by the dummy car at different times, and each car would think the other is destroyed. But suddenly, lightining would strike a pipe, and cause a small explosion, your car would start to drive off fast, and behind you, a HUGE explosion would occur, extending to pipes that lead to the building, explosions going on around you, WEE! lots of fun! So then you go into the building, which creaks and strains under the wind, you'd keep driving until you reach a dead end in the building, just a solid wall..

Nerdy Man: Well, you should be safe here, after the storm blows over we'll send a retriva....(he stops as static takes over)

The walls would REALLY start shaking now, and you would here the loud train-like billowing of a tornado (those who have been in one know what I mean), Suddenly, that wall infront of you would fly off, exposing the huge tornado infront of you! Using the same technology as Twister at universal. Your car tires would squell, trying to pull you back as your car lurches foward, the front of the car lifting up, and slowly inching towards the cyclone..As it moves foward, it would also drive onto a "lift" of sorts, that would slowly lift you up, higher and higher until finally, it dissolves, and you drop a good 5-10 feet, and are free to driuve back to the base..

Nerdy man: Geez! Thhe tornado dissapated JUST in time! a few more seconds and you would have reached the center, and well, I wouldn't be talking to you right now! Great jo..
(the microphone is pulled away)
First Man: Yes, yes, splendid job, Of course, be sure to tell ALL your friends about your ride here at Thunder Thrills, and be sure to come back again!
You'd unload, and, well. leave to the gift shop
The drop..The ending is basically this..

For those of you who DON'T know what a tornado is, it's a column of spinning wind...It's sorta like God sticks his vacuum hose the ground and sucks stuff up..They normally don't last long, up to like 10 minutes I think is a LONG one, And while the StormChaser's Tour is touring a HURRICANE, hurricane VERY often spawn tornados. So, thats why we run into one at the end...We would actually CREATE a REAL tornado indoors, just the way Twister does at Universal..There would be ONE unit that produces ONE twister. The twister you see at the VERY beggining of the ride (consult the script) is actually the same one that picks you up..the track goes ina big loop, but scenery will hide this from you, so you don't realize it..

What it will be like INSIDE the tornado..
Well, once the fake, plastic wall is ripped off, pipes will burst into flames along side the old walls, this light, combined with strobe lights that simulate lightining will give you JUST enough of a glimpse of the tornado to KNOW it's there..But you wll DEFNETLY feel it in the form of intense wind. The front of your car would Slowly lift up, like the tornado was dragging you towards it, and your car would slowly pull fowards and onto the lift..The lift would EVER so slowly, pull you up a good 10ft..It's dark, and you have nothing to really gauge your height by, and since it moves so slowly, you will barely be able to tell...After awhile, a period of about 15-20 seconds, the tornado will dissapate, and then, the drop comes. And your car goes on...The car itself never actually gets in the CENTER of the the tornado either..I'd imagine that would be a might bit dangerous. The Car would be right on he outskirts of it, just so they feel like they are too close for comfort..


Well-Known Member
Now this Tornado will be wider the 5-6 feet right??? Because the Tornado in Twister is small in width and isnt that " big".. the wider the width of this tornado the more BELIVABLE it will seem to have it lift up a couple ton EMV.. :animwink:

~ Justin...

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