Status of River Country and Discovery Island?


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Original Poster
I was just wondering....does anyone know if there are any plans to reopen River Country...if it even still exists...etc? I always liked River Country, and when they closed it, I remember them saying it was going to be a temporary closure, but has never opened since...that was a few years now....

And about Discovery Island? I'm sure all of the animals have been moved to AK but what happened to the it being used for anything? Just wondering... :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Zipadeedoodah

And about Discovery Island? I'm sure all of the animals have been moved to AK but what happened to the it being used for anything? Just wondering... :)
I don't know what its used for right now. But I think that land could be used to build a new resort, I'm not sure how big it is. But even if it is small, it could probably hold a new moderate resort. I just think its a waste of space if they don't use it.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know River Country is closed indefinately. A Cm at the WL told us that Discovery Island is now a bird plans to do anything with it for now.


I remember not too long ago there was a rumor flying around that they were gonna turn Discovery Island into the video game Myst. Whatever became of that idea? Since it doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon, maybe they should build a resort there. It would be kind of cool to be at a resort that is only accessible by boat...would seem like you're vacation is in some remote part of the world almost.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dmmgp2000
I remember not too long ago there was a rumor flying around that they were gonna turn Discovery Island into the video game Myst. Whatever became of that idea? Since it doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon, maybe they should build a resort there. It would be kind of cool to be at a resort that is only accessible by boat...would seem like you're vacation is in some remote part of the world almost.

that was always my favorite rumor. Wish something like that would happen. Maybe someday though:rolleyes:


Active Member
Originally posted by mandib
Woa what is Discovery Island? *looks around the room*

my recolection of it was from 10 years ago, when I did a 'day camp' there with my sister. it was a place to go and check out the birds, animals, etc. kind of like some of the exibits at AK, but it was on an island. it was really neat, they had paths you could walk on, it was quite peaceful. my parents loved going over there just to walk around, get away from the usual hub-ub of the resorts and parks.

and if I remember right, there was one service road to it, but otherwise, you had to take a boat.



Well-Known Member
I've been to Discovery Island once. It was like a nature preserve...It was nice to walk the paths and see the different birds & animals. The only problem was it was very hot & very humid. When the WL first opened they would have a program every evening for kids...a different animal was brought over each night & the kids got to interact & learn about its care, etc.
The opening of AK made it obsolete.


Well-Known Member
The last rumor I heard about Discovery Island was they were thinking of building some exclusive (expensive) honeymoon cottages on the island, perhaps with wedding facilities.
But that was over a year ago.


New Member
I recall hearing about the honeymoon cottages a few years ago but as far as I know it has become a bird refuge and there are no plans to do anything with it. As for river Country, I think it's still sitting there waiting for something to be done. I do not however think that it will ever open again. Disney has stopped all marketing for it and it's hardly ever mentioned anywhere.


Active Member
I doubt you could build anything majior on the discovery island. It would have the same problems as if they built the venitian hotel. It would just sink.

Im suprised no one has taken any photos of river country from the water. You can see alot of it from there.


New Member
I remember RC very fun place personally my favorite water park back when i was a kid. My guess is Disney just shut it down to its size and the building of BB and TL. Two water parks is just enough in their opinion.


Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981
my recolection of it was from 10 years ago, when I did a 'day camp' there with my sister. it was a place to go and check out the birds, animals, etc. kind of like some of the exibits at AK, but it was on an island. it was really neat, they had paths you could walk on, it was quite peaceful. my parents loved going over there just to walk around, get away from the usual hub-ub of the resorts and parks.

and if I remember right, there was one service road to it, but otherwise, you had to take a boat.


Thanks, that might explain why I don't remember it. I'm only 14 so when I was there in '94 even if it was open I wouldn't care. lol

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