Thread updated, historical log of our all construction updates. Now to capture reviews and impressions of the land opening.
Indoor photos should be behind spoiler tags.
In the same vein as the Pandora thread(s) by @wdwmagic, I felt it is high time for a dedicated construction thread for the Disneyland Star Wars Project.
This thread is NOT meant to discuss whether Star Wars has a place in Disneyland, the impact on ROA, your thoughts on the announcement or your opinions of the movie(s). Please instead see Star Wars themed land announced for Disneyland and Rivers of America concept art Revealed for excellent ongoing discussion of those topics.
Construction photos, concept art, specific details regarding the contents of the expansion, aerials and generalized speculation about the above are all appropriate.
Please see the WDW Magic's updated Star Wars Land news section for concept art related to both Disneyland and DHS.
Specifics pertaining to the current layout and contents of the land are available in this excellent MiceAge Article.
(Concept maps are unofficial reproductions of blueprints by Mice Age, both have been called extremely accurate by insiders whom have seen the plans)
Update July 25th, 2017
Thread renamed to reflect changes from D23.
Indoor photos should be behind spoiler tags.
In the same vein as the Pandora thread(s) by @wdwmagic, I felt it is high time for a dedicated construction thread for the Disneyland Star Wars Project.
This thread is NOT meant to discuss whether Star Wars has a place in Disneyland, the impact on ROA, your thoughts on the announcement or your opinions of the movie(s). Please instead see Star Wars themed land announced for Disneyland and Rivers of America concept art Revealed for excellent ongoing discussion of those topics.
Construction photos, concept art, specific details regarding the contents of the expansion, aerials and generalized speculation about the above are all appropriate.
Please see the WDW Magic's updated Star Wars Land news section for concept art related to both Disneyland and DHS.
Specifics pertaining to the current layout and contents of the land are available in this excellent MiceAge Article.

(Concept maps are unofficial reproductions of blueprints by Mice Age, both have been called extremely accurate by insiders whom have seen the plans)

Update July 25th, 2017
Thread renamed to reflect changes from D23.
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