Star Tours Update?


New Member
Original Poster
I was WDW at the end of '02 and was a bit surprised to see that Star Tours had not been updated to be more fitting as a part of Episodes III and IV.

I read on this site that supposedly things were well underway for this change to take place. But . . . no recent update, and no changes at MGM.

What's the status of this?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Caylan79
I was WDW at the end of '02 and was a bit surprised to see that Star Tours had not been updated to be more fitting as a part of Episodes III and IV.

What's the status of this?

Star Wars Episode IV (A New Hope) was the first of the original trilogy of Star Wars films - released in 1977. The release of Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back) came two years later and Episode VI (The Return Of The Jedi) two years after that.

George Lucas is still creating Episode III which is the missing link between Episodes I and II (released in 1999 and 2001) and the original 1970's films.

I haven't heard any news re changing Star Tours to "fit in" with the newer films.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Star Tours Update?

Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK

George Lucas is still creating Episode III which is the missing link between Episodes I and II (released in 1999 and 2001) and the original 1970's films.
Episode II was released in 2002.... Sorry, just nitpicking...

There have been a ton of rumours about updates, though non appear to be anything more than just that.

There was the infamous 'Totooine Pod Sequence' rumour that emerged after TPM was released.

There was also the mulitple desitnations rumour which said that each Starspeeder 3000 would go to a different location.

When Episode II came out there was the Coruscant chase sequence rumour.

I'm not sure if any of these really have any basis in reality.


Well-Known Member
You may have read wishful thinking. Rumor has it that the only way Lucas will do a new film, is if he has more say in the simulator itself being remodeled. Disney, of course, doesn't want to give up that much control. Whether or not this is true, only the suits in the boardrooms know for sure, and I havn't seen any of them posting anything. Of course, cost may have something to do with it, also. Cost seems to be affecting alot of projects.

Another rumor is that Lucas won't do anything until he's done with Episode III "Attack of the Return of the Striking Back of Another Letdown for True Star Wars Fans". This kind of falls in line with him not releasing IV, V, and VI on DVD until he's done with Episode III.

Aren't creative geniuses a hoot?:rolleyes:


Star Wars Update

First anything George Lucas might want a hand in, should be okay'd, I mean the man is a geneous! Secondly, maybe they are waiting for the Episode III to come out and then start the renovations..................what do you think?


New Member
Originally posted by Caylan79
I was WDW at the end of '02 and was a bit surprised to see that Star Tours had not been updated to be more fitting as a part of Episodes III and IV.

I'm also unclear on the more fitting to Episode III and IV. As I recall the Death Star Trench scene is already very fitting for Episode IV.

As far as going to a Pod Race or 3D simulator ride... I think it would be awesome, but it appears to be mearly rumor and wishful thinking, nothing more.


New Member
Original Poster

Sorry, had a blonde moment there. I meant to fit into the Episodes I & II part of the Star Wars universe. Looks like most of you knew what I meant anyway. :)

I wish they would update it though. The film looks kind of corny when compared to the visual effects that Lucas has put into the newer films.


New Member
I just wished that the ride would jazz more with the movies - the continuity is all messed up. They talk about the 'ruins of Echo base' and going to Endor, but then you're blowing up the Death Star??

Sorry - fanatical fanboyisms getting in the way of clear thought.

They could of at least had Mark Hamill do the 'Star Tours, what are you doing here?' bit. But then that would screw up the whole R2 is your navigator thing....

bah - why bother.

I had an idea a few months ago about updating it to include a chase through some shipyards by Boba Fett and stuff. I'll see if I can find that post somewhere...
I belive that Star tours really needs a renovations. I am reading alot about a pod racing scene. You have to remember that this is not the movie it is star tours . Get the Tour Part. I would inderstand if they go to tatooine and then fall into a pod race and that would be totally diferent.

Another thing. Since they havent renovated it in a long time and 2 other movies (and maybe 3 by the time it is ready) there will be alot to fit in a minute max show. they also need to incorporate new functions of the simulator. This will not be a quick rehab like painting this will take atleast 2 months i think.

Also i wouldnt expect it soon at all

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I think that it needs an up date too, but I don't like the idea of it just being a pod race or Coresant chase. Sure, It would be neat, but there's more to Star Wars than just Podracing, etc. It really needs new things like a new destination and visual effects and stuff relating to the new films.


Originally posted by no2apprentice

Another rumor is that Lucas won't do anything until he's done with Episode III "Attack of the Return of the Striking Back of Another Letdown for True Star Wars Fans". This kind of falls in line with him not releasing IV, V, and VI on DVD until he's done with Episode III.

Aren't creative geniuses a hoot?:rolleyes: [/B]

:lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO

I'm with you, even with all the cool special effects Episode I and II just don't do it for me.


New Member
That would be true, and i would like to see a Star Tours update, As mentioned earlier I heard they were updating it to a Podracing sim, but nothing has happened yet.

A CM told us that in the cafe right next to it (I dunno the name) and i have heard it in a few other areas... it looks like another "CM play a prank on YOU!" joke :(


New Member
I wish they would get away from the Simulator all together. I know it would be expensive, but riding those things only feels like youre getting shaken in a show box. Plus its pretty common now to see a simulator in any tourist trap area.


New Member
Well, there are many ways for Disney to take a simulator ride to the next level if they wanted to. In house effects like electricity, or water squirting (oil leak or something). Making the movie on screen 3D, having side windows with movie screens to give a more open feel to the ride. Wind Blasts or smell elements. They could keep a simulator and just bring it to the next level you know? Even true 360 degree rotation.


New Member
lucas a genius...that's a hoot! (or a quack)

three words.


these sim rides are becoming classics. they've been in boardwalk arcades for the past 15 years or so. they lack originality and certainly seem easy candidates for upgrades...whether they use the star wars theming or not.

not to bash WDW :)eek: , but BttF at univ. does this ride extremely well. i'd think this could use some modernization.


Well-Known Member
Re: lucas a genius...that's a hoot! (or a quack)

Originally posted by i_miss_20k
...whether they use the star wars theming or not.
How many other Star Wars themed simulators are there (outside of WDW property)?

Originally posted by i_miss_20k

True, so true! But, I wouldn't mind having 1% of the gross profits just from Episode IV, would you? Not to mention he's financed his last two films, just so he could have complete control over production, with no studio execs breathing over his shoulder. Besides, he was only executive producer on Howard the Duck. He may have "quacked" up once, but he's held up better than poor Francis.


Active Member
I agree that Star Tours could use a little updating, but I also think it is great as is. As far as BTTF at Universal - I think it S_U_C_K_S!!!!!! Never feels real - rough as heck and the most god awful q-line in the history of theme parks.

As far as Lucas being a creative genius - you have to look past the movies he has personally done. Without him there would be no ILM and no decent special effects, No THX and a decent system for theater specs, and no skywalker sound and the great strides in sound editing. Plus PIXAR started as a Lucasfilm company. Now am I saying that HE did all these things? No - but it was his vision that put it all into motion.

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