Here is what was posted at
(8/20/02) Another reader too the Tram Tour the other day and also saw the newly painted looking side panel for one of the Star Tours cabins. This paint shop area is placed the end of the tunnel through the wardrobe building on the right side of the tram where they used to have the the interior set of an jet airplane from Passenger 57.
(8/11/02) A guest to the park on the Tram tour the other day claimed that they went through an area where they were doing some black light painting near the wardrobe area. From the report, he seemed to think that they were painting some new desert looking skylines of the Pod Race Arena along with some new outside body panels to be placed on the Star Tours Speeder itself. Anyone else know more?
Can anybody here at confirm this and if so, can you get pictures? That would be nice to see if the rumor is true.
(8/20/02) Another reader too the Tram Tour the other day and also saw the newly painted looking side panel for one of the Star Tours cabins. This paint shop area is placed the end of the tunnel through the wardrobe building on the right side of the tram where they used to have the the interior set of an jet airplane from Passenger 57.
(8/11/02) A guest to the park on the Tram tour the other day claimed that they went through an area where they were doing some black light painting near the wardrobe area. From the report, he seemed to think that they were painting some new desert looking skylines of the Pod Race Arena along with some new outside body panels to be placed on the Star Tours Speeder itself. Anyone else know more?
Can anybody here at confirm this and if so, can you get pictures? That would be nice to see if the rumor is true.