Spring Fling at the Swan 4-6-04 to 4-14-04

The group DH, myself and the 3 ds 16,14 and 12.
We stayed at the Swan again with a nice govt. disc and rollaway because disney said no ap rooms were available. Even though I called in plenty of time. They did offer us some nice conceirge room at $400 plus, Cough, Cough, sick feeling, money draining out of the wallet etc. No thanks.

4-6-04 We had the first direct flight out. We were greeted by our great Tiffany Towncar driver, Berkley Edwards right on time. We stopped at the hess mini mart just to pick up 4 cases of soda. We arrived at the swan around before noon and were told , you know check in is at 3. Yes, we have been here before yada yada. So we check the luggage and wait 5 minutes for an MK bus. We then take the boat to the Poly and have the 3 ds rent the water mice. This worked out really well since they just got to do it berfore Disney changed the rules due to the accident. DS 12 did pretty well for his 1st time. DS 16 had to come and get another boat, he said something was wrong with it. Then after an hour of fun, we sent them off to captain cooks for lunch and DH and I went to our PS at Kona for lunch. We had a table 2 away from the entrance. DH had to move the table because his back was in the sun. Not my idea of a romantic, tropical view I had in mind etc. We shared the crabcake appetizer. DH had mahi mahi and I had barbequed pork. We shared a dessert. I dont think we will be back here for a while. We then went back to the hotel for a nap since we were up since 4 am. Later DS16 and 12 went with me to MGM. They went on RRC and then we ate at sunset market. My burger was cold. YUCK. Then we saw the 2nd showing of Fantasmic. The only time all week I met a rude cast member. There was a problem it seemed with her not thinking I was handicapped. I told her I just couldnt go up and down alot of stairs. She kept sending me many sections over . Constantly reminding me the ds could not sit with me and saying if you are not handicapped I would not claim it. I said I am. I was so aggravated at her. She saw ds helping me walk and then I showed her one of my actual physical handicaps. Well she let the ds sit in front of me, then 1 ended up next to me. She finally even brought me a complimentary wheelchair so I wouldnt have to walk all the way out. Well I walked all the way in by myself but I was really tired. I think by then she finally figured out I was handicapped. There was also a language problem so I felt like I had to resort to showing her part of my handicap. Gee. She was really ruining my magic that night. Little ds whispered to me, oh mommy she is so mean. Out of the mouths of babes.

Wed 4-7-04 No one wants to get up early and do ee so we went to MGM and did sounds dangerous and IJ. THe FP time for TOT is 6 hour return. No thanks. We eat at sunset ranch market, another big YUCK. We take a bus to MK. We have never been here during holiday times. The crowds are huge, fast passes run out by ll am at the latest and return times are no less than 4-6 hours. We get a FP for Splash Mountain at 3 and the return is 9 pm. WOW. THe Pirate posted wait was 25 min. but I timed us at 7 minutes. Small World 25 min, but really 10. The longest line we waited in was Philharmagic 25 min. There were only 25 people in the country bears. Everyone else was lining up for spectro. We met a really cool pressed penny lady. She told us she has over 700 and keeps them under glas at home in her coffee table and a desk at work too. We at dinner at CP. The food was good and so were the characters.Our splash fp was during wishes so we saw some of it and then we missed some due to the ride and worse our splash picture didnt turn out. I wonder if it had to do with the young couple behind us. hmm. We usually buy it too. We saw the 2nd spectro. We waited for 6 buses till we got one back to the resorts but we only waited 10 minutes.I saw another resort line that had only 1 bus for our 6. I felt sorry for them. I dont know which resort it was.

Thurs 4-8-04 MK. DS 12 is on a character autograph quest. Aggh, huge chunks of time out of the schedule. The FP for SM at 11:30 had a 5 pm return. For Buzz it was 7 pm. Did TTA. and what a mess. It was perfect timing for us because a big thunderstorm happened while we were on. BUT the worst problem was a girl got out of the car. They had to stop the ride., we hear her screaming in the dark. The announcement, dont get up or out etc. we are delayed etc. A CM comes walking the tracks with a flashlight. This does not go over well with little ds 12. He worries about everything. Oh well, at least we are out of the rain. We see some shows. A dance and singing act from some dance schools. Did teacups and saw buzz. Loved see timekeeper and carousel of progress. Got alot of candy at the store on main street. THEN IT HAPPENED. The bus driver from ****. We stopped back at the beach club, yacht club and boardwalk, There are still about 25 of us left on the bus. The driver passes and swan and dolphin and is heading back to the MK. We scream at him to turn the bus around. He pretends he can barely speak english and claims to "Know Nothing." Well we were on the bus for over 1 hr. and 15 min. We go back to the MK where the drivers change shifts. DH just about prevents one guy from going ballistic.Thanks honey. We go back to swan and immediately call disney transportation supervisor and tell him the HORROR story. He tells us yada yada, bus driver problems, I have the exact bus number etc. He offers to send a personal disney van to pick us up. DS say no. Its only 1 way. We have to get our bus back. We go to boardwalk. They play carnival games, we see fire guy. amazing and have dinner at ESPN. DS 16 says this place rocks. Finds out a guy from the eagles will be there the next night. But we dont make it back. To be continued. Sorry I have typed too long tonight.


Original Poster
Thursday 4-8-04 This is like the day that would not end. Forgot to mention that when we came back to the swan that there were like 50-75 people waiting for an MK bus since the bad driver never stopped. Also DS 14 has gotten sick from his steak sandwhich from ESPN and was spending part of the night in the bathroom.

Friday 4-9-04 DS 16 and 12 come with me to the boardwalk to meet at disney friend of mine. We grab breakfast at the boardwalk bakery. DS 14 is feeling better so we go to the AK. We have a ps for lunch at Rainforest. Our server is nice but dumps a huge coke on ds 14. He offers to get him a t shirt if needed , nice, but he said no, but he got his meal comped and chose steak and shrimp. The food was good but the wait was long, over 1 hour to get it. I had coconut shrimp, dh had shrimp pizza, etc. So many people got the volcano, I was tired of hearing the word "VOLCANO". The servers were shouting it alot. The 3 ds were obsessed with playing games at chester and hesters. Only the 2 older ones won a few. We saw TTBAB and saw the jammin jungle parade and the FOTLK show. The CM let me sit in the handicapped place. I didnt even ask. I guess I must have looked pretty pathetic holiding onto ds 16. He said it helps him work out his muscles to get ready for the lifeguard training. The ds went to DQ by themselves and DH and I went to see Illuminations. It was great as usual. DH and I headed to Tubbis at the Dolphin. I will remember to only get the pizza next time. I wasnt that hungry anyway. While paying THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENS> DH finds out he has lost his credit card. Oh great, its a joint card. Lucky I have my debit card with me, we both never use that card, but I just happened to bring mine. We call the CC back in the room and no one had used it yet.

Saturday 4-10-04 DH is on hold and tries to call Disney lost and found. He finally puts it on speakerphone and we all crack up laughing since its music from Home on the Range. Sorry, it was dreadful.Something like a yodel type song. Well the nice CM informs dh that she has over 100 credit cards turned in yesterday and she has looked through all of them and none are DH. OK more time wasted calling cc co. and getting a new card fedexed to the hotel so we can pay our bill in a few days. We go to Blizzard Beach. Its fun. I spent most of the time in the cross country creek. The ds do the slides etc. Lunch at Lottawatta Lodge. Good for counter service. At night we go to Chef Mickeys, the food is good but our server Tom was really annoying. He kept taking our plates away before we were done, always disappeared when we needed a drink refill etc. It was a late seating so I guess he wanted to go home. We enjoyed looking at the great display they had of huge edible easter eggs outside the concourse steakhouse. We saw another family walk up without a ps at like 8 pm and they got in , a family of 4, so there is disney magic at the holidays.

Sunday 4-1104 OK, no mickey wake up call at the Swan so I started singing some nice religious easter songs. THat did the trick and everyone was out of bed in no time. Were they trying to tell me something. They wouldnt even get up for an ee day. DS 12 wanted mickey waffles so we had a PS for cape may buffet. We never do character breakfasts. They are a waste of park time. Well not only was this a waste of park time, but money as well. Our server Betty always disappeared and didnt seem to be too happy with having to work on easter. The food was nothing impressive. The bacon was not what we are used to and the omlettes were just in a dish. Not like we are used to etc. Worse GOOFY wacked me with his nice composite nose. OK, he got on his hands and knees and apologized to me, but I must admit my face REALLY hurt after that and I didnt feel like eating too much and I wasnt in a good mood. They did have a cute minnnie and mickey dressed in fancy wear to pictures in the lobby. Its the same dress minnie wore at the hollywood and vine charcter lunch of long ago. We spent the day at epcot and wanted to focus more on the countrys. It was pretty empty and boy did we see alot. France - movie, characters and chair guy, England - part of off kilter, American Adventure - voices of liberty and the drum brigade?, Japan - drummers, It was getting really hot so we stopped for kaki goris and when everyone saw us with them there suddenly developed a huge line. There was a language problem with the morrocco stand and DH asked for 2 drink flavors and got 2 different ones. Oh well. We kept them. I didnt want to go through the hassle. Stopped by to see Figment at JIYI and did the movie too. We lost ds 14 again. This is getting to be a common occurance with him. We then had to go to MGM for our PS at Hollywood and Vine. We wanted the fantasmic pkg. but they said it was not available. It was ok because we already saw it. Another great timing since while we were there the huge thunderstorm started and it lasted for quite a while. We ate slow and told the kids to get extra desserts. It let up but DH didnt like the sky so we went back to the hotel. I dont know if they cancelled the 1st show but I think they had the 2nd one.

Monday April 12, 2004 - We spent the morning at epcot. The FP for TT were gone but a nice lady gave one to DS 16. The boys went on mission space and I gave my FP to DS 12 so he went on 2 times in a row. We did spaceship earth. We lost DS 14. He was having one of his usual temper tantrums. Later he said he hated epcot and was always getting lost there. Huh, he goes to disney at least once a year. We got to go on Body Wars, yes its just the way I remember it, nauseating. We saw Cranium Command. Funny when you have teens. DH and I went to Norway at walk up to Akershus before 5 pm. so we were seated quickly. THe kids next to us were so misbehaved. I am glad the kid got his chocolate milk, because he was really giving me a headache. The ds ate at electric umbrella and met us at MGM. We did muppets, great movie ride and millionaire. DS 16 was #6 once. The girl who won got 32,000 and was 17 from Buffalo. DS 16 and 12 were the last ones on RRC that night the CM said.

Tuesday April 13, 2004 We spent alot of time at Typhoon Lagoon. It was so cold. Kids were shivering and had blue lips. (Not ours) Finally after noon I finally braved the lazy river. DS went on slide, shark reef and couldnt get them out of wave pool. The place seemed half empty probably because of the cool weather. At night DH and I went to the Cape May Buffet and the DS went back to Disney Quest. They ate there. DH and I went to DD to do some shopping. Ghiardellis was really crowded. I could have went for a warm drink. We went to World of Disney and Team Mickey. On the bus back we had two nice drunk girls. The bus driver let them annouce our stops. I had visions of Paris and Nicole here. I then heard one say I feel sick. I am glad we are the 1st stop off at the swan.

Wednesday April 14, 2004 DH has come through as the hero. He got his new cc and we paid the bill and he successfully squeezed all the stuffed animals into the suitcases. I waited for Berkley our great Tiffany Towncar guy. He is early and I ask him to go to Fantasia golf to pick up DH and the 3 DS. He says no problem. Saying goodbye is the hardest. But we have lots of memories and pictures until our next trip.

Overall: We have never gone at a holiday. We didnt see as much as we normally do half due to the crowds, the unavailability of FP alot of the time and the unwillingness of my bunch to get up early. I am used to commandoing everything. But I asked them all if they would chose Easter again or our usual hot august and they said easter!!The weather is so much better. We didnt even have time to swim in the grotto pool and we missed some of my favorites like little mermaid and beauty and the beast, but there is always next time. Seemed like there were never enough hours in our disney day. Next time I definetely want DS to go to comedy club and adventures club. Missed them this time too. If you want a sit down meal, make PS for holidays times. I couldnt think of counter service for all the meals. Waiting 30 plus min. for a hamburger is not a happy thought.


New Member
Well we went to Disney World last August and I do agree it is HOT and surely, April is the better month. But your saga suggests to me to absolutely stay away from Disney at any holiday time. Particularly Easter.
Too much aggravation.:eek:


New Member
Sorry about your trip

I'm sorry about your trip. It seems like a Gremlin got in you trip as soon as you arrived, but, as always and in spite of the problems, your family had a good time.

I'm thinking of staying in the Swan this coming May, if you have an opportunity, I'd love to read your impressions of the Swan. What are the pro's and con's of staying here with a family? Are the beds "heavenly"? Are the renovated rooms nice? Obviously the bus service was not the greatest. We will have our own car (I hate buses), but I'd prefer not to drive if I don't have to. Did you utilize the boat service to MGM and/or Epcot? How was it? Is the tram to Epcot still running? Thanks for your thoughts

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