Spring 2007 Professional Internships :)


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I was wondering if anybody here has applied for any Spring 2007 Professional Internships!

If so, which ones, and how far along in the process are you?

Just curious, I think it would be fun to introduce ourselves!


Hi :wave:

I actually applied a few months ago, on a whim. I applied for the Wedding Coordinator Internship and it states in the Requirements that you must have completed the WDW College Program. I have not done the College Program, so I wasn't expecting a reply for this internship but to my surprise, I received an email from the department asking me to call them. I called and they said I was being considered for the Wedding Coordinator Internship and asked if I could schedule a phone interview. I was shocked ... how am I even being considered for this internship, since I have done the College Porgram? Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Did my phone interview yesterday; was tough. She told me I'd hear from them in a few weeks, she said it was a long process.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Hi :wave:

I actually applied a few months ago, on a whim. I applied for the Wedding Coordinator Internship and it states in the Requirements that you must have completed the WDW College Program. I have not done the College Program, so I wasn't expecting a reply for this internship but to my surprise, I received an email from the department asking me to call them. I called and they said I was being considered for the Wedding Coordinator Internship and asked if I could schedule a phone interview. I was shocked ... how am I even being considered for this internship, since I have done the College Porgram? Any thoughts?

"Officially" ... no, without a WDWCP you probably won't get the job. Unofficially... if you're the best person for the job it will not matter one bit. There's a lot more to it than that, but that is the most flat out response I think you need. If you are right for the job, then they'd rather have you than someone who did a CP and might not be as qualified. One thing they like about CPs who have graduated is that they know a lot of the system and how WDW works... therefore training and the initial weeks of living in the area isn't as slow as someone who has no experience. Also, until this year... College Recruiting handled professional internships. They make money when they have more people in the CP, thus... they want to hire people who have gone through their own dept. Now, it's up to individual depts to handle hiring professional interns so they will be more likely to hire people who did not complete a CP than in previous years. It should not be advertised though. It's just now very much recommended that one does a CP first.

Hope this helps!


New Member

Go to the Disney Career Site. Under the 'Job Posting' section, choose Associate/Internships. If you want to pick a specific location, do that as well, but I believe some PI's are not in Florida...Anyhow, then just browse around. Also, look down the 'Title' list for items labeled "Internship" because these often aren't on the other search. Do this as 2 seperate searches to find the best fitting opportunities for you. Hope that helps you and good luck!


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Misscmac ~ Thats great news!! Good Luck to you with that :)

DisneySaint ~ Good Luck! Would you mind sharing some information about what the interview was like?

I did my interview last Wednesday for convention services and was told my information was being passed on :) Im so excited but im so nervous!! :)

I had questions that were very general. Why do you want to work for Disney, Whats your biggest accomplishment/challenge, Are you skilled with computers, etc! I had a lady who was so nice and made me feel very comfortable!!


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not talk about the interview other than to say it's basically an expanded CP interview and the questions are about who you are and not what you've done (i.e. time management, teamwork, etc.)

And from what I've been told my essentially everyone I know who works at Disney, getting into the one's that do not require CP alumni status is still extremely rare and basically reserved in case there are not enough applicants. Like someone stated earlier (not sure if it was in this thread and, frankly, too lazy to look back) - being a CP alum > anything else you could say/do.


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Thanks DisneySaint! :)

Im just bumping this up! Seeing if anybody else has applied or if anyone who did apply has heard anything!!

I got an email requesting an application. They should have gotten it today! But, thats it :)


Well-Known Member
If it's this one:

"You are receiving this email because a position has become available within our company. To determine if you qualify for the position, you will need to complete an assessment. Please log in to the web site to complete this brief pre-employment evaluation."

That's the generic one that gets sent when anyone applies.


New Member
Original Poster
If it's this one:

"You are receiving this email because a position has become available within our company. To determine if you qualify for the position, you will need to complete an assessment. Please log in to the web site to complete this brief pre-employment evaluation."

That's the generic one that gets sent when anyone applies.

Listen, I just tried to start this thread for anyone who wants to come and talk about the Professional Internships. There isn't a lot of information out there, and I figured we could gather all information and talk about it here. It is just my way of talking to other people that are interested in the same thing that I am.

As I stated in my last post, I was just bumping this up for anyone else. I also said that I had gotten a request for an application. Yay for everyone who received that email (since everybody who applies does)....I didn't mention anywhere in there that I expected to get a call back or that I expect to get an internship. I dont. However, any extra step in the process is exciting to me. I am very excited to have even gotten a first interview and have my information passed onto the departments. I was told that not everybody got a first interview because there were over 5,000 applicants. I dont have CP alumni status nor do I think I am the most qualified, but I do think I have a chance and I am excited to have even gotten an interview (whether everybody gets one or not).

I understand that you are trying to keep me or anyone else who has applied, in your opinion, almost no chance (unless they don't have enough applicants) from getting our hopes up and getting them smashed later on in the process, but to me it's coming across a little strong.

I wanted to start this for support.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Listen, I just tried to start this thread for anyone who wants to come and talk about the Professional Internships. There isn't a lot of information out there, and I figured we could gather all information and talk about it here. It is just my way of talking to other people that are interested in the same thing that I am.

As I stated in my last post, I was just bumping this up for anyone else. I also said that I had gotten a request for an application. Yay for everyone who received that email (since everybody who applies does)....I didn't mention anywhere in there that I expected to get a call back or that I expect to get an internship. I dont. However, any extra step in the process is exciting to me. I am very excited to have even gotten a first interview and have my information passed onto the departments. I was told that not everybody got a first interview because there were over 5,000 applicants. I dont have CP alumni status nor do I think I am the most qualified, but I do think I have a chance and I am excited to have even gotten an interview (whether everybody gets one or not).

I understand that you are trying to keep me or anyone else who has applied, in your opinion, almost no chance (unless they don't have enough applicants) from getting our hopes up and getting them smashed later on in the process, but to me it's coming across a little strong.

I wanted to start this for support.
No offense, but I don't believe DisneySaint meant anything like that by his previous post. He was just stating that this was a standard e-mail sent to all applicants.

Good luck to you all in the application process!


I'd rather not talk about the interview other than to say it's basically an expanded CP interview and the questions are about who you are and not what you've done (i.e. time management, teamwork, etc.)

And from what I've been told my essentially everyone I know who works at Disney, getting into the one's that do not require CP alumni status is still extremely rare and basically reserved in case there are not enough applicants. Like someone stated earlier (not sure if it was in this thread and, frankly, too lazy to look back) - being a CP alum > anything else you could say/do.

:( Well I guess things aren't looking too good for me then...But, my interviewer did say I would be contacted for a second interview. Is this a good sign, or do they always say that?


Well-Known Member
Definently sounds like a good sign to me. I was told the same thing but they also said its a long process so don't panic if it's a while before I hear from anyone.

Who knows, maybe you'll break the trend! :sohappy:


New Member
When is the deadline for the application? I applied for one that states all hiring decisions will be made by December 15, but it states no specific application deadline. Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't apply any later than early-to-mid November. They are already interviewing so you want to make sure you get it in there.


New Member
Thanks! I didn't know that they were already interviewing (before coming here, of course) but my application and resume are already in!

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