Splash Mountain Restraints


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Okay I would like some information on Splash Mountain. I want to know what kind of restraints are on there or are there no restraints on the ride. If there are not what do you hold on to while you are going down the final drop. Thanks guys for all your help. Everyone here is all so helpful and I am really appreciative of that.


New Member
there are no restraints...you don't need them. They're are handle bars, but not everyone hangs on to them, and everyone has returned safely.


New Member
Hi! It's funny, my Mom has always been super scared to go on Splash because of that reason. But to tell you the truth, you really don';t need a seatbelt or any kind of hardcore restraint. The drop is a larger drop, but it isn't too steep that you could fall out. They have handle bars directly in front of you in the log. The logs are actually much bigger than what you probably think. So restraints are not needed...well unless you decide you want to get our of your log, that could be dangerous so I don't suggest doing that...but otherwise, you will be fine! :) oh and by the way, now that is my Moms fav ride ever!


Wanna hear something scary?
In the control room for Splash they have photos of people going down while standing on their head. Well, as close as you can get in those seats.



New Member
Oh my goodness! i was never aware of that. I've seen some pretty crazy pix from Tower, but I couldn;t imagine people standing on their heads on Splash! Were they cast members? And if they were not, did they get in trouble, and were they atcually allowed to purchase their picture?? Thats crazy!


Well-Known Member
Well, to be technical, your body weight is lowered while riding, so you are deeper in the log, so you don't need restraints. Now, this is the same reason why Flight of Fear at the Paramount parks can have lap bars while the coaster has inversions.


I think they should have some kind of restraint because how many times do we hear someone got out of the boat in the middle of the ride? One time even a cause of death.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWfreak89
I think they should have some kind of restraint because how many times do we hear someone got out of the boat in the middle of the ride? One time even a cause of death.

Hence those people are complete idiots. If you can't control youself over a flume ride. They shouldn't be able to ride.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Just be aware that the grab bar is often moldy and it stinks! I won't touch that moldy, stinky mess. :eek:

You'd have to give me 40 Fast Passes to grab that sucker.
Originally posted by Woody13
Just be aware that the grab bar is often moldy and it stinks! I won't touch that moldy, stinky mess. :eek:

Right you are! Last Nov. was my first and only trip (So Far..Crossing fingers). But, I grabbed the bar on splash, and my hands stunk like nasty mildew for a couple hours after I rode.. Ick.. They should really do something about that.. It's gross.



New Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
Hence those people are complete idiots. If you can't control youself over a flume ride. They shouldn't be able to ride.

yeah, some people are just really stupid I agree...but the reason why the guy died from jumping out of the splash mountain boat is because he was mentally handicap and he either got scared or i dont remember exactly why he got out, but it was some reason like that...so i kind of agree that there should be lap bars or soemthing for people like that because it was not his fault why he got out. so it can go either way.....but then like on the haunted mansion this guy decided to get out and have his picture taken with madame leota in the crystal ball, and when he did that he stepped on what looked like carpeting, but it really was just a piece of cloth covering up a huge drop, and he fell right through and was injured badly. So that was just stupid. They also dont have cameras in the haunted mansion. They have a computer system that shows someone got out because the floor lights up if you get out and then they stop the ride. So yeah, maybe splash should have restraints. i actually never really thought this in depth about it until now :) good call!


Well-Known Member
Every ride can have accidents. Its up to you not to make that call. Like people on Dinosaur sitting on their seatbelts for an extra thrill lol.

Again its up to that person to decide if they can behave themselves. If you want to put restraints on Splash. Add some on HM, and why not TTA....


New Member
Because the drop is not completely vertical, and because you are moving at the same speed as the log, you would literally have to stand on the seat and jump out, fortunatly the slight slant of the incline would press you back into your seat preventing you from getting very far. In essence, SM, like all disney rides, is very safe when you dont actively try to get hurt

ucf disneyfan

New Member
Restraints would help the constant intrusions you have to deal with everyday, but they would also lower the hourly capacity. It was already decreased by 200 when they installed air gates a few years ago and I don't think Disney wants it any lower seeing as how the OHRC on Splash in Disneyland stinks because they had to make the logs five-seaters.


i have a question....where do u guys get these pics from splash and tower and stuff did u get them off the internet? if u did wut website?? thanks

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