Two Questions/Observances
In Splash Mtn. queue, they used to have the shadows of either 3 or 4 brer creatures i guess, listening intently to an older wiser brer creature sitting in a rocking chair telling stories of Brer Rabbit and such. The scene is still there (its close to the loading dock), but there is no silhouette any longer, and it has not been there for sometime. I always thought if something was broke, Disney would fix it b/c they cared about details and themeing...but this just looks lost and not caring. What happened?
Also, the original version of Snow White used to terrify me before it was refurbished to be not as scary, but I do not remember as much anymore from the original, now that I'm old at 20. haha. I do remember never seeing Snow White, always the witch, and I remember a small mine car almost hitting the ride vehicle on the right side, and I remember the end where your car goes flying into a mine wall, where the last scene had strobe lights, bright colors, blinking lights, very loony tunes cartoonish. Anyone else remember any other details. Are the rides that different, or where subtle changes made?
Thanks for responding with your ideas. I appreciate it to those that do.
In Splash Mtn. queue, they used to have the shadows of either 3 or 4 brer creatures i guess, listening intently to an older wiser brer creature sitting in a rocking chair telling stories of Brer Rabbit and such. The scene is still there (its close to the loading dock), but there is no silhouette any longer, and it has not been there for sometime. I always thought if something was broke, Disney would fix it b/c they cared about details and themeing...but this just looks lost and not caring. What happened?
Also, the original version of Snow White used to terrify me before it was refurbished to be not as scary, but I do not remember as much anymore from the original, now that I'm old at 20. haha. I do remember never seeing Snow White, always the witch, and I remember a small mine car almost hitting the ride vehicle on the right side, and I remember the end where your car goes flying into a mine wall, where the last scene had strobe lights, bright colors, blinking lights, very loony tunes cartoonish. Anyone else remember any other details. Are the rides that different, or where subtle changes made?
Thanks for responding with your ideas. I appreciate it to those that do.