My idea for a completely updated SM ride experience that puts the attraction on par with all of the other SMs but still keeping it original.Gut all track from the attraction in favor of a redesigned SINGLE track. This allows for more space and effects within the mountain and with the new, heavier track, you could get new trans similar to its counter parts around the globe that can keep, or increase capacity.The alpha queue leaves as a result of there only being one track.The coaster would have a linear launch mechanism up the initial lift hill. No more rattling chains. Due to the speed of now 40mph, the "energizing tunnel" surrounds the lift hill and would definately make the train appear to be going a lot faster.The rest or the ride remains unique as the track, is surrounded by walls at a lot of points to that projections would be used. For instance, after th launch, you could see a projection of earth that you just left, and then you could see a projction of a black hole at another stage of the ride. Another unique idea i have towards the projections is to A) Give MK its version Of Ghost Galaxy, B) durring regular season, it could show a cameo of Stitch or Buzz, and C) i just thought it would be cool to see a futuristic Santa durring christmas.
The story is basically the same with guest voyaging through space, until the end when they come across a black hole and narrowly escape home back to earth. The brack run would be replaced buy it looking like youre entering TL space station rather than just a tube of lights and the post show loses the "Airline" aspect.
I'd describe the ride as a cross between DL and DLP Space mountain in terms of thrill as the will be no loops but it would be more extreme than DL
The story is basically the same with guest voyaging through space, until the end when they come across a black hole and narrowly escape home back to earth. The brack run would be replaced buy it looking like youre entering TL space station rather than just a tube of lights and the post show loses the "Airline" aspect.
I'd describe the ride as a cross between DL and DLP Space mountain in terms of thrill as the will be no loops but it would be more extreme than DL