Solo Trip (Sort of)


New Member
I'm traveling to Tampa for work for a week in March, and I was wondering if it's worth buying a 1 or 2 day pass to go to the parks in the afternoon after work. My family and I have been to WDW 20 times in the last 12 years, but we couldn't swing it for them to join me.

I'm staying in Brandon and will have a rental car. I plan on one evening at Disney Springs, but I would like at least one evening in the parks. I've always wondered what it would be like going solo at WDW, so any advice is helpful. Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
My oldest daughter, has flown down and done the parks solo several times and loved every minute of it…easier to get on rides (without LL), restaurants were easier and no one to say “I don’t want to do that”…she was able to go as fast or as slow as she wanted in each park…I just spoke to her…she encourages you to go!!
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Well-Known Member
I did a week-long solo WDW trip in November when my wife couldn't get the time off work and said she didn't mind if I went by myself. I had lots of fun and everything only cost me half as much - 1 airline ticket, 1 meal at restaurants, 1 ticket per day at whichever park, etc.

I generally like to walk faster than her and so I didn't have to go slow if I wanted to go from Space Mountain to Pirates or wherever.
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Well-Known Member
Ive gone solo a couple of times before and its worth it. You can get a lot done in a short space of time because you arent waiting on someone else or having to do things you arent enthused about. Its one time you can be self centered and selfish and concentrate on exactly what makes you happy. Splurging on yourself this time can be gresat for your well being.
I plan out any single rider attractions. Plan out how I want to make my way around the parks. You are on your schedule so dining and snacking comes when you best feel like it. I relax more without worrying about what someone else needs are.
The only down side is not being able to share your fun with a family member. I do engage a lot more with CM's, strangers and other families in the parks but its not the same as having that person you care about along side you.
Enjoy the different type of trip and maybe youll want to do it again.
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Well-Known Member
Most of my trips are solo.

I think it's fine, especially since you've been there before. Considering you wont have a lot of time, going solo means you can choose to go on the rides you prefer without needing to try and cater to a group choice, and you can make use of single rider lines
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