Solo Disney


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Original Poster
We all know Disney World is great with friends and family, but anyone ever done a day or two at Disney alone? I was thinking about visiting some friends in Florida, and on the way, stopping by, just me and my camera, for some "Mickey and me" time. :) Good idea? Bad idea? Ideas to make a solo trip really cool?

I figured you could meet more interesting people that way, plus you wouldn't feel as rushed to do everything that everybody wants to do all at once. Just a thought!


Well-Known Member

I think it's a great's something I plan to do alot when I move down there. I like to draw and ppl watch when I'm in WDW so going alone would give me time to just chill, not rush and do my own thing. :) Go for it!


New Member
I was in Orlando for Spring Break about three weeks ago and was with friends who weren't quite as devoted to WDW as I am, so I ended up spending two extra days there by myself and had an absolutely wonderful time.
It's much better to visit by yourself and do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it rather than force the excursion on friends who don't want to be there as much as you do and therefore won't be getting as much out of it no matter what you do.


A day or 2 may be just long enough by yourself. It's kind of fun to do things by yourself and not be forced to move at anyone elses pace. But when your by yourself (I've had experience- I'm an only child and sometimes my parents are too tired to stay out at the parks with me.) anyway when your alone, after a while you kind of miss having someone to share your experiences with and someone to talk to. But I think you'll have a good time. Hope that helps.
(Oh yeah, Post 100- Earninig My Ears!)


Well-Known Member
I have gone 3 years now by myself and love it! I don't have a special someone and friends can't go when I go (in September) but I love beeing there and doing what I want to do at my own pace without having to comprimise with someone else.

I go for a week each time and love getting up early and coming back late. The best part is that you can be yourself (or just act stupid) and no one will know!

I met a lot of people by myself and other CM's were always talking to me. (I am a CM in Michigan). And they always are looking for a single rider.

I eat alone but many of the restaurants have small tables off by themselves so you don't look out of place. Some people can't believe I would take a vacation there by myself but no one could go with me and I want to go so bad, so I just go!

I have video of lots of attractions to show when I get home to all of the people who couldn't go. Now they want to go too.

Try it! You won't believe the fun you can have!

Raven/Scott º0º


New Member
My friends all have different schedules and lifestyles, so... to take a vacation with them is nearly impossible now. I went to Europe alone last year and loved it! Having my own itinerary and taking all the decisions myself was great!
I wouldn´t mind doing it for Disney too! I worked there and sometimes I went to the parks by myself. Do not miss the chance, do it!. If you keep waiting for others to join you, you could be waiting forever! ;)


It is definitely doable alone. When our family went for long periods of time, there were many times when we would all just go our seperate ways. You can go at your pace, do what you want, it just can be more relaxing. (My dad's favorite pastime was sitting on a bench watching people pass by and looking at the footwear some people choose when going to an amusement park. (It's amazing what some people will wear:D(Yes, this passes for entertainment for us in Disney(Did I mentio I was a Disney freak?:D))))


Well-Known Member
I used to, and still do go just sit and sketch for hours...

its REALLY relaxing and far more amusing since you can go at your own pace and do what YOU want...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Alberrisford
how old do you have to be to enter the parks alone?

Disneyworld is designed so that anyone over the age of 8 can walk around say maybe 13 or so is a good time to be a loner ;)


Originally posted by Alberrisford
how old do you have to be to enter the parks alone?

I don't think there is an age limit, but I imagine if a 3 year old comes walking up alone to the turnstiles, someone might tell someone about that;)


Well-Known Member
I have gone to WDW every summer for a few days by myself for the past few years - it's great!!! It's just a stress-free way to see everything I love at Disney. I really enjoy people-watching, too. (And the BEST part is that I can tolerate everyone else's whiny kids without turning a hair - after all, they're NOT MINE!!!)


This idea has been nagging me for a few days....see, I live in Miami, and we are DVC members, so me and parents go up several times a year. The problem is, my parents have been going to WDW for several times a year since 1971 (gulp) so even tho theres always new things to see, they are kinda "bored" of the parks already, and perfer relaxing at the hotels and such. I, on the other hand, love the parks, and have gone many times to WDW without even visiting a park, which is kinda sad....So i thought of buying myself an Annual Pass, but im still wrestling with the idea. My parents have no problem with it, but going to parks alone sounds a little depressing......any help? thanks


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by adr315
This idea has been nagging me for a few days....see, I live in Miami, and we are DVC members, so me and parents go up several times a year. The problem is, my parents have been going to WDW for several times a year since 1971 (gulp) so even tho theres always new things to see, they are kinda "bored" of the parks already, and perfer relaxing at the hotels and such. I, on the other hand, love the parks, and have gone many times to WDW without even visiting a park, which is kinda sad....So i thought of buying myself an Annual Pass, but im still wrestling with the idea. My parents have no problem with it, but going to parks alone sounds a little depressing......any help? thanks

As a fellow Miami resident..i say go for it! When i lived in ft.laud I had an AP and used it OFTEN...I went alone..who cares? its fun!


i live in gainesville (about 90 minutes away) and have had a seasonal or annual pass for years and even though some of my friends do too, i look forward to going by myself sometimes. I've been to disney so much that there's not anything i HAVE to see and i can just go at my own pace and stroll around (and eat...and eat some more). Its probably one of the most relaxing treats that i give to myself. Sometimes i go for just the day and other times i stay one or two nights...i go by myself a few times a year
Its not really lonely, as you can meet people (CM's and other people) or just be by yourself as you like.
There is also a big advantage when riding the rides as they are usually looking for single riders. The best place is Tower of Terror, especially if you like the "seatbelt" seat! WOOHOO!!:sohappy:

I say go, don't worry about what other people think, and have a great time.


Well-Known Member
The best place is Tower of Terror, especially if you like the "seatbelt" seat! WOOHOO!!:sohappy:

I love that seat! Especially if you loosen it just the slightest bit to give you more "air" time!

Give WDW at try by yourself. It's really cool what new things you can find and do.

No worry about being lonely. You meet people everywhere you go. Last year i was a tour guide of sorts to a mom and her daughter for a few hours at the Magic Kingdom. I loved it!

Raven/Scott º0º


New Member
My dad's favorite pastime was sitting on a bench watching people pass by and looking at the footwear some people choose when going to an amusement park. (It's amazing what some people will wear(Yes, this passes for entertainment for us in Disney
Your dad's not the only one. Check this out...


New Member
I was on a business trip last year and did disneyland by myself for two days. I hadn't been there in the past and the california adventure had just opened and I was excited to see it. It was really nice getting to do what you wanted without making group decisions.

I think I'm going to do a group tour solo in dec even though I won't be going alone. So there is an idea, do K2K or Backstage Magic if you haven't done so. Whatever you do, have fun!!!

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