Soarin' Official!


Account Suspended
Ok, well there will be yet another ride I dont go on at EPCOT. Ill take a few pics but I wont go on it. This is Florida for cryin out loud! No offence to you people in Cali but I could care less about Cali (Except for DisneyLand). Make the attraction with a new video of flyin over the park or Florida or something!


Well-Known Member
Maybe you didn't have your cup of coffee yet this morning, but can you say anything positive about the new stuff instead of slamming it all? Be happy changes are being made or just don't bother going back since you seem to be so disenfranchised with it all.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by X2CommNavISTC
Ok, well there will be yet another ride I dont go on at EPCOT. Ill take a few pics but I wont go on it. This is Florida for cryin out loud! No offence to you people in Cali but I could care less about Cali (Except for DisneyLand). Make the attraction with a new video of flyin over the park or Florida or something!

That seems a really strange attitude. To me that would be like refusing to go on Mission Space because it goes to Mars, and you would prefer Neptune or something.

I am just glad that we have a whole new attraction, that has been very well received by everyone who has ridden at DCA. I personally cant wait to ride, and I am sure it will be a favorite at Epcot! :)


New Member
Originally posted by X2CommNavISTC
Ok, well there will be yet another ride I dont go on at EPCOT. Ill take a few pics but I wont go on it. This is Florida for cryin out loud! No offence to you people in Cali but I could care less about Cali (Except for DisneyLand). Make the attraction with a new video of flyin over the park or Florida or something!

Honestly, I am glad it is not Soarin' of Florida. Talk about boring. Just what I want to see miles and miles of flat swamp land. I am sorry but Florida is the flatest state and there is nothing exciting about that. California is awesome with mountains and valleys, desert and forest. California is very diverse and makes a lot more sense then Florida. maybe some day we will get Soarin over the Country but I will take Cali over FLA anyday.

Just my 2 cents.


Account Suspended
Well I actually looked at the clock and I was running behind on coffee. Now that Ive caught up on it, and I read the info on it, its starting to sound a lot better:sohappy:

Coffe kicks in


Translation: Ok so is this all that we will hear about for soarin during this blitz or will there be more to come before the day is over with?

I guess the biggest complaint Ill have it the whole fact that the attraction couldve been made for Florida with a florida video instead of the Cali video.

Least they'll have a PhilharMagicish deal going with the smells and all, which I find pretty cool, although I do get hungry a little bit after I smell the food from PM. But I highyl doubt Ill get a craving for pine trees, maybe oranges, least I have four of those trees in my backyard.


New Member
Cant we all just get along :p

Hmm well this is nice for The Lands. Something new in the pavilion

I have never been over to DCA so I couldnt tell you YA or NAY on my feelings for this.

I will be excited to see the final product.


Premium Member
I don't have any problems with them using the California film. I am a bit surprised that they aren't changing the name, though. I think they could get away with "Soarin' Over the Land" or something like that without many people realizing it's all California locations. I'm still hoping that they'll at least substitute a WDW shot for the DL one at the end. Maybe add a few smooth transitions while they're at it, too.


Well-Known Member
By what I have read, it seems Soarin' Over California will be connected to The Land. While I am glad another attraction (a good one at that) is coming to EPCOT, I am a bit dissapointed that it will not stand alone. Guest traffic at THE LAND will be terrible, it will be more crowded than usual...thats why I thought from the very beginning that it would stand alone...oh well.....guess I was wrong.....atleast its something new to ride.



Premium Member
Well, this is some good news to hear. Steve, I clicked on the Soarin' page, and nothing about the conformation of Soarin' is on the page. Why is this happening?

Anyways, I hope they announce some more stuff. I knew these big 3 were to be announced, but there has to be more, like what's going on with the 20K Lagoon and maybe some stuff for EPCOT.

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