Welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm sure that most viewers are familiar with us. If not then I'll patiently wait for your excuse...
But seriously, thanks for viewing. As most of you know, we became AP holders again back in March(that was an ordeal). We spent about 9 days in the park then and we had 7 on the schedule for this trip. The reason for this trip was actually to attend Megacon Orlando to meet Jason Mamoa and later on we would add Norman Reedus to the lineup, although that would change. The original plan was to arrive on Friday and go on Saturday and Sunday to Megacon. We ended up changing that to arriving on Saturday and attending just on Sunday. The plan was tested a couple of times due to scheduling changes with the celebrities. We originally had our Mamoa photo-op set for Sunday and then they changed it to Saturday. Then, only a few days later, the changed it back to Sunday only for him. And THEN, after having changed our Reedus photo op to Sunday, I got the email during the drive(passing through Dothan) that he had to cancel Sunday. Mind you, this email was received on Saturday afternoon. So, we ended up just letting that lapse and taking the refund and it became a Mamoa only meet.
Let me tell you, Megacon was MUCH more organized than the last time we attended back in 2015. There were so many cool costumes and cosplayers as well. My one disappointment was missing Tim Tracker and Jenn by one day! My wife thinks I'm stalking them but it is my absolute goal to meet them and hopefully get to do his video ending spiel. Anyways, Megacon was pretty cool. Our photo with Jason Mamoa was at noon and we lined up around 11:40. It was much more organized than the last time. So they told all of us to stay on his left in the photo but as you can imagine, 2 parents, 2 teens and 2 infants aren't going to be able to do that without it making it awkward. No problem, he was having folks split up to his left and right. So, our teens were on his left while Amy and I were holding the two littles on his left. Well, he had his arm around Amy and she figured then that it was okay to put her arm on his back but somehow his arm bumped hers and she made contact with his rear. She didn't tell me this until after we had left the photo area but I laughed. Anyways, we told him thanks and started walking off and something made me look back. He was looking at me like, "really"? I looked down and saw that he had his hand out for a handshake and I'm over there leaving him hanging like some kind of jerk. I quickly stated, "aw man you know I'm not leaving you hanging" and shook his hand. Really cool dude.
While we were standing in the staging area, we had an open look at the autograph tables to the left and I spotted who I had wanted to see and get a signature from but didn't get a chance to: Paul Reubens. Heck yeah, Pee Wee Herman!! Ah well. Maybe next time. We walked around a bit more looking at all of the cool stuff being hawked and the costumes. I was also trying to spot the TMSM table but I must have overlooked them. Again, maybe next time. After leaving there, we had lunch and went back to the hotel for a bit to recharge.
When I get chance to upload the Mamoa photo, I'll toss that on here. I'm also uploading the trip photos now. As most of you know, we've taken fewer and fewer photos as each trip comes and goes. Honestly, it's almost impossible for me to take a lot of photos when lugging around the two new littles but I've been able to appreciate the time we've had together at the parks and you can't get that back. With that being said, I'll post the one obligatory Magic Kingdom entrance shot that I already had uploaded and post more later. Thanks for viewing!
But seriously, thanks for viewing. As most of you know, we became AP holders again back in March(that was an ordeal). We spent about 9 days in the park then and we had 7 on the schedule for this trip. The reason for this trip was actually to attend Megacon Orlando to meet Jason Mamoa and later on we would add Norman Reedus to the lineup, although that would change. The original plan was to arrive on Friday and go on Saturday and Sunday to Megacon. We ended up changing that to arriving on Saturday and attending just on Sunday. The plan was tested a couple of times due to scheduling changes with the celebrities. We originally had our Mamoa photo-op set for Sunday and then they changed it to Saturday. Then, only a few days later, the changed it back to Sunday only for him. And THEN, after having changed our Reedus photo op to Sunday, I got the email during the drive(passing through Dothan) that he had to cancel Sunday. Mind you, this email was received on Saturday afternoon. So, we ended up just letting that lapse and taking the refund and it became a Mamoa only meet.
Let me tell you, Megacon was MUCH more organized than the last time we attended back in 2015. There were so many cool costumes and cosplayers as well. My one disappointment was missing Tim Tracker and Jenn by one day! My wife thinks I'm stalking them but it is my absolute goal to meet them and hopefully get to do his video ending spiel. Anyways, Megacon was pretty cool. Our photo with Jason Mamoa was at noon and we lined up around 11:40. It was much more organized than the last time. So they told all of us to stay on his left in the photo but as you can imagine, 2 parents, 2 teens and 2 infants aren't going to be able to do that without it making it awkward. No problem, he was having folks split up to his left and right. So, our teens were on his left while Amy and I were holding the two littles on his left. Well, he had his arm around Amy and she figured then that it was okay to put her arm on his back but somehow his arm bumped hers and she made contact with his rear. She didn't tell me this until after we had left the photo area but I laughed. Anyways, we told him thanks and started walking off and something made me look back. He was looking at me like, "really"? I looked down and saw that he had his hand out for a handshake and I'm over there leaving him hanging like some kind of jerk. I quickly stated, "aw man you know I'm not leaving you hanging" and shook his hand. Really cool dude.
While we were standing in the staging area, we had an open look at the autograph tables to the left and I spotted who I had wanted to see and get a signature from but didn't get a chance to: Paul Reubens. Heck yeah, Pee Wee Herman!! Ah well. Maybe next time. We walked around a bit more looking at all of the cool stuff being hawked and the costumes. I was also trying to spot the TMSM table but I must have overlooked them. Again, maybe next time. After leaving there, we had lunch and went back to the hotel for a bit to recharge.
When I get chance to upload the Mamoa photo, I'll toss that on here. I'm also uploading the trip photos now. As most of you know, we've taken fewer and fewer photos as each trip comes and goes. Honestly, it's almost impossible for me to take a lot of photos when lugging around the two new littles but I've been able to appreciate the time we've had together at the parks and you can't get that back. With that being said, I'll post the one obligatory Magic Kingdom entrance shot that I already had uploaded and post more later. Thanks for viewing!