Shuttle Launch Questions


Active Member
I have some questions for Orlando locals or frequent WDW visitors. We'll be at WDW August 21, leaving August 27th, which coincidently is the day that Atlantis is scheduled to be launched.

We were wondering if it would be feasible to watch the Launch at the Kennedy Space Center and still make our flight home from Sanford at 4:20 PM, depending upon the launch time.

Does anyone know the approximate drive time from KSC to Orlando/Sanford? Would it be worth trying to do this (would we be able to get close enough to the lauch site to see anything, and is the traffic horrendous)?

If its not really feasible, is it possible to see anything from WDW? I thought someone posted pics of the shuttle over the park about a week or so ago.

This seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our kids, and we'd love to do it if it will work.



Active Member
I know the drive is about 45 to an hour long. I wouldn't take a chance on that one. You could alway watch it on TV. I am tring to get tickets for it and I think that it is almost sold out. So if I was you I would make my mind up about it. I was also there when Discovery took off last year.
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Active Member
Original Poster
Two more questions... We've learned that the launch is scheduled for 4:00 pm on August 27th, and our flight out is at 4:20, so I guess seeing it from the space center, or the parks is out. Can it be seen from the airport? Do they suspend airport takeoffs during the launch?
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New Member
It's 45 min or so without launch traffic... That could easily add a few hours. Plus, at
the window on the 27th is 4:24-4:34 PM, which means you may get the best seat ("this is the captain speaking... if you look to the east, that big fireball...). However, I've seen that they may be opening the window back to the 26th. Which works out well for you...

Good Luck!

Arrrgh! didn't see your reply to your message. Launches should not affect the airport, except maybe a few people who notice. Also, you should see it from there, I've seen Delta II rocket launches (much smaller than shuttle) from the airport area...
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Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
You can still see some of the launch from WDW property. Specifically, if you are in Epcot, near the Innoventions East breezeway, the shuttle will come up from behind Mission: Space (more or less). It obviously isn't as grand or spectacular as being at KSC, but it's still kinda cool. It was neet seeing the last one go up on the 4th of July from Epcot's backstage. However, keep in mind that shuttle launches are touchy, and there's a very good chance that it'll be delayed.
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Too bad your flight is not later. A shuttle launch is absolutely one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. It gives you chills up your spine and will bring a tear to your eye. We saw STS 100 launch, around 2001, I think...before 9/11. We were bussed from KSC to an island right along the roadway on property. The traffic and crowd was horrendous, but we did see the launch from less than 5 miles away. Our pics and video are awesome! That was one of the last launches before 9/11. I don't think you are allowed that close anymore...which stinks! Our friends watched the July launch from Cocoa Beach. We hear the view from there is great!!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I just watched Discovery this last time from the front lawn of the Swan and could see it perfectly. Since it's launching close to your flight time, there's no way you'll be able to see it from KSC. Also, traffic is HORRENDOUS on the Beachline in both directions. I went to watch the last one (on it's scheduled first launch date) and it took two hours to get there from Disney (normally 45 mins tops) and took almost four hours to get back.
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Active Member
I found the best place is a park in Titusville. I got there about 30 minutes before and found parking at a church across the street. I would highly recommend going there since it is probably the closest you can get to it (while not being at KSC) and is north of 528. The Bee Line traffic is going to be horrible, expect to add 30 minutes to the normal 45 minute drive. It might be worth it to take 50 over instead... not sure the traffic there

This is a photo i took there so you can see the view is great. It was a park at the corner of US 1 and Fay Blvd.

<img src="">

You can see more if you want... to This was from the July 4th launch.
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New Member
If you can't make it to Cape Canveral, try watching from the benches facing the water on the boardwalk. I saw the Columbia launch from there in '02, I saw a big fireball just shoot up from the ground. I'll never forget it.
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New Member
You can "see" a shuttle launch just about anywhere in the peninsula of Florida. From the airport, just look east and up. It's not going to be a great view from there but you'll still be able to see it. But if the launch is 4:05 and your flight is 4:20, you'll be on the plane by the and may not have a great view at all.
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New Member
Florida has all the geographical features of a pool table, so I guess as long as someone at the airport can tell you what direction to look you can see the lift off. I've watched a couple from Epcot - you will see the smoke plume rise and when the shuttle rolls you get to see the glow from the engines for a minute or so.
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