Show / Parade help with young children


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Looking for any advice for Fantasmic and Illuminations with an 11 month old and a 4 year old. Any places to stand, how early to arrive, etc..(basically any tips would be great). We have never seen Fantasmic so we do not know much about it.

Would so like to hear any tips for the parades (locations that work well with strollers, etc..)

Will be in Disney March 3rd – 12th and planned to see Fantasmic the first night.


New Member
I don't remember what the crowds are like in March...but Fantasmic is a VERY popular show. MY opinion...would be for you to be or for someone in your party to be in line at LEAST 2 hours in advance....1 hour would be cutting it. NOW that would be to ensure you have your choice of seating. Anything outside of that is a crap shoot and it gets crowded QUICK! The stadium is fairly big and has bleacher style seating on concrete...I would personally shoot for somewhere center stadium half way up. That's just me though.

Illuminations is a little different because there is such a big area to view it from. I know there are spots that are better than some...but if you are at least one to two countries in from either side you should be OK as far as viewing. Also, at least an HOUR ahead if not 2 to get a specific seating spot. You will see people start sitting down and that should be your cue to find a spot and sit.

As far as parades and strollers...even though I personally hate the things...with a stroller you kind of have an advantage in that you can place your stroller at the curb and nobody is going to get in front of you. I personally like watching the parades in MK on Main Street, the other parades in other parks I just kinda wing it. Here is a little tip...USUALLY things are clean and don't emanate smells...get next to a trash can or keeps someone from blocking your view from that direction...Again..I like being on Main Street for both the day and night parades and fireworks...just my preference. Others like being in other parts of the park...they just don't know what there talking about :) You just cant get the full effect of the Headless Horseman around Halloween any other place than Main Street!!!


Active Member
My family and I just went in October with my 1 year old daughter, we weren't able to see fantasmic cause it didn't work with our schedule, However I can give you a few tips about watching the shows,

Try and sit on the Isle with an easy exit also there is usually some space in the back that we were able to stand and rock her in our arms if she got fidgety and didn't want to sit.

I know some of the indoor shows said no food and drink but we brought a no spill cup in to all of them and a snack cup I made sure that I cleaned up all the cheerios on the floor but Snacks were a life saver for us.

For the Parades we sat at the entrance to the Hall of Presidents we waited about an hour before the parade started. We got an Ice cream at the Sleepy Hallow snack bar and let my daughter run around a bit before making her sit to watch it. She was able to sit in her stroller for the whole parade, I sat on the ground to the left of her stroller (cause that was the direction the parade was coming from) that way some one didn't sit there and block her view, my husband stood behind her to take pictures of her and the Parade.

Another Tip is use the Baby Centers, They aren't just for little babies they have almost anything you can think of you might need for little ones. They have a coloring area and a tv playing disney movies. If you just need a break from the busyness and don't want to take a trip all the way back to the hotel Just stop in there, They have 1 in every park.

Have Fun.


New Member
Like the above poster we usually timed our snacks/lunch around the shows/parades. Entrances for Beauty and the Beast and Fantasmic are right across from a FandB area...which makes it nice as I or my wife just stood in line while the other got food if we went that route.


If I remember correctly, for Fantasmic! they don't allow strollers inside the theater. A Cast Member will direct you to the stroller parking or take the stroller and park it for you.

Personally, I believe that two hours before showtime is way too long of a wait.
The theater is huge and viewing will be good no matter where you sit. If you want to have choice of seating, then, like another poster said, you'll need to have someone stand in line at least 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours before showtime.

As for the MK parade(s), anywhere along Main Street and/or the central hub will be just fine. Try to get a spot right at the curb preferably besides a trash can or a lamp post so the little ones views are not blocked.

Have fun!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Just be sure you 4yo isn't going to be freaked out by the shows. It would be terrible to wait hours and then you have to leave because they are melting down.

The reason I say this is because one night we waited for Spectro back by Pecos Bill's, which the DS slept through, but just as Wishes started, he woke up and melted down. We were "stuck" to the side of the castle with him screaming...and screaming...and screaming during we were hearded out the front gate...waiting in line for the Monorail....on the the car back to the get the point. Just a miserable experience for us all. I don't remember his exact age, but he was definitely under 4. This made it a very easy decision to not bother with any other late nite shows, especially Fantasmic where you have to wait long before show time.

I would think you should "test" out how they do with the MK fireworks and Illuminations before waiting all that time for Fantasmic. Let the kids make the decision.

As for the MK parades. You need to get to the curb for the 3:00 parade at least 30 minutes before...if not more. Anywhere along the route is fine. We've seen it from many different places, but in front of the castle fills up first.

As for the night time parade, I suggest you wait closer to the park entrance. That way you can skeedadle if you aren't going to stay for fireworks or you will be much closer to the exit after fireworks.

For MJJP at AK, You will be able to find a spot about 30 minutes before. We normally watch from the area by the tree & Camp Minnie & Mickey, so we can then go to the end of the parade route and watch it again as it goes past(It's my favorite parade, so it's worth it to me).


New Member
I agree w/ PP...make sure your 4 yr old won't be freaked out by anything. Watch Youtube videos of Fantasmic, especially, to see if your 4 yr old can handle it. Some kids are terrified in parts of it! I would try to have earplugs for the kids, too, for the fireworks.


Japan was a great place to watch illumnations - we literally walked out of dinner @teppan edo, sat on the ground & had a great view with about 10 minutes advance - just dont bevin a hurry to leave epcot with everyone else - enjoy the countries at night for an hour.

Take a nice midday nap on any day you plan to do fireworks or a late show. NOTHING is worse than fighting the exit crowds when you or kids are tired.


As for the night time parade, I suggest you wait closer to the park entrance. That way you can skeedadle if you aren't going to stay for fireworks or you will be much closer to the exit after fireworks.

AMEN! For wishes, find a spot on main st, then about 5 minutes before it ends book it out of there - if you can start sensing the crowds moving, get busy & get out!

Otherwise, plan to stay in the park at least 1.5 hours after the end before you attempt your exit.

Better to just leave early @ MK, honestly.


Well-Known Member
We have held off on Fantasmic for ou r little ones, 6, 3 and infant. It is pretty much a villains show and I know mine would be scared. Good suggestion to check out video on YouTube. If you decide to do it I know you can make a dinner reservation at a few of the restaurants in the park which gives you preferred seating. This way you would not have to go in and wait quite as long. Maybe checking out Wishes the first night would be a good test run. Fantastic is awesome, I love it! Another good test would be to watch the dreams come true show in front of the castle. If they can'thandle the witch there fantasmic definitely won't work out.
My kids love when we catch the parades. I love the looks on their faces. The street party in MK is so fun because the kids can dance with the characters.

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