David Letterman's
Top Ten Questions You Should Ask
Yourself Before Buying A Monkey
10. "Do I really need another monkey?"
9. "Have I monkey-proofed my kitchen?"
8. "How well will he get along with my panda?"
7. "Can I get a better deal on a monkey if I wait 'til after
6. "Am I yet another man in his 40s reacting to a mid-life
crisis by purchasing a monkey?"
5. "How is the monkey school system in my district?"
4. "Won't it be cute if the monkey and I wear little
matching outfits?"
3. "The traditional 10th anniversary gift is monkey,
2. "Should I spend the extra money for an orangutan?"
1. "Do I really want to buy a monkey from a guy who
looks like this?" (video of Dave in "Cabin Boy")
I thought this was FUNNY! Enjoy
Top Ten Questions You Should Ask
Yourself Before Buying A Monkey
10. "Do I really need another monkey?"
9. "Have I monkey-proofed my kitchen?"
8. "How well will he get along with my panda?"
7. "Can I get a better deal on a monkey if I wait 'til after
6. "Am I yet another man in his 40s reacting to a mid-life
crisis by purchasing a monkey?"
5. "How is the monkey school system in my district?"
4. "Won't it be cute if the monkey and I wear little
matching outfits?"
3. "The traditional 10th anniversary gift is monkey,
2. "Should I spend the extra money for an orangutan?"
1. "Do I really want to buy a monkey from a guy who
looks like this?" (video of Dave in "Cabin Boy")
I thought this was FUNNY! Enjoy