I kind of agree. By kind of, I mean I really love boat-based rides and absolutely think the more the merrier. But if they do any more at AK, there should be a couple more in the vein of Pirates where you don't end up getting wet (or barely anyways). But boat rides can be incredibly atmospheric and cool. And with a water-based trench, they help hide the fact you're on a ride than tracks do IMO.
Not to say AK couldn't use a good new log flume in the vein of Splash Mountain. Jungle Book I figure would work pretty well with that type of ride (and it's one of the few Disney movies that would fit nicely with the theme of the park without causing anyone to go nuts). But on top of that, i'd like at least two others that are more calm and don't get you very wet, focusing more on atmosphere and show.
I've already stated my idea on these forums to do a large scale and lengthy multi-level EPCOT-style boat ride through the history of prehistoric extinct species of animals (with a couple of very minor drops just to get you to the next level, nothing that intense or wet). It would be built in Dinoland (the land now renamed Prehistoria to encompass more extinct animals than just dinosaurs), replacing Chester & Hester's carnival for a far more elegant, entertaining and substantial experience.
I like the original concept of Kali known as Tiger River. It was going to be a water-based safari ride in rafts (actual ones, not the off the shelf round ones found everywhere), and was much longer with actual scenes and animals to look at. And given the general opinion about Kali around here, I doubt it would bother anyone to see it close down for a while to redo and expand it.
Also like Empress Lilly's idea about an Arctic/Antarctic ride. Seaworld really squandered their opportunity to do theirs, i'd like to see what Disney could do with such an idea in Animal Kingdom.
If Avatar absolutely must happen, I at least want to see that proposed boat ride. That was actually the element I was most excited for. AK needs more rides everyone can go on without worrying about height limits or thrills, just really well done and detailed ones with show scenes and animatronics. There's too few of those.