Looks good - how does it compare to Shamu Rocks America ?
Ok another local Floridian reporting in on the shows at SW this year.
We hit the park on Sunday(day before Memorial Day for those reading later) .
We got there early so we could get my friend a motorized scooter. Need to get there because they do run out of them each day. This was the first time I had ever been to the park with someone who could not walk. I have to say they took care of her even when we didn't expect them to give assistance( like viewing Mystify) A CM saw us pretty far back from the water and escourted us to the handicap viewing area. At each show there was an area where she could remain in the chair and usually have a great view. Most of the time there was seating nearby reserved for the friends and family of the person in the chair.
Amazingly, we were able to feed the dolphins and saw every show but Odyssey on Sunday. Crowds were large but things ran smoother this year. Even though we did not have children with us we made sure to go to the new Elmo show in Bay Stadium. It was packed and they even used the upper balcony seating. We enjoyed the show. The kids around us seemed to love it. It is a shame it will only be there for the summer. Hopefully they will decide to make it permanent. It blows Fusion out of the water. It is about time they use that stadium for something people will actually enjoy with their little ones. They only did the show at 1:15 and 4:15 so maybe aiming for before and after nap. Seems like a morning show would be a good thing to me.
Sea Lion tonight was as good as last years if not funnier. I think the mime before and during the show was Mike( the one who is sort of stocky) . I love the humor they poke at themselves. The otter and walrus were awesome. The cast did a great job.
Mystify????? There is just something wrong about this show......there really aren't very many good spots to watch from and 6000 people can't all be in the good spots. There are building, pavillian roofs, trees, etc blocking the view everywhere. It worked so much better years ago when they had you sit in Bay stadium or the grassy areas on the other side of the lake to watch their night time show,
In all the times I have seen it, the images barely show or don't show on the wall of water and last night we saw nothing except the shark and shamu which are toward the end so the storyline is very lame without the pictures. The fireworks seemed to be about half of what they were last year. They advertised a new great grand finale but at the end it was almost nothing. I was waiting for the finale which didn't happen. My thoughts on it. Ride Kracken over and over instead of watching the fireworks and then meewt up with your party that wants to watch it.
Not sure how they decided to make some changes but criticism of Believe seems to have made them change it a little. It was better this year. Not so much of how the trainers became trainers and more animal interaction with some new dives off Shamu. No longer using that lame penquin film/story at the beginning either. Now there are more slides of sea life with questions and answers about whales etc. It was much more entertaining than last year. They do the salute to the soldiers and families during Believe now instead of at Shamu Rocks which basically is lights, color, music, action. Last night the stadium was full and actually entertained themselves doing " the wave" started at our side of the stadium till the rock music began. The crowd was very enthusiastic . It was a mass empty the Sea Lion Stadium and walk over to Shamu Stadium at a quick pace in mass and then back to the shorefront. as one huge group of people.