Pre-Trip Sgtmgd 11-16 September 2013

Most folks that follow this on a regular basis know that this trip was supposed to be in December over Christmas at my beloved Boardwalk but due to The Sequestration act and the DOD Furloughs that followed we had to make changes. We decided to jut do a week where I could maximize my military benefits (Disney is so very gracious in all they do for us). We also had invited Nikki's Mother for our Xmas trip and wanted to find a date that would still allow her to come. When Limited Time Magic was announced it mentioned a September Friday the 13th Villians Party..and so we choose this week despite not having the details. The down side of going in September is that my oldest Daughter (18) plays Division 1 Soccer at the University of South Carolina Upstate and will be right in th emiddle of her Sophomore Campaign. She took the news in stride and told me she understood although I know she is dissapointed, she loves Disney every bit as much as I do. We also decided to take a run at the Timeshare Store and rent points versus going through Disney..a first for me. Scott and Jamie at the Timeshare store have been tremendous thus far. We were able to book a 2 bedroom Village in Kidani Village Savannah view at AKL for a fantastic price. (unfortunaterly there werent any points available for the Boardwalk) Its the only resort I havent seen in person so Im quite interested to give it a go.

Aside from myself

Nikki..Disney Significant Other and lucky recipient of spending life with me :)
Vickie..Nikki's Mom She has only been once and that was a quick trip over 16 years ago
Jamie age 11 Nikki's Disney Daughter
Ethan age 9 Nikki's Disney Son

We fly into MCO from th east Coast with an arrival of 12:44 PM and on to the DME minutes
Vickie arrives from the Left Coast at 16:32PM

We will all meet up In Disney Springs for Dinner at T-Rex at 7PM. Of course shopping will be done as wait for Vickie to catch up to us.

We will of course take in all the sights of AKL and take a swim that night before bed..

As I write this we have 2 Iteneraries 1 for MNSSHP and 1 for the Villians


12 Sep

Breakfast in AK Donalds Safari Tusker House at 8:20

Plan on hitting what we want to do and be done in AK no later than 245-3PM

Bus over to Hollywood Studios

Dinner at SYFY 4:20 PM (Its the Ambiance..not the Menu or

Hit Toy Story Mania, Tower of Terror and Aerosmith...take in the sights.

13 Sep

Magic Kingdom...Rope Drop!

We will look at Be our Guest for Lunch..but Im not going to worry about it either way..

WE will head to the Grand Floridian aroung 430 for our Dinner Reservation at 1900 Park Fare where I intend on asking one of the Step Sisters to marry Ethan (Ring will be provided)...(I love this dining is blah but he step sisters and Evil mother are hilarious!)

Back to Magic Kingdom by 7pm for MNSSHP!

14 Sep

8am Breakfast at Akershus with Snow White/Aurora and company....

Drum Roll Please Dinner YACHTSMAN @ 5:40 PM Oh So Good!

Bact to Epcot after Dinner to close the park.

15 Sept

Hollywood Studios

Lunch at Starring Rolls

Dinner at Mama Melrose 520pm Fantasmic Dinner Package

After Fantasmic we will head to MAgic Kingdom to close the park as it's open until 1 AM!

16 Sept

More Disney Springs shopping and Lunch at Rainforest Cafe before heading to MCO

#2 Itenerary For Hollywood Studios Villians Party

12 Sep

Breakfast in AK Donalds Safari Tusker House at 8:20

Plan on hitting what we want to do and be done in AK no later than 3PM

Back to AKL and then over to to the Grand Floridian at 550pm for our Dinner Reservation at 1900 Park Fare where Intend on asking one of the Step Sisters to marry Ethan (Ring will be provided)...(I love this dining is blah but he step sisters and Evil mother are hilarious!)

After Dinner we will head over to Magic Kingdom to see the Magic Memeories and You, Wishes, and hit the Haunted Mansion and a few other rides

13 Sep

Hollywood Studios

Lunch at Starring Rolls

Dinner at Mama Melrose 520pm Fantasmic Dinner Package

After Fantasmic..enjoy whatever the Villians Party entails..

14 Sep


8am Breakfast at Akershus with Snow White/Aurora and company....

Drum Roll Please Dinner YACHTSMAN @ 5:40 PM Oh So Good!

Bact to Epcot after Dinner to close the park.

15 Sept

Magic Kingdom...Rope Drop!

We will look at Be our Guest for Lunch..but Im not going to worry about it either way..

Dinner @ Tonys 555PM

After Dinner continue on as Magic Kingdom is open until 1 AM

16 Sept

More Disney Springs shopping and Lunch at Rainforest Cafe before heading to MCO

That's the plan as it sits today...once the Villians Party is "officially announced" we will pick which event we are going to do and cancel the appropriate reservations!


Well-Known Member
I will be there from 9/12-15 :) We are also planning on attending MNSSHP versus the villains party. I'm assuming they should announce SOMETHING about the event soon, but who knows. DHS hours are til 1am, so something is going on. We really had a great time at MNSSHP last year and we LOVE the parade and are not so fond of the villains. So it was a no brainer for us to do the Halloween party :)

Sounds like you guys have a fun trip planned! Hope you have a blast!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I will be there from 9/12-15 :) We are also planning on attending MNSSHP versus the villains party. I'm assuming they should announce SOMETHING about the event soon, but who knows. DHS hours are til 1am, so something is going on. We really had a great time at MNSSHP last year and we LOVE the parade and are not so fond of the villains. So it was a no brainer for us to do the Halloween party :)

Sounds like you guys have a fun trip planned! Hope you have a blast!

The Villians Itinerary is out and wont sway our thinking that MNSSHP would be a better use of our time..I am torn....and REALLY wish they wouldnt have doubled up these two events...the thing Im lamenting most is the merchandise specific to this event Im going to miss out if thats the worst thing I have to deal with while Im there I'll call it a win..16 SHORT days until we fly...the reality is starting to kick in...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@sgtmgd Thank you for your service! I am grateful!

You plans look fantasic but, there is no flavored grass at the Yachtsman!!! Can't wait to hear your comments on Animal Kingdom. We are staying at the lodge in January.

I will indeed post a trip report..with pictures..Im down to 6 working the excitement is starting to build

While no flavored grass @LuLaSue they they certainly have a fantastic Ceaser Salad....which I'll happily eat before that huge hunk of beef flops onto my plate!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got back from watching Fantasmic and what a surprise...we did the Mama Melrose dinner package.. When we showed up at 755 for seating we discovered they have moved the Fantasmic dinner package to dead center of the amphitheater .. New signs are up... I was shocked but in a great way...


Well-Known Member
Just got back from watching Fantasmic and what a surprise...we did the Mama Melrose dinner package.. When we showed up at 755 for seating we discovered they have moved the Fantasmic dinner package to dead center of the amphitheater .. New signs are up... I was shocked but in a great way...
Really!! Awesome news!

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