Serious Quality Control problem at WDW

I'm sad about this.

I went to WDW in August and October, and we took friends who had never been before. One of the things we had been saying we really loved about WDW was that it was so very clean. And, hand in hand with that, that the theming was was so exquisite in that pristine atmosphere.

Well, in August we waited for about twenty minutes in line for Kali River Rapids and were treated to the sight of a long trail of trash - spilled ice cream, drinks, cups, all manner of yuck. In October, I noticed the same in line for Expedition Everest (which I hadn't gone on in August, so it might have been the same then). A huge part of the ride experience, for me, is enjoying the theming and all the little details. That was ruined by the trash, AND it was just gross to have to step over messes, etc.

Plus, frankly, I felt stupid in front of my friends after I'd talked about how you could practically eat off the ground in the parks.

So last week I went to EPCOT, waited in line for the new Spaceship Earth, and when I got to the front of the line, entering the building itself, there was a huge trashcan absolutely overflowing with trash. It was stuffed in, it was on the floor of the newly refurbished building, and again it was melted ice creams, turkey leg bones, straws, cups, plastic containers... I mentioned it to one of the five or six cast members who were in there and who presumably could have seen it for themselves, and the guy just 'joked', "Trash? What trash?"

They're losing me, I have to say. I don't think I'll be renewing my annual pass. I'd tell someone there, but I know they don't care - this hurts me more than it hurts them!


Well-Known Member
I understand your upset feelings for the amount of trash you discovered on your trips and the attitude displayed by the CMs towards the problem you highlighted.

But is it really worth giving up visiting WDW again, just because some lazy a*sed sloth can't be bothered to take their cr*p to a trash can.

I think that you'll be the real loser here.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, they isn't much the attraction CM's can actually do about that. Custodial handles those things and all the CM's can do is contact them about out. I'm sure if it was as bad as you said they had likely already done so and it was out of their hands.

The best thing would've been to file a complaint about the trash with Guest Relations at the park or write to Guest Communications after going home. The front line managers in charge of custodial might not know what was happening or they may have and just did nothing about it, in which case the folks above would hopefully take notice.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, each garbage can does not have its own custodian nor do they magically empty themselves. Yes, some may be overflowing during busy times until rounds can be made, but overall I think they do a decent job given the amount of space they need to tend to. The attraction CMs do not take care of this, but a cavalier attitude is not the best to take either. As for garbage strewn along the trails...blame that on the guests who are too lazy to use the garbage cans and who have no respect for the property.


Account Suspended
There are things attractions CMs can do - like switch the bucket of an overflowing popular trash can with the bucket of an rarely used can (there are several in the queue area in and around SSE) but they're choosing not to. Used to do it all the time when i worked in attractions.

I know excuses are easier then solutions, but really.. c'mon.. overflowing trash is ok at Disney?

Well-Known Member
Plus, frankly, I felt stupid in front of my friends after I'd talked about how you could practically eat off the ground in the parks.
Anyway, I can imagine the parks would be packed in August. October is generally less crowded, so I would think that it would be easier to clean up after the crowds. I wonder why the can was overflowing and the queue at Everest was so messy. Anyway, I'm not sure what the circumstances were. Maybe it was cleaned up later in the day. In any case, attractions CMs aren't in charge of garbage. If there is spare time, sometimes they try to sweep the queue, which gets really messy on busy days. I also imagine custodial must be short-staffed. Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if everyone was cleaner! As mentioned, it would be best to write a letter.


Account Suspended
Anyway, I can imagine the parks would be packed in August. October is generally less crowded, so I would think that it would be easier to clean up after the crowds. I wonder why the can was overflowing and the queue at Everest was so messy. Anyway, I'm not sure what the circumstances were. Maybe it was cleaned up later in the day. In any case, attractions CMs aren't in charge of garbage. If there is spare time, sometimes they try to sweep the queue, which gets really messy on busy days. I also imagine custodial must be short-staffed. Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if everyone was cleaner! As mentioned, it would be best to write a letter.

Yes, they are actually - or they are supposed to be.

Maintaining the show quality of their attraction is their responsibility, and picking up garbage is everyone's responsibility.

CM's are even trained to hold guests from vehicles/shows so they can clean up properly inbetween if need be. Apathy and a "it's someone elses problem" mentality has merely set in.


Well-Known Member
I think the easiest solution would be to maintain proper staff levels in Custodial and ensure that everyone makes their rounds in a timely manner. To expect attrations CM's to keep people from entering a queue or loading a ride because a mess has occurred is asking an awful lot of them and I doubt they are still trained to do so. Picking up trash in the process of doing their work or picking a few things up on the way to the breakroom, yes, stopping the line to clean up a mess that never should've happened only to deal with the fury of guests, no.

At least that's how I feel about it.


Well-Known Member
I think the easiest solution would be to maintain proper staff levels in Custodial and ensure that everyone makes their rounds in a timely manner.

Easiest, but not cheapest. :lookaroun

EDIT: is custodial still Disney or is it an independent contractor?

Well-Known Member
Yes, they are actually - or they are supposed to be.

Maintaining the show quality of their attraction is their responsibility, and picking up garbage is everyone's responsibility.

CM's are even trained to hold guests from vehicles/shows so they can clean up properly in between if need be. Apathy and a "it's someone elses problem" mentality has merely set in.

True, and we do what we can when we can. I can open a garbage can, but again, it's not officially my responsibility and I was not trained as such.


Active Member
We stayed at POFQ.

Someone "abandoned" thier shorts in the middle of a walkway on a Monday morning. By Monday evening they were hanging on the fence post in the same area.

When we left Friday, they were still hanging on the same post.


Well-Known Member
Too true. azndisneyfan, nothing against you, but that kind of attitude is exactly why that trash can was not attended to immediately.

To be honest, I'm not exactly sure you guys understand the way CM's are assigned positions and don't have to time to swap around garbage cans. You can't leave an assigned post to something else.


Account Suspended
To be honest, I'm not exactly sure you guys understand the way CM's are assigned positions and don't have to time to swap around garbage cans. You can't leave an assigned post to something else.

Tower can't, but greeter can. Also, whenever a bump or rotation comes through the CM has time to do pretty much anything.


Well-Known Member
Tower can't, but greeter can. Also, whenever a bump or rotation comes through the CM has time to do pretty much anything.

Of course, why shouldn't CMs be expected to spend their break doing something that isn't really their responsibility? I just don't think it is fair to expect that much from people.


Account Suspended
Of course, why shouldn't CMs be expected to spend their break doing something that isn't really their responsibility? I just don't think it is fair to expect that much from people.

A rotation is not a break. Nor is the CM at the end of the rotation on break until they are off stage - regardless of how long it took the rotation to reach them. Nice try - but I worked with CDS and know every whiny excuse to get around doing the job properly.

A child who has lost their parents - not your responsibility cuz you're going on break?


Well-Known Member
A rotation is not a break. Nor is the CM at the end of the rotation on break until they are off stage - regardless of how long it took the rotation to reach them. Nice try - but I worked with CDS and know every whiny excuse to get around doing the job properly.

A child who has lost their parents - not your responsibility cuz you're going on break?

I'm not in attractions so I can't speak as to how rotations actually work, so I guess I'll have to cede to you on that. However I really doubt they want you dawdling from one position to the next so that things don't get messed up. As far as you aren't on break until you are offstage, that's great and I agree but that doesn't mean a CM should be expected to go out of their way to do extra work. If someone comes and asks a question or they see a guest struggling with something than of course they should help. Seeing a full trash can isn't exactly the same thing as far as I'm concerned.

Also a lost child is definitely equal to an overflowing trash bin. Great argument on that one merf.


Account Suspended
And that is the problem - an overflowing trashcan should never be seen at a Disney park, ever, for any reason.

That's the problem right there. You don't believe that and shouldn't be working at the parks.

Food for thought: It's not about who is responsible, but rather what you can do to maintain and improve the experience. The experience is everyone's responsibility.


Well-Known Member
And that is the problem - an overflowing trashcan should never be seen at a Disney park, ever, for any reason.

That's the problem right there. You don't believe that and shouldn't be working at the parks.

Food for thought: It's not about who is responsible, but rather what you can do to maintain and improve the experience. The experience is everyone's responsibility.

Well I guess Disney's stuck with pathetic CMs like me, and anyone who tries to give a CM a break for not being a perfect workaholic is pathetic, because all the supermen like you have left. I do everything I personally can to make the guest's experience better, but I understand why things happen and to expect Disney to be able to find enough perfect CMs to fill every role is impossible. Having 60,000 perfect CMs is as likely as having 100,000 daily guests that follow directions and treat the park and its CMs with respect. Unfortunately neither one is going to happen. :shrug:

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