Seattle Alweg Monorail Fire


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I heard about that. At least everyone is still alive.

Those monorails are ancient. Especially considering how early a design they were. There has apparently been a big battle about whether to keep and expand the monorail or get rid of it, and Ithink this had a major impact on service and how old the stuff had gotten.

Funny how Japan can have systems that have incredible safety records, yet we have so many problems with them in the states.


New Member
Yeah, I heard about that. However, I lived in Seattle for 18 years, and went on that monorail many times, and I'm surprised it took so long for this to happen. Those things are ghetto. :p They really haven't changed since they were first installed.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cloudboy
YFunny how Japan can have systems that have incredible safety records, yet we have so many problems with them in the states.

That is because the Japanese goverment actually funds useful public projects. Their projects probably get built under budget and ahead of schedule too.

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