Safe Rides for Baby


New Member
We will be taking a 5month old to Disney this month. I was wondering, other than the rides with obvious restrictions, what rides are considered safe for such a young baby. I know Pirates has a little drop in the beginning and of course Aladdin and Dumbo are airborne-- so is Peter Pan to a degree. What have any of you with very young ones attempted?


Well-Known Member
I know i'm gonna catch some hell for this, but i wouldn't be bringing a baby to WDW. I don't agree with you on this, but thats my opinion.

And to answer your question.... fantasyland as well as HM and POTC should be fine. There's plenty of shows, etc, lots of stuff that doesnt move.
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New Member
Hi! We'll be taking our 3 month old in November (as long as he's sleeping well ;)) I'm all for babies in WDW - but I do think it depends on your patience level and your personal beliefs... I used to fight it - until I got pregnant and realized our kids are going to be disney lovers/goers like us, right from the start... :)

As for attractions - I've been doing some research on this as well... and as stated above, the fantasyland attractions are all fine (with the exception of the teacups ;)) - also The Haunted Mansion, Steamboat Liberty, Jungle Cruise, Buzz Lightyear, TTA, all the shows of course, Aladdin's Ride, and the Railroad. As for MGM - other than ToT, Star Tours and RRC - pretty much everything else... Epcot - All of World Showcase is great, other than the biggies - things like The Land, Living Seas, Ellen's Energy, etc are all fine - and Animal Kingdom, I've seen small children on Kilimonjaro Safari's - but I'm don't think I'd take a baby on there (even in a carrier) as it's super bumby, but for the most part - most of the smaller attractions are fine... i think y'all will have a blast!
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PhotoDave219 said:
I know i'm gonna catch some hell for this, but i wouldn't be bringing a baby to WDW. I don't agree with you on this, but thats my opinion.

And to answer your question.... fantasyland as well as HM and POTC should be fine. There's plenty of shows, etc, lots of stuff that doesnt move.

I'll give you some hell. :lol:

Just because people have a baby doesn't mean they need to spend the next 5 years cooped up in their house. They should be allowed to vacation just like anyone else. Parents of young children actually usually need a vacation more than an average person would! A lot of parents enjoy vacationing at Disneyworld, and Disneyworld is a great place to go if you have a baby because the baby can accompany you on nearly every atraction. It's also nice for the baby to be out of the house, getting fresh air, and getting some outside stimulation. Great for their little brains.

Dave, if you had a child I can't imagine you'd stay away from the parks for a few years just because of it. It really isn't a big deal to bring them with you! Disney freaks cannot go that long without a Disney vacation, kids or no kids! :)

Anyway, to answer the original question - go on anything without a height restriction. There's only a handful of attractions in the entire property that infants cannot go on. Most rides at Disney are more gentle than the tram ride from the parking lot to the park!

The only things I'd possibly avoid are long presentations. A lot of babies (and toddlers) have a hard time sitting still and being quiet for long amounts of time for things that don't interest them (unless they are sleeping). Attractions like the Enchanted Tiki Birds are great for babies and toddlers, lots of music and lights, keeps them entertained. But from personal experience the American Adventure is not very well suited for a young child!

Have fun!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Dave there was a time in my life that I thought exactly the same way you did. Every time I went to WDW I saw these parents dragging there infants around in 90 degree heat that would cry uncontrollably on every dark ride. I always swore that I wound never take an infant to WDW.
Then……. I had my own children.

My youngest daughter was at WDW at 10 days old. But I tried to approach the situation with a little common sense. We worked on her schedule took plenty of breaks made time for naps etc and had no problems. By 6 months she had been to WDW 7 times. She is nearly 4 now and is the biggest Disney fanatic on the planet.

As far as which rides you can take your 5 month old there are quite a few. The first thing you need to ask yourself is does your child freak out in the dark. If he/she is not ok with the dark I would avoid the indoor rides and stick with the shows. A great test is the TTA (People mover) in tomorrow land. There are a few dark sections that will help test out your child’s darkness tolerance. Also if you child doesn’t tolerate the darkness well you probably won’t bother anyone except those in your own party. One thing that we found that helped a lot was one of those carriers that strap your baby to your chest. You can put the facing forward if they aren’t scared and facing you if they are.

With all that said we took are daughter on every dark ride in fantasy land, TTA, Buzz, HM, PoTC, Spaceship Earth. The land, Imagination, Universe of Energy, Mexico, Maelstrom, Kilimanjaro Safari, GMR, Muppet Theater, and the Back lot tour
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Well-Known Member
We took a 6 month old to WDW (she's 5 and a half now! :cry: ) and had a blast. I'd say, basically anything the baby is allowed on is ok. :) At 5 months, I'm not so sure they are aware enough to realize they *should* be scared. A one year old may be a different story, though. Also, for instance, on Pirates, where it drops, just watch her head. I always just had the baby laying in my arms so everything was supported and there was not any flopping or jerking on tiny baby parts. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
In total agreement with Master Yoda and Laura on this....

My DD was 14 months her first trip, so not a true "infant", but she had a blast, and I can agree with the ride lists others have posted. There is alot that can be done.

If we move to NC this summer like we hope, I imagine our next child would go at a younger age.... :)
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Well-Known Member
I said Baby, not toddler/small child. There's a difference.

Ive sene newborns (IE Day 5) at WDW, mom in a wheelchair. I just question the though process of exposing a baby's skin to such harmful uv rays of the sun. I can deal with the crying - I find tantrums from 5 year olds are much worse. My only point on that is from a health issue for the baby.

That and if y'all can not change your baby's dipers right there under the hat, I'd appreciate it. Its beyond gross; thats what the baby changing stations in the restrooms are for.
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Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
That and if y'all can not change your baby's dipers right there under the hat, I'd appreciate it. Its beyond gross; thats what the baby changing stations in the restrooms are for.

Totally agree there too!

My DD only gets changed at changing stations....
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ajrwdwgirl said:
Would the 3-D shows like Bug, Honey, Muppets and Phil be too scary or loud for a baby? Like a one year old?

I would say definitely not. The Bug movie and the Honey movie are only scary because of the bugs/snakes/etc that jump out of the screen. Most 1 year olds have no comprehension that a bug is even a scary thing, wheras a 2-3 year old has learned that bugs are scary and a lot of them are terrified on these attractions. Plus 1 year olds don't like to wear the 3D glasses anyway. Our 1 year old will not keep them on. So everything is just blurry to her. Philharmagic and Muppets are not scary at all.

My 1 year old actually LOVES Philharmagic, even without the glasses! She giggles through the whole thing. I've never heard her laugh so hard before. The only parts that scare her in the movies are when there is a sudden loud noise, she always jumps a mile LOL, but she doesn't cry or anything, she's just startled like the rest of the audience.
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PhotoDave219 said:
I said Baby, not toddler/small child. There's a difference.
My only point on that is from a health issue for the baby.

Well newborn babies aren't supposed to wear sunscreen so I would agree with you that they shouldn't be in the sun. But once they are at an age where sunscreen is safe and the parents don't overdo it they should be fine. No different than taking them to the park for a few hours or on a walk really, except there's more to look at!

I would be angry right along with you though if I saw a newborn baby out in the heat in July, that's not so good.

And if you saw a mother at Disney 5 days after giving birth - she's just crazy! Ouch! :lol:
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Diane Hughess

New Member
During my Sept. 2004 visit, this wacko Mom was holding a newborn in her arms, waiting in line for the Barnstormer, mind you, it is a mild rollercoaster, but still a ROLLERCOASTER!! I thought maybe she was waiting with the folks in front of her. But when it was time to board, she hopped right in a car with the newborn!! The CM had to tell her that the baby could not ride, and the Mom was angry. Now honestly!! Talk about shaken baby syndrome!!
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Diane Hughess said:
During my Sept. 2004 visit, this wacko Mom was holding a newborn in her arms, waiting in line for the Barnstormer, mind you, it is a mild rollercoaster, but still a ROLLERCOASTER!! I thought maybe she was waiting with the folks in front of her. But when it was time to board, she hopped right in a car with the newborn!! The CM had to tell her that the baby could not ride, and the Mom was angry. Now honestly!! Talk about shaken baby syndrome!!

OMG - there's a height restriction on that for a reason. Good lord!
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PhotoDave219 said:
That and if y'all can not change your baby's dipers right there under the hat, I'd appreciate it. Its beyond gross; thats what the baby changing stations in the restrooms are for.

i saw a mother in MGM chaning her baby's diper on the top of a garbage can! A)that's disgusting! and B) how unsanitariy is that for us? and C) how unsanitary is that for you baby! eww! :veryconfu
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
PhotoDave219 said:
I said Baby, not toddler/small child. There's a difference.

Ive sene newborns (IE Day 5) at WDW, mom in a wheelchair. I just question the though process of exposing a baby's skin to such harmful uv rays of the sun. I can deal with the crying - I find tantrums from 5 year olds are much worse. My only point on that is from a health issue for the baby.

That and if y'all can not change your baby's dipers right there under the hat, I'd appreciate it. Its beyond gross; thats what the baby changing stations in the restrooms are for.
You won’t get any argument from me on any of those points. When you become a parent you can become jaded to the gross and annoying things that come along with a child but I have the common sense to realize that not everyone can do that and it would be incredibly rude and disrespectful to those around me to think otherwise. So when my child needed changing I took them to the bathroom when they were throwing a fit in a public place I removed them as a courtesy to others. It is also the reason I don’t take them to PI. Even though all 3 of my daughters would love AC I have respect for those adults that are trying to enjoy an adult atmosphere and don’t take them. On each of their 18th birthdays they will get to go to PI and not until then.
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Active Member
I do not think anyone should not go to WDW just because they have an infant. I do think they should know going into it that they will not be able to and should not try to do everything they did when they did not have the infant (like the lady on Barnstormer). It will be somewhat limited, but least they are in the WDW surroundings. I personally would switch off with my spouse taking turns watching the child and enjoy as much as possible without disturbing the baby.
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Well-Known Member
I know i'm gonna catch some hell for this, but i wouldn't be bringing a baby to WDW. I don't agree with you on this, but thats my opinion.

And to answer your question.... fantasyland as well as HM and POTC should be fine. There's plenty of shows, etc, lots of stuff that doesnt move.

"Well here is the husband and I took our 3 month old to WDW during last December for a Christmas family reunion. We took her on every ride that did not have a hieght restriction and she was fine. I took a bottle on every ride so that when she started to cry, I would just give her her bottle and she would be quick to stop. I dressed her in layers due to it being cold and brought blankets as well. When it got too hot for her, I would just remove the layers. I kept her out of the sun always. As far a changing her in public, we did this. You cannot tell me that if you were on one end of the park and the baby changing station was on the other, that you would walk all that way....risking diaper rash....and then walk all the way back to reach your party. I dont think so, especially in the crowds of Christmas or any other time. As far as taking babies to is fine. There is one ride that didnt have a hieght restriction on that I took my daughter on. It was Toy Story Mania in HS. This is a very jerky ride and I would not recomend taking a baby on it at all.
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