Romatic ideas for Disney?


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Hi everyone,
My girlfriend and I will be going to WDW in December, and I'd like to get some suggestions on how to make it both a fun & romantic trip. I've been there at least 30 times, but she's only been there a few times. Any thoughts on restaurants, etc.? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
My personal fav. romantic type spot is the Fairytale Garden, its where they do Belle's storytime during the day, and it is a most romantic setting after dark...Its to the right of the wll find it;)
Also, a dinner at Cinderellas Roayl Table is great....I am just a BIG sap I suppose...LOL
I also enjoy World Showcase at night...LOTS of little nooks and crannies there...Just explore:) It can be really great...the gardens in the UK...really nice.
Im sure you wont have any problems finding "special" spots:)


Meega, nala kwishta!
Here are some of the "suprises" I have done in the past or I'm doing on our next trip. The wife didn't know (doesn't know) about them.

Upgraded our AKL room to savanna
Cirque du Soleil
Carrage ride at Ft Wilderness
Garded Grill with Re-Hittching cerimony
Cindarella's Castle Dinner
Illumination Boat Ride

Hope that helps...BTW, there are many threads about this subject with many good sugestions, so a search.

Have a great time! :sohappy:


New Member
I definintely recommend an Illuminations boat cruise. I have done it twice now and find that it definitely set a romantic mood!!


New Member
last time I wrote a little poem or a saying on a card for each day we were down there (hint computer card program comes in real handy). I gave her one each morning and she really loved it. We ate dinner in the castle, make reservations for around 8:30 and request a window seat, you should be in by the time the fireworks start. also I set up with gifts of a lifetime a special scavenger hunt through the magic kingdom. they have packages starting at $300 and tons of ideas that they can do. I think you can find the website to them aat I will find it and post it for you. also a late dinner in any of the epcot resturants in world showcase is really nice. I reccomend itialy. it's just so romantic in there, and the food is out of this world. get it late so the park is closed and take your time walking out of the park. the park is quiet and just so romantic at nite. if you plan on driving you park at the dolphin and on your way out of the park take a walk around the boardwalk and enjoy some of the night life there it's really nice. also you can make breakfast reservations at tonys (and crystal palace and the castle) an hour to an hour and a half before the park opens. getting in eairly and seeing the park come alive is really nice.


Well-Known Member
Another idea is to go to the California Grill atop the Contemporary about 30 to 45 minutes before the fireworks are suppose to start. This will give you time to order, eat, and then sit at the top with one of the best views of the Magic Kingdom you will find.

EDIT- And a walk on the boardwalk around 11 pm. It's pretty much empty then and quite an enjoyable stroll.


Well-Known Member
We arrive at WDW on 9/22 and have a carriage ride planned after a dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe on our 5th day. The way we planned it was for dinner to be around 6pm and the carriage ride at 9pm. This way we have time to take the ferry boat from the Wilderness Lodge over to Fort Wilderness. When out ride is over, we should be back at the marina just in time to catch the Electric Water Parade. It should make for a fun and romantic evening. Mickey

Fort Wilderness Resort
Horse Drawn Carriage Rides

Tours Nightly
From 6:00 to 10:00 PM
Take a romantic ride in a cozy carriage or
a scenic family ride at Disney's wonderful
Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground.

Carriages depart from Crockett's Tavern
at Pioneer Hall. Call 407-824-2832 up to
60 days in advance for a reservation.

Cost is $30.00 for a 30 minute ride
Cash or Resort Room Charge Cards Accepted Only


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by mickeysaver
We arrive at WDW on 9/22 and have a carriage ride planned after a dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe on our 5th day. The way we planned it was for dinner to be around 6pm and the carriage ride at 9pm. This way we have time to take the ferry boat from the Wilderness Lodge over to Fort Wilderness. When out ride is over, we should be back at the marina just in time to catch the Electric Water Parade. It should make for a fun and romantic evening. Mickey

Do you have it planned or have you already called and reserved?

I ask because I set ours up over a month ago, and they would not let us schedule after 8:00 pm. They said because of the West Nile Virus, no rides after 8:00 would be allowed. I think this was to protect the horses more than the people. Horses are supsectable to the virus as well.


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Original Poster
Thanks to everyone for the great ideas! =) Please, feel free to keep posting, we're not going until December 13th.


Trophy Husband
As far as restaurants, I think the Coral Reef in the Living Seas in Epcot has a great atmosphere. If you're not familiar with it, one whole wall of the restaurant is a glass wall that looks into the huge aquarium tank of the Living Seas. The subdued lighting combined with the shimmering water effects and sea creatures make for a very nice and unique atmosphere. The menu is fairly exotic with the focus on sea-food (but steaks etc. available)

*warning* my wife got a bit creeped out by the thought that she might be eating cousins of critters in the tank.


New Member
If you don't mind spending a little extra time and money ($85/pp and ~3 1/2 hrs) Victoria and Alberts is an amazing experience. My bf has taken me there twice and both times were fantastic. It is an adults only atmosphere with great food and great personalized service. Definitely something to try!


Well-Known Member
I booked the carriage ride 60 days in advance of the date that I needed it. They have my credit card info holding my spot. I just called them and they are not making any bookings for anytime after 8pm, but they have the carriages out there until 10pm as usual. They are not booking them mostly to help in case they have to stop the rides all together. This makes it easier in case the guidelines change and precautions against exposure to the West Nile Virus increase any further. My reservation still stands. I would be contacted by WDW in the event that they feel the need to alter my reservation. The horses are vaccinated twice each year. The horses are less at risk than we are. Mickey

Originally posted by AkiraRaptor

Do you have it planned or have you already called and reserved?

I ask because I set ours up over a month ago, and they would not let us schedule after 8:00 pm. They said because of the West Nile Virus, no rides after 8:00 would be allowed. I think this was to protect the horses more than the people. Horses are supsectable to the virus as well.


New Member
Have dinner at the Flying Fish on the Boardwalk, great food. After dinner just casually stroll the Boardwalk, there is a bakery if you want to get some dessert. After walking around the Boardwalk you can follow the walkway to the beach area in from of the Beach Club resort, there is a bench swing (the kind of swing that some people have on their front porches) right on the beach that is very relaxing to sit in and swing gently, the view is great as it looks back at the lit up Boardwalk.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by mickeysaver
I booked the carriage ride 60 days in advance of the date that I needed it. They have my credit card info holding my spot. I just called them and they are not making any bookings for anytime after 8pm, but they have the carriages out there until 10pm as usual. They are not booking them mostly to help in case they have to stop the rides all together. This makes it easier in case the guidelines change and precautions against exposure to the West Nile Virus increase any further. My reservation still stands. I would be contacted by WDW in the event that they feel the need to alter my reservation. The horses are vaccinated twice each year. The horses are less at risk than we are. Mickey

Thanks for the update. I didn't directly book it myself, it was booked by the itiniary services at AKL for me, but they relayed the information why we couldn't book after 8:00.

Thanks again...


New Member
As stated before in a couple posts- I'd recomend both the E-ride night, and walking around World Showcase in the evening. The best time is right after Reflections of Earth when everyone else is leaving. The lights are all still on and Tapestry music fills the air- its really quite peaceful. Also on the E-ride night! A must do!! My girlfriend and I didn't feel a need to ride attraction after attraction,( we hit them all, but mostly once) and for a while we sat in the hub and it seemed like we had the castle to ourselves. It's one of my favorite memories- VERY romantic, and on top of that, a few characters came out for pictures and stuff and we had NO wait to get our picture taken with BOTH Minnie and Mickey. What a night! Hope that helped!


New Member
My Ideas

If some of these have already been posted, I apologize.

While my wife and I were in WDW for our Honeymoon last November, we found the following to be quite romantic, and unique -

** Dinner at the CA Grill during the fireworks
** Dinner at Victoria & Albert's, Chef's Table
** Illuminations Fireworks Cruise
** Having a Jacuzzi in our room - we stayed at OKW
** I had the Disney Florists deliver a dozen red roses to our room before we arrived
** Miniature golf! (And I won!)
** Talking a walk around the Poly at night, relaxing on the beach and watching the boats & monorails go by

But the best one I arranged was a Gifts Of A Lifetime presentation, run by a lady named Jane and her small army of Pixies. Here's how it all panned out -

Before we left for WDW, I did a “10 days ‘til Disney” celebration, since we would be spending 10 nights in WDW. Each night my DW had a different present to open and a Disney movie to watch. Some of the presents were simple stuff like travel accessories, Disney socks, and books to read on the airplane. But with Jane’s help I was also able to present her with a WDW scrapbook, WDW photo album, WDW disposable camera, and WDW name tags. Jane also got for me a MK pressed penny, which I gave my DW on the first night with a note that said, “Present this coin at the Magic Kingdom Wishing Well for one free wish”. Little did she know what one penny would bring her!

Mid-way through our honeymoon was MK day, and unknown to my DW, I had scheduled an event with Jane to begin at 1:00 at the Wishing Well. To ensure that we went there on the right day at the right time, not only did I schedule a Steam Trains tour, but made a PS for Cindy’s at noon. We finished lunch earlier than I had planned, so I stalled as long as I could by spending nearly ten minutes in the restroom! After leaving Cindy’s, we walked over to the Wishing Well where a “lady” and her “kids” were camped out. DW didn’t want to throw her pressed penny into the well, so we each threw in a penny and made a wish. We then started to leave, but first I asked out loud where we were going next. Just then the “lady” who was with her kids approached my DW and asked her if she was my DW. She said yes, and the “lady” then told her that someone who loves her very much had arranged for her to go on a small “quest”. Then the fun started.

The “lady”, who was one of Jane’s assistants, then told my DW to close her eyes and count to 100. While she did so, I was told to go to one of the gift shops next to the castle, where I met Jane. You see, I had asked Jane to find a Mickey Mouse necklace for me to give to my DW. Jane found several, and e-mailed not only prices but pictures of each one. I made my selection, Jane made the purchase, and was now showing me the necklace before I was to give it to my DW. Very nice!

Meanwhile, back at the well, my DW opened her eyes only to find herself alone with a small card directing her to go ride the carousel. She did so (I saw her walk by the gift shop while I was talking to Jane!), and after she got off she was handed another card which directed her to ride Small World. While she was waiting in line, I was able to slip in behind her and join her. Her first question was, “What’s going on?”, to which I replied, “I don’t know – it is the Magic Kingdom after all!”. After Small World, I handed her a card directing us to Snow White, and after Snow White we headed back to the Wishing Well.

There, Jane performed a Disney Wed ceremony where we were sprinkled with Pixie dust while Jane read some Disney-ised wedding vows. When she was done, she motioned to me and I presented DW with the necklace, which “magically” appeared from my pocket.

All in all it was a wonderful experience, and both my DW and myself had a wonderful time. Jane and her pixies are first-class, all the way. With there help they created a very magical, and romantic memory from our Honeymoon.

Hope this helps!

LT Hambone


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Original Poster
All of the tips are great---we'll have been dating about 4 months when we go on the trip, so I probably won't go overboard too much, but I'm definitely planning on making it a memorable trip for the both of us. Please---add a tip any time! Thanks!


A lot of romantic things are unscripted spontaneous little things you might do, so don't think about it too much and just be flexible enough to go with the moment like discovering a bench w/ a nice view and sitting down for a few moments to take it in.

The nicest little romantic "discovery"/spontaneous moment was the Sassagoula River boat transportation from Downtown Disney to Port Orleans and (whatever they call it now) Dixie Landings in the middle of the afternoon. Very nice.

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