Romance in the Parks.


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Original Poster
We've all had those moments in the parks where you bump into someone and bang you fall in love. Or you had a romantic fling with another teen trying to escape the hell that was your family on a trip. I want to hear about those magical moments. I have one that I will share but what about you guys? Has anyone fallen in love at WDW and gotten married? And what about those vacation flings. what do you remember about them? Come on lets air our dirty romantic laundry here where nobody knows who you really are.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had the pleasure of bringing a girlfriend or having a romantic fling with a girl at the parks... yet. But I have seen a LOT of "romance" going on in the parks last month. Everything from kissing while waiting to board a ride to kissing while ON the ride.


Well-Known Member
Yay for romance in the parks! ;) to my special person :D, even though i know he wont read this LOL..:lol:


New Member
Heh heh heh heh.:eek:
I may have the record for the shortest fling. It lasted the length of one trip through the Haunted Mansion. I was 12 and riding by myself, and I accidently got into the same Doombuggy as a girl named Carol, who was about my age. Being 12, I was very shy, and I didn't say more than 3 words I don't think. But we both enjoyed the ride.

As we rounded the final corner, and the Blue Lady said, "hurry back!" Carol leaned over and kissed me!:kiss: A big one on the lips.:eek: Why remains as much of a mystery to me today as it was then. I was stunned for a few seconds, then just as the safety bar opened, I started grinning like the Cheshire Cat.:D

Carol climbed over me and headed out. Stupid me, I just sat there and nearly forgot to get off the ride. She vanished into the crowd with, I assume, her folks just as I came out past the iron gate, and I never saw her again. So, Carol, if your out there, call me!:animwink:


New Member


New Member
That is too funny. I have been going to Disney since I was like 3 months old, always with my family. About four or five years ago I met my husband at work and he invited me to his annual Disney family trip. I went and since then we have been together. He is the first person out side of my family that I have shared my Disney experience. I was always afraid that if it did not work out that my Disney experience would be ruined and thanks God it was not. Now we go on his and my family trips to Disney with our son. Thought I shared that with you guys.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>




New Member
I went to Disney with a Senior Grad Nite group in high school (I was a junior, but there were spots open, so I was able to go). While down there I met a senior guy from another local high school and we hit it off. There was a lot of hand holding and a little kissyface, nothing too major. We spent almost the entire trip together. I remember that he actually kissed me for the first time in the queue at Space Mountain. Not the most romantic spot, but it was great.

Gosh, I hadn't thought about that in years.

Of course, my fiance and I went to WDW in 2002 and made some romantic memories as well.. but that wasn't really a Disney fling.

Edited to add that the guy I had the little fling with and I never even attempted to date at all when we got back.. I think one of us (or maybe both?) had a significant other back home. What happens in Disney stays in Disney, indeed. :laugh:


Account Suspended
I have a huge crush on Minnie Mouse. :eek: When I was little I wanted to marry her. Now that I am older... I still want to marry her. :lol:

And the most romance ever was when I got a kiss on the cheek from Cinderella. :animwink: In fact, that's as far as I have ever gone with a girl... ever. :hammer:

(Kidding about the last part. I really do like Minnie tho. ;))


New Member
Not at WDW, but I've had some "romantic encounters" at Disneyland.

I have a little sweet story (not a fling) that will stay with me for a long time. It was a couple of years ago, my sister and I went to the park just for a few hours. Before leaving I had a craving for pretzels, so we headed to the Coke Corner. While in line I heard a voice behind me say, “Excuse me, miss.” I turn around to see a guy around my age standing there. He introduced himself to me and said he noticed me on the tram on the way to the park, but was too afraid to approach me. He got up the nerve to talk to me and all of a sudden from behind his back he handed me a lighted rose and said he felt he needed to tell me that I made an impression on him :eek: AWWW...I'm not used to receiving flowers from guys, so it got to me. I was dating someone at the time, so I couldn’t do anything about it, but I will never forget it.

As for the flings, those stories remain with me. :animwink: :lol:


New Member
While on my CP, I had a slightly inappropriate relationship with my coordinator/boss. Although we were the same age, he was still technically my boss. He changed roles from Tomorrowland to Fantasyland. I used to hear from all the Tomorrowland girls how cute he was, and they were right. All the Fantasyland girls wanted to be with him, but I got him for a few weeks before I went home. Since he used to work in Tomorrowland, he informed me that the TTA cameras don't work anymore. We took advantage of that, of course, no more than kissing. It's a family park. It was great and a lot of fun. We still talk about once a week even though I'm in CT and he's in FL.


Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
Yes i did :D I love that wishing well area. Miss you sweetheart :kiss:

On behalf of all of us WDWMAGIC members.....AWWWWW! :wave:

cuteazabutton74 said:
That is too funny. I have been going to Disney since I was like 3 months old, always with my family. About four or five years ago I met my husband at work and he invited me to his annual Disney family trip. I went and since then we have been together. He is the first person out side of my family that I have shared my Disney experience. I was always afraid that if it did not work out that my Disney experience would be ruined and thanks God it was not. Now we go on his and my family trips to Disney with our son.

That sounds just like me. I took Melissa with me this summer (along with some of her family) and she's the first person I've shared my love at the parks with. We're still going strong (7.5 months now) and I call her my fiance-to-be. I'm hoping to ask her next year as I'm moving in or so while at the parks. I even know when and where at the park I'm going to do it too. It's nice to see it's working out for you, along with the others on here that have had their excitement in the parks.


New Member
#!: I had my first "real" kiss at the magic kingdom while I was on a feild trip in middle school.

#2: My husband and I went to Disney world together way back when we were just freinds. We fell in love there and decided to get married. We honeymooned there and will be renewing our vows there for our ten year ann.


Well-Known Member
I've never had any sort of romantic fling at WDW, but this January my fiance and I are taking our first trip there together. I expect it will be very romantic. :D We'd love to get married there, but my wallet doesn't see that happening any time in the forseeable future. lol.


New Member
waltdisny said:
Heh heh heh heh.:eek:
I may have the record for the shortest fling. It lasted the length of one trip through the Haunted Mansion. I was 12 and riding by myself, and I accidently got into the same Doombuggy as a girl named Carol, who was about my age. Being 12, I was very shy, and I didn't say more than 3 words I don't think. But we both enjoyed the ride.

As we rounded the final corner, and the Blue Lady said, "hurry back!" Carol leaned over and kissed me!:kiss: A big one on the lips.:eek: Why remains as much of a mystery to me today as it was then. I was stunned for a few seconds, then just as the safety bar opened, I started grinning like the Cheshire Cat.:D

Carol climbed over me and headed out. Stupid me, I just sat there and nearly forgot to get off the ride. She vanished into the crowd with, I assume, her folks just as I came out past the iron gate, and I never saw her again. So, Carol, if your out there, call me!:animwink:
Loved it!! LOL!!

Girls... ALWAYS two steps ahead..... hahahaha

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