What exactly is news about this?
If they flooded the servers then there's a good chance that they were their own culprit.
If Disney has shut down this email account due to floods like this, i don't blame them.
Eisner and the Board don't read these emails. I'd hope you'd realize that when Eisner checks his email periodically that this isn't the account.
Public access accounts within corporations are sifted, mostly deleted on the spot, by people who make next to nothing and if anything noteworthy is there its passed on to someone higher than them etc..
99% of executives are the polar opposite of Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who supposedly reads/answers many of his emails from an account he apparently monitors himself. Being that Cuban is a great marketer, it wouldn't be beneath him to exaggerate this "fact" to build more branding in the Mavericks franchise.
Things like this remind me of the NY Times dropping Ted Rall's comics recently from their print and online papers. The NY Times has a reputation for being liberal-minded and Rall's great political comics ran for years. Well he was dropped by the Times because his department continually received emails complaining about him from right wing conservatives. These are people who don't read, much less subscribe to the NY Times and yet the Times finally caved in and dropped Ted Rall from their staff.
I'm not trying to make a connection that those visiting savedisney don't patronize anything Disney, because that's obviously not the case.
But my point is that online issue campaigns, in general, can have mixed results and aren't a snapshot of the majority of people buying/using etc the products of any said company.
The WDC and specifically Eisner and the Board don't need email floods to know what is on the minds of those supporting the savedisney campaign. They can browse the site anytime to deduce what's going on over there. Obviously in this case, these email floods have no effect whatsoever on changing the attitudes in the WDC.