Retired Attractions Survival


Original Poster
You all know the rules. Now it's for the more recent retired (or very much rethemed) attractions. I am including Timekeeper and Wonders of Life because in all honesty, they're probably already nixed. Sorry if I leave out any attraction that was dear to your heart! I did as much digging as I could! (I can still add, as long as it's early in the game!)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 10
Alien Encounter- 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Diamond Horseshoe- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 10
Seacabs- 10
Skyway- 10
Timekeeper- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10


Original Poster
heal mr. toad
hurt keel boats

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 10
Alien Encounter- 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Diamond Horseshoe- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Skyway- 10
Timekeeper- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9


New Member
hurt-imagination (pt.2)

skyway- 11
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 10
Alien Encounter- 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Diamond Horseshoe- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Timekeeper- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9


Well-Known Member
heal - Alien Encounter
hurt - Diamond Horseshoe

Alien Encounter- 11
Skyway- 11
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Timekeeper- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 9


Well-Known Member
Heal Leagues

Hurt Alien

Skyway- 11
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 11
Alien Encounter - 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Timekeeper- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 9

(Um, is Body Wars actually retired?)


Well-Known Member
Heal Timekeeper
Hurt If You Had Wings

Skyway- 11
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 11
Timekeeper - 11
Alien Encounter - 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 9


New Member
Heal Skyway
Hurt Diamond Horseshoe

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 11
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 11
Timekeeper - 11
Alien Encounter - 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 8


Original Poster
heal mr toad
hurt keel boats

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 11
Timekeeper - 11
Alien Encounter - 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 10
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 8
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 8


New Member
heal 20,000 Leagues
hurt Enchanted Tkik Room

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Timekeeper - 11
Alien Encounter - 10
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 10
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 8
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
hurt Alien heal Motion

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Timekeeper - 11
Alien Encounter - 9
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Food Rocks- 10
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 11
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 8
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 8


Well-Known Member
Heal: The Diamond Horseshoe
Hurt: Alien Encounter

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Timekeeper - 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 11
Diamond Horseshoe- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 8
Alien Encounter - 8

Hehehe. With this post I finally become a senior member. Once again, thank you survival topics, the ultimate post padder.


Well-Known Member
Heal Mr Toad
Hurt Mike Fink Keel Boats

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 13
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Timekeeper - 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Horizons- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 11
Diamond Horseshoe- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 7
Alien Encounter - 8


Well-Known Member
Heal: Horizons
Hurt: Alien Encounter

Skyway- 12
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 13
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 11
Diamond Horseshoe- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 7
Alien Encounter - 7


Original Poster
heal alien encounter
hurt keel boats

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 13
Skyway- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
World of Motion- 11
Diamond Horseshoe- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6


Well-Known Member
heal Alien Encounter
hurt Diamond Horseshoe

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 13
Skyway- 12
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
World of Motion- 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 9
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6


Well-Known Member
heal Leagues
hurt Alien

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride- 13
20,000 Leagues under the Sea - 13
Skyway- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
World of Motion- 11
Body Wars- 10
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6


New Member
heal Leagues
hurt Body Wars

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - 14
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - 13
Skyway- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
World of Motion- 11
Body Wars- 9
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6
<!-- / message -->


Well-Known Member
Heal Kitchen Kabaret
Hurt Making of Me

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - 14
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - 13
Skyway- 12
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
Kitchen Kaberet- 11
World of Motion- 11
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 10
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Making of Me- 9
Body Wars- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6
<!-- / message -->


New Member
heal Skyway
hurt Universe of Energy

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - 14
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - 13
Skyway- 13
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
World of Motion- 11
Body Wars- 9
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 10
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 6


Well-Known Member
Heal Cranium
Hurt Keel Boats

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - 14
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - 13
Skyway- 13
Horizons - 11
Timekeeper - 11
World of Motion- 11
Body Wars- 9
Captain EO- 10
Cranium Command- 11
Food Rocks- 10
Imagination (Pt. I)- 10
Kitchen Kaberet- 10
Legend of the Lion King- 10
Making of Me- 10
Mission to Mars- 10
Seacabs- 10
Universe of Energy- 9
Enchanted Tiki Room- 9
Imagination (Pt. 2)- 9
If You Had Wings (and all the other names it had)- 9
Alien Encounter - 8
Diamond Horseshoe- 8
Mike Fink Keel Boats- 5<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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