I know I'm starting REALLY EARLY. But if I'm gonna be able to pull this off, I'm pretty sure that I need to start saving money, if nothing else. See my 10th anniversary will be 2/14/2012. When my wife and I met we were both divorced with children. I had 2 and she had 1. We didn't really have money for a big wedding and no honeymoon whatsoever. We had the wedding planned, but I got laid off a month after 9/11. We scaled back the wedding to just close family at a little chappel and dinner at a restaurant that my new mother-in-law worked at. Went bankrupt later that year. Great start, huh? Believe it or not, we didn't find out that we were both Disney junkies until after that. We've survived 7 years now and I want a real wedding and honeymoon. Believe it or not, I'm a guy actually saying that. I know my DW would find it Extremely romantic.
Anyway, I've seen the wedding pavillion from the monorail and that's what I want. Nothing big, probably just us and our kids. Doubt we'll be able to coax anyone else to make the trip.
Will they accomodate anything that small? How expensive is it? I would assume Feb 14th is a popular day, any ideas how far in advance you can make reservations?
Anyway, I've seen the wedding pavillion from the monorail and that's what I want. Nothing big, probably just us and our kids. Doubt we'll be able to coax anyone else to make the trip.
Will they accomodate anything that small? How expensive is it? I would assume Feb 14th is a popular day, any ideas how far in advance you can make reservations?