Warning: If you like short and sweet - this report is not for you. However, if you like long, drawn out ramblings, read on!
Remember the Magic Trip Report
February 27-March 8, 2015
Animal Kingdom
Jenni (with her Passholder parking), Joe Joe and Jimmie left earlier than anyone to take Missy over to Best Friends for the day. Michael and I (with my Passholder parking) buckled in the kids and hit the road next. Mom and Dad would be meeting us later in the park. When Michael and I got there with the kids, we had to wait a bit for the others to arrive. So we walked over and hung out near the swans/ducks at the entrance to the Oasis. Me and the kids learned about the beautiful birds while we waited. Pretty soon we saw Joe Joe coming up followed by Jenni and Jimmie. Since Mom and Dad were coming later, we started walking through the Oasis.
Our first Fastpass was for It's Tough To Be A Bug so we headed over to the Tree of Life. At some point during the walk to the tree, Jenni mentioned something about bugs and getting stung. I can't remember exactly what she said, but she was joking around with Sawyer. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. He was NOT interested in getting stung. We had to convince him that we weren't really going to get stung. It would be pretend. He calmed down and agreed to go in but he wasn't thrilled about it. We all pretty much enjoyed the show. Except Sawyer. He did not like it at all. I think all the physical effects turned him off it. But he was a trooper and was raring to go on when we left.
We started making our way to Africa as our next Fastpass was for Kilimanjaro Safari's. We stopped on the bridge to get a group picture.
The park was really crowded by this time. Making our way through Harambe Village was a chore. It was nearly wall to wall people. I think the main issue was the Tam Tam Drummers were out and people were gathered to watch them. It was still early in the day and moods were still good so pressing our way through a mass of humanity wasn't terrible. We finally made it through and came out near the fruit market at the entrance to Kilimanjaro Safaris. We still had some time and Mom and Dad weren't there yet, so we decided to go through the Pangani Exploration Forest. Well, the others decided to go. I had a sore foot so decided to hang out and wait for Mom and Dad to get there. Mombasa Marketplace was right there so I wandered through the displays for a few minutes. As in nearly every store I went in during the trip, there were more items I would have liked to buy than everyone in the store could afford together. They did have a pretty frog statue that I really wanted, and thought I might come back later in the day to get. That didn't happen but that's probably for the best. Leaves more money for the next trip! After browsing, I really needed to sit to rest. Fortunately, there were a few stools and tables outside and I was able to snag one while I waited. It was nice to sit and people watch. That's one of my favorite things to do. It turned out the others got done in the forest just a few minutes before Mom and Dad got there.
With everyone assembled, we jumped in the Fastpass line for the safari. Our seats were in the back of our truck. I sat with Joe Joe and Sawyer. Sawyer wanted to sit on the outside so he could see better. Talk about a nervous aunt! But Michael was sitting right behind us and I was able to keep Sawyer's attention so he didn't jump out to play. Joe Joe and Michael had lived in Tanzania for about 2-3 years and were pretty impressed with the trip. They said in all the years they lived there, they had never seen a hippo and thought it was ironic they saw one on this trip. (Interesting side note: Sawyer was born in Kenya about a year into their stay in Africa.) Sawyer loved the bridge, me not so much. He wanted to go back and do it again. Yay for one way trips! I thought the ant hills were pretty interesting. (My sister argues that these are termite hills. She could be right, I don't have the best memory or attention span). What I really thought were neat were the upside down trees, Baobob. So pretty, in a weird type of way.
Some of my favorite pics from the gazillions we took.
Somewhat off topic:
I must tell you all, we got my mother a mini-iPad for Christmas. It was my idea and here's why. While Joe Joe and Michael are overseas, they take pictures and videos to email to us. So Mom will print out pictures to take to church to show all her friends. (Or she'll make me get out my iPad to show them). So I thought it would be a good way for her to store the pictures and not have to print anything out or hunt me down to use mine. I really thought she would have the hang of the thing by our trip, but well, she didn't. Since she doesn't have a decent phone with a camera or an actual camera, she was trying to use her iPad to take pictures. Not being used to it, she wound up taking multiple pictures at a time, or switching to video and not realizing it. To add to her confusion, my siblings and Dad would fuss at her when she tried to use it. Now, I know iPads are a huge controversy at the parks. So I apologize to anyone it bothered. However, even standing she's not very tall, so she was never really in any one's way. And to be fair, the mini iPad is not that much bigger or cumbersome than the iPhone 6 or even a good camera. She was simply trying to take some pictures to help her remember her trip and to be able to show her friends at church. But a big portion of our group was constantly fussing at her to put it away. It really made me upset they did that to her. After a few days of this, I finally tried convincing her to take pictures of us rather than the rides and attractions. I told her we can get pictures of most of that stuff on the internet. She seemed to take that to heart and the fussing died down a bit after that. Although it never fully stopped.
Back to Animal Kingdom.
So I had to pull up a map of Animal Kingdom to refresh my memory. I couldn't remember the order of everything we did. There are still one or two items that are a little fuzzy in the timeline, but for the most part, I think I have it worked out. So onward we go!
After the Safari, we jumped on the Wildlife Express Train to head over to Rafiki's Planet Watch. We had a little issue with Elsie wanting to sit with her dad. But she'd been in his arms most of the morning and he needed a little break. She didn't like that at all. So our trip over to Rafiki's was interesting with her crying most of the way. Joe Joe was finally able to calm her down. We arrived at the station and was directed by the most bored cast member I've ever seen. He clearly did not want to be there. It was to the point that Jenni and I wondered if he was SUPPOSED to be acting that way. Like he was in character or something. But if so it just seemed a really random place for that type of character. I really don't think he was supposed to be acting that way. He wasn't mean or yelling, just really bored by everything. It was weird.
We shrugged it off and started on the trek up to the Affection Section and other attractions. And trek it is, good heavens I was dying. But we made it and was just in time for Chip & Dale…to take a break. So we walked around to Affection Section for the kids to pet the animals. Somewhere along the way Sawyer got in trouble. I don't remember what he did, but it was bad enough to be put in time out. So he and I sat in the Animal Tales seats to rest and cool off (me literally and Sawyer figuratively). Everyone else kind of scattered while Joe Joe and Jenni took Elsie into the animal pin to pet and brush. I think she really loved that. Eventually, Michael came and got Sawyer and took him in as well.
We couldn't stay long at Rafiki's as we had Fastpasses for Festival of the Lion King. So everyone started gathering at the front entrance. I tried going through the building from the back to the front, but got confused. I couldn't figure out how to get through. I decided you couldn't cut through so I went back out and went around to the front from the outside. My brother told me you can go through, but I'm still confused about it.
This was a good time for snack, water, and bathroom breaks so we took turns going inside to use the facilities. While we were waiting, Gi-Tar Dan came out and started playing games with Chip & Dale and all the kids he could gather. They played hot acorn (instead of potato) and Chip, or was it Dale, tried keeping the acorn. It was pretty cute. Then they played follow-the-leader to line up for pictures with Chip & Dale. It was pretty funny seeing my dad doing all that and standing in line with the kids to take pictures.
Fun at Rafiki's Planet Watch
When the kids were finished, we had to go so we said goodbye to Gi-Tar Dan playing his guitar and headed back to the train station. The same bored cast member was still there but was a little more irritable while lining folks up to wait for the train. Oh well, we wouldn't have to wait too long. The trip back was a little less eventful and pretty soon we were headed to Festival of the Lion King.
I stopped at Harambe Popcorn for a quick snack while we waited for the doors to open. Elsie had another meltdown as we arrived so Michael took a walk with her to calm her down. We had to wait a while for the next show. It was a good 20 minutes anyway. Most of that time we had to wait outside the gates. I don't know why they weren't letting us through. Since we were at the handicapped entrance, as others came our line was fairly lengthy for a handicap line. Most everyone kept getting in our line thinking it was the regular line. Finally, they let us in and we were able to get out of the sun. We didn't have to wait much longer after that.
We were seated in the Warthog section. We were just a few rows back, level with the main floor and near the left side. Fairly decent seats. I think I would have liked to been maybe one or two rows back as they started rising from that point. Being a shorter person, I had to peek around and through to see some of the show. That didn't diminish my enjoyment though. I loved it!! There was so much energy and excitement going on! I was fascinated how they brought out the sets. If you haven't been, you have to go to appreciate it. I loved the stilt-walkers. They make it look so effortless. The costumes are beautiful and the cast members were just amazing. I really could go on about the show. It's definitely one I will be going to as many times as I can get there.
I loved everything about the show! Must go back!
After FOTLK it was time for some lunch. From the moment Dad saw a Macaroni and Cheese Hot Dog on the menu at Restarauntosaurus that's all he talked about. So he walked all the way over to Dino-Land for lunch while the rest of us went over to Yak & Yeti's Cafés. We loaded down with a ton of food and found a little niche tucked nearby. It was a really neat little courtyard way in the back tucked around the corner from the Bhaktapur Market. I really could imagine we were in some little foreign courtyard thousands of miles from home.
One of the things that made me nervous on the trip was Joe Joe and Michael would let Sawyer go to the bathroom by himself. He had just turned six in January so it was really hard for me to stay calm the entire time he was gone. I would keep looking in the direction of the bathrooms and occasionally couldn't help it and would make some excuse to go that direction and just "happen" to bump into him on the way back to the table. I respect Joe Joe and Michael and try not to question too many of their parenting methods. This one is a tough one. I can understand giving him a certain amount of independence, building his confidence and such. But wow, we're in one of the most crowded places. I asked Joe Joe about it once. She admitted that it makes her a bit nervous as well, so she keeps an eye out too. Still, I would feel more comfortable if they at least escorted him to the door. Sometimes the path to the bathroom is not visible from where we would be sitting. Those were usually the times I found a reason to go after him. Perhaps I'm an overprotective aunt, but I would rather be safe than sorry. I'm not sure I'll ever change my view of that.
Sorry, off on another tangent. You should probably expect more of them as I go on.
Dad rejoined us as we rested and digested after lunch. As I said, it was a really nice spot. We lingered here for awhile. But soon it was time to get moving again. Our next Fastpass was for Kali River Rapids. Mom and Dad decided to sit this one out. So we congregated in a little area overlooking a section of the river where Mom and Dad would wait for us. They would be able to see us as we came through. Most of us had brought sandals to wear on the ride, so we changed or took off socks and then headed to the Fastpass line. I thought it was a trek to get to Rafiki's. This was a trek as well. Wow! But I can see why it would be needed during peak wait times. The closer we got to the front, we started to pass people getting off. And Sawyer started noticing that a lot of them were soaking wet. He was super excited that he might get soaked! The loading/unloading area was really interesting. It moved along with the boats. I was afraid of tripping or missing a step but managed not to embarrass myself. We boarded our boat with one other couple who immediately took to Sawyer. He was pretty infectious with his excitement. They teased him as we started up the incline and started seeing water shooting out of rocks and up out of the river. Then we got to the top and saw where we were headed. I was at the front when we started down the hill. Let me tell you what… That water was COLD!! The couple next to me got a pretty good soaking. I was glad I brought my sandals. Sawyer wanted to go again when we got back to Mom and Dad. And since they didn't use their Fastpasses, we had two extras. Jenni volunteered to take him so the rest of us waited with Mom and Dad. It gave us a chance to dry out and change back into walking shoes. Jenni said that Sawyer had worked out exactly where to sit to get the most soaking. And wasn't shy about telling everyone in the boat whether they would get wet or not. He's a smart little cookie.
When they got back it was time to move on. This was the part Michael had been looking forward to. Expedition Everest! He convinced me to give it a shot so we headed that way with Sawyer, Joe Joe and Jenni. Jimmie decided to pass so he went with Mom and Dad to take Elsie to Finding Nemo. I loved the queue for Everest. So many interesting things to check out while you waited. Sawyer jabbered the entire time. However, the closer we got to the loading area, the more nervous he became. So when it was finally time for us to board he decided he didn't want to go. So Michael volunteered to take him out to wait for us to ride. I wound up in a seat next to a lady who was super excited! She asked if I was excited. I really wasn't. I told her it had been at least 20 years since I'd been on any type of coaster. That made her even more excited for me to ride with her for my first coaster ride in decades. I had watched POV videos on YouTube to get an idea of what to expect. You know, to see if there were any upside down loops and whatnot. So I knew to expect the open area from mountaintop to mountaintop, and the torn up track at the peak, and going backwards, all that. I'm afraid I disappointed my seat mate. No arms in the air, no whooping or screaming from me. Pretty much just holding tight and holding my breath. And squeezing my eyes shut. Yeah, sorry coaster lovers. I forgot about centrifugal force or whatever it's called. Especially going down and around. Man that had me pressed into the seat and not being able to breath. I did not like that at all! But I survived and can say I did it. Michael asked if I wanted to go back around and ride with him. I passed up that offer. Joe Joe did want to go again so the two of them got back in line while we waited with Sawyer. Jenni decided to go in search of ice cream and meet Mom, Dad, Elsie and Jimmie. It wasn't long before Joe Joe and Michael were back. Michael was having so much fun! He decided to go again and jump in the single rider line. We kept watching for him but never did see him. That is until he walked up behind us! We told him we were looking for him so he offered to go again. He waved to us as they passed from one peak to the other. He really was having a blast. His on-ride photos were pretty good too.
Top left: Me, holding my breath and my poor seatmate. Joe Joe & Jenni are having a good time. And Michael's still make me chuckle.
It was starting to get late in the day and we still had Dino-Land to go. We all met up outside Finding Nemo. Mom and Dad decided that they had had enough for the day so they headed home. Our next game plan was for Joe Joe to go ride Dinosaur while the rest of us took the kids to Dino-Land. She headed off in that direction and the rest of us headed into Dino-Land. Michael took Sawyer over to Primeval Whirl while Jimmie took Elsie to Tricera Top Spin. I had picked up a frozen lemonade on the way over so I stayed with the stroller. Jenni went to find tickets for the kids to play games. Joe Joe got back while everyone else was still in line/about to ride. I was watching Elsie and Jimmie on Tricera Top Spin when a street party broke out! Elsie and Jimmie finished their ride just as Sawyer and Michael got back. Sawyer was really upset. It turns out he was not quite tall enough for Primeval Whirl. To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. But there was music and a crowd and a spontaneous conga line. So Michael hopped in with Elsie on his shoulders and Joe Joe hopped in with Sawyer to try to lift his spirits. It was a good attempt, but didn't really work. When the party dispersed, Michael took Sawyer and Elsie back on Tricera Top Spin. He let Sawyer sit in the front of the car by himself, which helped to cheer him up.
So it was our turn for Dinosaur. While Jenni, Jimmie, Michael and I went to Dinosaur, Joe Joe took the kids to play games. Dinosaur was fun! I was on the outside and managed to get buckled in pretty good. Michael was next to me then Jenni and finally, Jimmie on the other side. We were right in front. And having seen pictures and even a video of the ride, I knew I would be front and center for the on-ride camera. Jenni didn't have as good of a ride. Her legs kept getting rammed into the edges of the seat. She wound up with some pretty big bruises. If it weren't for that she would have loved to do it again. After the ride we made our way back over to Chester and Hester's, passing through to look for Joe Joe and the kids. They weren't quite done playing so Michael convinced Jimmie to go back over to Expedition Everest and give it a shot. So they headed over there while Jenni and I waited for Joe Joe and the kids. We would all meet back up at the front of the park.
Michael was all I could see when their car was so high!
While we waited, Jenni and I reorganized our bags and got ourselves situated. By that time the kids were done and so we met Joe Joe near the Boneyard where she decided she wanted an ice cream cookie so got herself and the kids a treat. I pushed the stroller while she ate and by the time we got to Discovery Island they were a nice, tired, sticky mess. After stopping to get them cleaned up, Jenni and I told Joe Joe we'd meet the rest of them at the park entrance. After finding the picture frame at Hollywood Studios, we decided to try to find one from each park. So we went into Disney Outfitters to look around. We found some frames but couldn't decide. I found a cap for the park and took my purchase to the counter. The cast member ringing up the cap asked me how close I lived to a large national park near my hometown. I was so taken aback. It was weird going so far to find someone who knew the area where I am from. So we chatted about how he knew the area and what a coincidence it was. Made for a memorable exchange. But it was time to go so I found Jenni and we headed for the park entrance.
We met Jimmie outside the Island Merchantile. After Kali River Rapids, Jenni's shoes had been hurting her and she knew she wouldn't be able to go much longer with them. So she went in and found a pair of Crocs with Mickey on them and a pair of socks. We paused so she could change and she seemed to be a different person after that. We continue to make our way out of the park and passed the Outpost Cart outside the entrance. I was really tempted to buy a Safari Mickey, but decided to save the money for something I really needed. However, I'm thinking my next trip, Safari Mickey will be coming home with me.
After a short tram ride to the parking lot and a long walk to the car, we were on our way to pick up Missy. If I thought she was excited to see us last night, she was even more tonight. When Jenni put her in the car, she crawled into the front seat and into my lap. When Jenni was buckled in she coaxed Missy into the back with her. You know how dogs pant real heavy and their chests heave when they are excited? Well, Missy was doing that which isn't unusual, but along with it she was making a weird hoarse, wheezing sound. I've never heard her do that before. It was extremely concerning. She did it all the way home. We stopped on the way to get supper to take back with us. By the time we got home she had calmed down, but was still making a wheezing noise. It eased up as the evening progressed, but when she'd bark or pant, it would be a hoarse, wheezy sound. This behavior continued the rest of the week. The staff at Best Friends told us she would pant and whine/cry all day long and wouldn't eat or drink anything. I think she was dehydrated from all the panting and hoarse from the crying. I felt so bad. I was very near volunteering to stay home the rest of the week to keep her home. But we kept an eye on her every night and other than being hoarse, she seemed fine. Jenni wound up paying a little extra at Best Friends to add daily cuddle time for Missy. That helped somewhat, although she would still be wheezy and hoarse every day.
So other than worried about the dog, our second day at Walt Disney World was a success! Tomorrow we would finally be going back to the most wonderful place on earth. We would finally be going back to Magic Kingdom. Jenni and I were beyond excited although it was dampened a little bit by exhaustion and worry about Missy. Still, we couldn't wait to walk through those gates and see Main Street and the Castle with our own eyes after all this time.