As for the strawberry field...Paul P. right after DCA first opened had a Eniv. Report completed on the fields but, nothing happended after that....Not even a review of what came of it...other than any plans were put on hold after everyone realized that DCA had lots of problems and to focus on TOT/bugs land first.
Things may be moving along however, the Anaheim Pointe (same folks who own the Pointe Orlando that went bankrupt) project that was supposed to be open fall 2004 (the old Melodyland property that Disney didnt want to pay high prices for and suposed location for Downtown Disney...conecting the parks per say) semes to be building steam again. The project has finaly collected money from its builders so we may see construction starting soon. IMO Disney should have paid for land that they have been asking for years. Now there can be a "le ______ shoppe" @ 1000 Disney Way...the street name.
As for a water park at D/L...doesnt make much sence because of the cost of property only to have it closed 5 months out of the year due to the fall cold weather. Besides Knotts and MM both close their water parks as well for the season, not enough guests. It will be anyones guess as to what they will put there. I just dont think anything will happen till after the next "land" gets built at DCA. Dont forget DCA needs something new other than Monsters Inc. to get them thru the 5th Anniv. next year that no construction has been started on.