Rain! Rain! Rain!


New Member
We are going to be in WDW May 16th to the 23rd. Accuweather is calling for 8 straight days of rain. Can that be accurate?! Does it rain that much in Florida or is that unusual? I need some hope and encouraging words. We just had a harsh winter and a cold wet spring in the Northeast. I was looking forward to some sunny Florida weather. Looks like we will be bringing the rainy weather with us:(


Active Member
It rarely rains for an entire day. It's usually a 30-minute downpour at about 5:00 PM. Best advice: DON'T leave the park. Tons of people head for the exits when the rain starts and you can get some seriously short wait times. Bring a couple pairs of sneakers so that if you get soaked one day you can let the one pair dry for a day.
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Forum! You want encouraging words, I have plenty.
I go to WDW for weekend trips, and I use several weather sources as a result. Accuweather is not very accurate for long term forecasts beyond four or five days. Additionally, "rain" in Central Florida can mean one hour. It can also mean that it will rain at Sea World, without a drop of rain at WDW. Keep whatever rain gear you desire in the room, look at the forecast on TV every morning, and enjoy your time in the parks.
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Ah, you can't always buy what weather sites are selling - especially when you're a good week & a half from the trip. The forecast is probably going to change a million times before you actually depart. You're likely to get a shower here or there during this time of year, but 8 straight days? Regardless of what a site says, I find that hard to believe.
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New Member
As with ANY weather forcast, unless it is for the next 2 to 3 days, they can NEVER predict it with any accuracy. Don't worry about something as small as the weather, especially since it can't be controlled. Instead think of how wonderful it will be to be down there, especially since we will be there at the same time!!!
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I am going to WDW on May 12-22 ,and have exactly the same problem !
I have been to WDW on the same dates the past 5 years and never had more than one day of rain
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New Member
Original Poster
I am going to WDW on May 12-22 ,and have exactly the same problem !
I have been to WDW on the same dates the past 5 years and never had more than one day of rain

I have been to WDW two times before, around this time of year, and never saw a forecast like this one. I know there is a La Nina going on right now...I thought maybe it had something to do with that.
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Well-Known Member
I am going to WDW on May 12-22 ,and have exactly the same problem !
I have been to WDW on the same dates the past 5 years and never had more than one day of rain

I am there for the same days and I have to say I am excited for rain! I love the part of the day where it rains really hard slows down just enough for people to start heading out and then picks up again to ensure people wont be coming back. Grab a poncho and enjoy, yes it might mess up some of the plans like the parade and outside shows but really pushing the people out makes up for that big time!
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Well-Known Member
One thing I can never do is trust the weather reports. It changes tpo often. At least it will give you an idea what to expect. But also When they call for rain It is rare it rains all day long.
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Well-Known Member
I would agree with what everyone said about it not raining all day, but last year was the first time it started to rain on us at 5:00pm and it lasted all night. (Middle of June). There was lots of rain, and it wasn't the normal 3:00pm for 20 minute downpour then sun again that I was used to. Our ponchos got a workout. Oh yeah, a trick I learned from a local Orlandoian last year, put your cell phone in a Ziplock bag.
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New Member

Exactly 2 years ago we had over 2 weeks of rain at this time. I hope its not going to be like that again as we have been in May for years and never known it. We're going on the 20th.

take a look at the following link if you don't believe me....


It shouldn't hopefully be that bad as there has in fact been some rain recently. When it rained in 2009, they had no rain in nearly 2 months and then they had 7 inches or something like that in 24 hours. That amount of water has got nowehere to go and we kept getting the same rain again and again for the next few weeks.


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Have any of you guys been on a trip and been rained on a good percentage of the time that you were there? I went back in April of '08 for 3 & 1/2 days. It rained EVERY single day - and not light rains. These were straight-up downpours. Put such a damper on our trip...both literally and figureatively.

It was the first time I had been to Disney in 20+ years that I see weather that bad. Hoping it was the last time. Had to call it an early day a few times during that weekend. No fun.
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Well-Known Member
Have any of you guys been on a trip and been rained on a good percentage of the time that you were there? I went back in April of '08 for 3 & 1/2 days. It rained EVERY single day - and not light rains. These were straight-up downpours. Put such a damper on our trip...both literally and figureatively.

It was the first time I had been to Disney in 20+ years that I see weather that bad. Hoping it was the last time. Had to call it an early day a few times during that weekend. No fun.
The year before last we went in August. A family member who lives in Jacksonville said it had been raining for a week. It was like that most of our trip, so it does happen.
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Active Member

Ugh yeah I am going down there then too. Sometimes it has rained on and off but it is usually my luck that when I go down it pours all day :cry:. I really hope it does not do that to us. I did just check the National Weather Service and they dont have percipitation forcasts for then yet so hopefully it will change!
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We were there two years ago in May over those same dates and as previously stated ....... Rained every single day, all day, eight days straight...... literally rivers flowing through Animal Kingdom walkways. Record rains as locals told us :mad:. Did put a huge damper on the trip, but on the flip side, the parks were EMPTY and we walked on to everything. I lost the gym shoes and just went with flip flops. The shows were cold because we were soaking wet and the AC was full on.

I really don't see that happening again. Accuweather is very unpredictable this far out. I know, I was following it in February for our last trip and it literally changed daily by about 15 degrees and sun to rain.

Take the rain gear and hope for the best. Take advantage of it when it does rain and have fun with it. That is what we ended up having to do and I had a daughter in a wheelchair, poncho covering the sunshade and over the back of her chair, umbrellas and ponchos for all. Don't want to have to repeat a trip like that, but hey, what are you going to do, Go Home .... NO WAY!! It's Disney!!
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Well-Known Member
Being in the aviation business and also a pilot, I don't trust anything more than 24 hours. Even that I am a tad skeptical. :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
We are going to be in WDW May 16th to the 23rd. Accuweather is calling for 8 straight days of rain. Can that be accurate?! Does it rain that much in Florida or is that unusual? I need some hope and encouraging words. We just had a harsh winter and a cold wet spring in the Northeast. I was looking forward to some sunny Florida weather. Looks like we will be bringing the rainy weather with us:(

Last year when I was at WDW the week before Memorial Day, Central Florida had record breaking rainfall amounts. It really kind of sucked because it did in fact rain alot (and it was unusual). I remember it had been beautiful weather the week before.

Alas, I am going again on the week before Memorial Day and I see the same forecast you did. A little disappointing. However, the good thing is that the forecast may change alot between now and then.

Fingers crossed they are wrong on this long range forecast!
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Well-Known Member
We were there two years ago in May over those same dates and as previously stated ....... Rained every single day, all day, eight days straight...... literally rivers flowing through Animal Kingdom walkways. Record rains as locals told us :mad:. Did put a huge damper on the trip, but on the flip side, the parks were EMPTY and we walked on to everything. I lost the gym shoes and just went with flip flops. The shows were cold because we were soaking wet and the AC was full on.

I really don't see that happening again. Accuweather is very unpredictable this far out. I know, I was following it in February for our last trip and it literally changed daily by about 15 degrees and sun to rain.

Take the rain gear and hope for the best. Take advantage of it when it does rain and have fun with it. That is what we ended up having to do and I had a daughter in a wheelchair, poncho covering the sunshade and over the back of her chair, umbrellas and ponchos for all. Don't want to have to repeat a trip like that, but hey, what are you going to do, Go Home .... NO WAY!! It's Disney!!

Wasn't it last year for the record rain? Or is my recollection of time really that bad?
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Well-Known Member
I am with you...17-24. Hopefully we will only experience Florida-type rains of just a few minutes of downpour - then back to sunshine. Nothing we can do about it so I'm just hoping for the best. I'm taking a rain poncho every day just in case.
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