I'll go ahead and disagree. Alice felt like a marketing machine film - something only created to churn out Hot Topic-heavy merchandise for the Tim Burton goth/emo crowd. The story was alright, I suppose, but the whole thing felt too digital with a bit of an off narrative... no actual sets or physical effects hurt this one, I think, as did the confused, meandering plotline. I did like some of the creature designs (March Hare & Cheshire Cat were my favorites) and didn't care for others (Tweedle Dee/Dum, White Queen, Hatter). Depp did an alright performance but it was a bit empty, at least in my opinion - a closer tie to the original animated film would've made the overall picture better in my opinion. It was enjoyable to an extent, yes, but a near-classic? Not so much. I feel the high-rotten rating is about right.
Avatar, however, deserves more credit than I think it got. The acting was so-so in certain places but quite good in others, and for the first time in a long, long time the special effects of the film shocked & awed me - I was drawn into the 3D world presented. The story was derivative, but competent - a classic for its technological impact, but not so much the storytelling performed.
I haven't seen Prince of Persia yet, but it seems to have been kind of a bust with domestic audiences, with low domestic box office as well as low popularity (my friends whom have seen it said they didn't care for it). It did much better as I assume much of you know overseas, but it remains to be seen if that'll be enough to produce the new "Pirates" franchise Disney was going for...