I'm posting this in the Sea World category eventhough it's a Busch Gardens Williamsburg topic. They are both owned by Anhuser-Busch.
I was at Busch Gardens Williamsburg on Friday and noticed the sign below. BG has added it's own version of Fastpass, but there's a catch, you have to pay for it. They don't have any special lines or queues per say, you actually enter a ride through the exit lane. Park employees at the end check to see if you have a special wrist band. I didn't see anyone using it, but I found it interesting that the cost is fairly significant at $24.95 per person or $19.95 for season pass holders.
I was at Busch Gardens Williamsburg on Friday and noticed the sign below. BG has added it's own version of Fastpass, but there's a catch, you have to pay for it. They don't have any special lines or queues per say, you actually enter a ride through the exit lane. Park employees at the end check to see if you have a special wrist band. I didn't see anyone using it, but I found it interesting that the cost is fairly significant at $24.95 per person or $19.95 for season pass holders.