At the end of August, we will be taking our first, little trip to Universal. I was wondering about Hogwarts. I've heard that there is a ride inside of it, but is it also designed like it is in the movie? Like can you tour it and go into classrooms, the dining room, etc.?
Also, what else is there to do in the Wizarding World of HP? Thanks!
The queue is very long, very detailed, and takes you through a lot of the familiar areas from the film (grand staircase, etc)...however, it is not a "walk through" tour of the Castle per se, however, it is enough to make you slow down and look (and you should). Going in late August, the lines should be reasonable, but I'd recommend letting people pass you in line just so you can soak in all the detail, if you are a HP fan.
There is a ride inside it, and it's a very, very good ride.
As far as other things to do:
There is a coaster called the Dragon Challenge (used to be Dueling Dragons). Didn't get to ride it this past trip (kid was too short), but I did ride it's previous incarnation back in 04. As I recall, it's a fun ride.
Another coaster, Flight of the Hippogriff, is more a kids/family coaster. Again, we didn't ride it last trip (I don't recall why), but I also rode it in 04 when it was still called the Flying Unicorn, and it was fun.
There is a ton of themed shopping to do...including Olivanders, where you can have a "wand choose you"...this is not a walk in and walk out of shop...rather there is a wait and you will be admitted in small groups where a show is put on. One person from the audience will be "selected" by a wand during the show. It's fun, good effects (LONG line)...
Other shops...Honeydukes, with themed merchandise, Dervish and Banges, Zonko's Joke Shop (this was by far my favorite) and Filche's Emporium of Confiscated Goods (meh, a general HP gift shop)...
The eatery there is the Three Broomsticks. It is not on the Dining Plan, but the food looked pretty good (I didn't eat there, but we did walk in and around it)...
There is a replica of the Hogwarts Express, and you can find the conductor of the Hogwarts Express doing meet and greets here.
The Owl Post consists of a real post office box where you can mail a post card and it will be postmarked as coming from Hogsmeade.
Butterbeer is available from a cart in the middle of the street...and comes in two forms. Regular, and frozen.
Give both a shot (but, I prefer regular)...