Question for Kilimanjaro Safaris Cast members...


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Original Poster
Hey gang,

I am a cast member at WDW and thinking about going over to AK to work at Kilimanjaro Safaris. Are there any CM here that work this attraction? Can you give me any input? I know it is pretty in depth and has one of if not the largest script on property. cna anyone give me some insight to the trainning? How many days do you get to learn the script/drive before your checkout? Do you get more than one shot at a check out? I am very interested in working the attraction as I hear they are short on CM's and need folks. Just want to know what to expect. If there are any CM's here that work the attraction, any inout would be great...



Well-Known Member
I was a CM there several years ago (2002 was the last time). So take my info with a grain of salt. It is a very large script and you train for 5 days (I think, it may be 7 days). During this time, you learn the spiel and to drive the vehicles. In addition to the basic spiel you are required to learn at least one fact about every animal on the safari.

There are other people here who have worked at safari more recently than I have and would be able to give you better, possibly more accurate information.

Good luck! I really enjoyed working there.


Account Suspended
Most attractions give you more than 1 shot at checkout, so i'm assuming it applies here too.

One thing I always heard was that the seat hurts your bum after a while of continuous bouncin up and down over the rocky roads.


New Member
Hey there, (or "jambo")

It might all seem a bit overwhelming... as you said, there is a whole lot to it, but your main concerns as far as being able to "check out" would ofcourse be the 1.) Ability to safely drive such a large vehicle full of guests, 2.) learning the script and all the animal facts, and 3.) the ability to perform all the land positions---but it is an extremely fun and unique job, so definitely well worth the hard work.

Typical training lasts 5 days followed by 1 assessment day, but it's usually played by ear (i.e. trainers can request more or less days of training depending on your progress.) The assessment day is composed of the verbal and written tests, a full ride-through with guests and a manager(who decides if your show is up to par or not) and then finally the person assessing you will have you do each and every land position and check you off once they feel you do a good enough job at that particular position. If you manage to make it through all that, you're in!

If this is something you are interested in and could actually see yourself doing, I highly recommend you go for it. As you stated, we are extremely short-staffed at the moment, so they will gladly take anyone who they feel can do the job well.

If you have any more questions don't hesitate to send me a PM. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
I think they should move all of the Jungle Cruise Skippers to Kilimanjaro Safaris and visa versa. :wave:

I don't know - have you ever seen the way those JC Skippers just keep spinnin' that wheel! They'd kill us all! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Another question about the safaris.

This along with Jungle Cruise are two of the rides I would love to be a CM on. However I imagine that running that spiel nonstop all day long has got to be hard on your voice. How long are your shifts for that ride and how often are breaks given, etc...


New Member
If you are ever lucky enough to ride the Jungle Cruise when a CM named Rhonda is the skipper, you are in for a treat. This lady should be doing stand-up comedy, her timing and delivery is perfect and she was one of the highlights of a very enjoyable visit to the MK on 5/7/06.

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