Probably not a new topic


New Member
Original Poster
But we are going to buy DVC and I'd like to know anyones opinions on buying from Disney vs. resale. Thanks!


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I looked into this a lot just recently. If you put all the numbers in a spreadsheet and assume roughly the same amount of appreciation on everything (say 2 or 3% on maintenance fees), you come out with a price per night lodging number that is almost exactly the same whether you buy resale or not. The main pro of buying resale (and why we decided to do it) is that you can get more points up front for the same amount of money (we got 40 more points for the amount we wanted to spend right now). The main pro of buying new is that your lease runs for longer (2054 or 2057 versus 2042). However, once you have some points and are a DVC member, you can still buy points in much smaller units. We're thinking of getting 30 or 40 AKLV points in a couple of years if our resale goes through without a hitch (we're buying into the Villas at Wilderness Lodge). Hope this helps with your thinking.

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