I am in need of some help. My fiancée and I are looking at getting married on Disney property. I have made some phone calls and was knocked over by the price. The wedding is going to be myself, fiancée, daughter and the Pastor. We wanted to just take a walk on property and find a nice quiet place and have a nice private ceremony. I know Disney frowns on the idea of not paying for the ceremony and not having Disney included. So my question, has anyone else done this and how did it work out. We were planning on having the small ceremony at our resort then getting on the bus and head to Crystal Palace for breakfast. I don't want to hide to be deceptive but I can't justify spending 2500 for something that neither of us need or want. This is a second wedding for us both. We were both married previous and don't want to have anything big or fancy, just small and simple. When we get home we will have a party for all our friends and family. Any ideas or input would be appreciated. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!