Personally I think the whole area needs to be revamped and re-themed, a roadside carnival celebrating dinosaurs?! How un-Disney is that!
Personally this is how I would re-do it
Okay first of all Chester and Hester did previously have the Dinosaur Jubilee. So along those same lines I could see this whole area taking on an excavation site theme, yes I know that is what the Boneyard and surrounding area is but this would be different) The name could really stay the same or the name could be changed to something incorporating the whole excavation site deal. The area would be an excavation camp deep with in a un-located jungle. Instead of Triceratops Spin I would replace this ride with a Zephyr type ride called Tar pit Explorer or something like that, the name could use some work. Anyways the idea is you and your team of excavators are being lowered into a tar pit and you are slowly spun on your Cyclotron Tar pit Explorer 3000, and you can look at the walls and see the remains of the dinosaur bones and gooy tar walls, when suddenly a computerized voice comes on "error error Speed control failure error error" And the CTE 3000 spins out of control in the normal zephyr fashion until the resident scientist can fix the glitch and raise you back out of the pit. This would be a kiddie-ish zephyr not too intense, and the tar pit would be well lit, so not to be to scary for the youngsters, yes the whole ride would have to slightly lower into a structure but that should not be that big of a mechanical feet and the area around it could be built up sorta like a hill if there would be any water table problems with going down too deep.
As far as Primeval Whirl, keep the coaster the same, but re-them it. Build a faux mountain around the coaster, build tunnel section around the track. The idea here is that you are traveling through an inactive volcano which has been reported to contain several nearly full rare dinosaur skeletons, you are traveling in your specially equipped Whirlybird Excavator Vehicle, as you go up the lift hill you look at this nice dino skeletons into the tunnel side suddenly, the resident excavation leader comes into you over the radio in the WEV and tells you that they made a slight error and the volcano is in fact active and if you don’t get out of their quick you will be joining the dinos you just saw, then using a special version of GPS the scientists are able to navigate you out of the volcano. Of course on the rest of the ride there would be lots of eruption effects and perhaps at the end you just barley escape a river of rushing lava coming at you.
AS far as the carnie games though, a better version of the bone yard could be put in where you pay a price to excavate your own mini-dinosaur and assemble its bones.... I dunno I have not thought too much about this section yet.
Well with that I am off to bed, darn 8 o'clock Engineering 101