Macworld Daily News
Poll: Jobs 'should run Disney'
By Macworld staff
Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of Macworld online readers think that Apple CEO Steve Jobs should take over the leadership of Disney.
This opinion is shared by ex-Disney board member Stanley Gold, who recently suggested that Jobs should take the reins of the animation company.
It isn’t just Macworld readers and ex-Disney staff who think so highly of Jobs' skills as a CEO. He seems to receive almost constant recognition for his expertise at the helm of Apple and Pixar, with awards and accolades celebrating him. It appears Steve Jobs is hot property in the business world.
Jobs has also been named as an economic advisor for Democratic US presidential candidate John Kerry, suggesting that more than just his CEO skills are in demand.
With so much to offer, it seems Jobs could take his pick of a number of lucrative positions in the world of business and politics. But Macworld online readers are split over whether he should become president of Disney (23 per cent), president of Microsoft (22 per cent), president of the world (18 per cent), president of the US (17 per cent), or President Cheese (12 per cent). Another 8 per cent of the 1,101 readers taking part in the poll, think Jobs should set his sites elsewhere, making suggestions in the forum.
One reader suggests: "Jobs should be put in charge of US foreign policy," another that "he couldn't do any worse at launching an all-new iRaq".
Another reader thinks that Jobs' ultimate ambition should be to be canonized. But of course, he would have to die first – something likely to shake up the Mac world far more than the launch of the iPod and iMac combined.
One reader recommends Jobs should "stay where he is and continue to do what he does best: innovate great products," adding, "I'm not sure I'd like Apple's chances without him."
Poll: Jobs 'should run Disney'
By Macworld staff
Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of Macworld online readers think that Apple CEO Steve Jobs should take over the leadership of Disney.
This opinion is shared by ex-Disney board member Stanley Gold, who recently suggested that Jobs should take the reins of the animation company.
It isn’t just Macworld readers and ex-Disney staff who think so highly of Jobs' skills as a CEO. He seems to receive almost constant recognition for his expertise at the helm of Apple and Pixar, with awards and accolades celebrating him. It appears Steve Jobs is hot property in the business world.
Jobs has also been named as an economic advisor for Democratic US presidential candidate John Kerry, suggesting that more than just his CEO skills are in demand.
With so much to offer, it seems Jobs could take his pick of a number of lucrative positions in the world of business and politics. But Macworld online readers are split over whether he should become president of Disney (23 per cent), president of Microsoft (22 per cent), president of the world (18 per cent), president of the US (17 per cent), or President Cheese (12 per cent). Another 8 per cent of the 1,101 readers taking part in the poll, think Jobs should set his sites elsewhere, making suggestions in the forum.
One reader suggests: "Jobs should be put in charge of US foreign policy," another that "he couldn't do any worse at launching an all-new iRaq".
Another reader thinks that Jobs' ultimate ambition should be to be canonized. But of course, he would have to die first – something likely to shake up the Mac world far more than the launch of the iPod and iMac combined.
One reader recommends Jobs should "stay where he is and continue to do what he does best: innovate great products," adding, "I'm not sure I'd like Apple's chances without him."