Please help me!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have seven people in my party. We are staying in four different rooms. I have successfully entered the park passes into the MDE app for all seven of us. Here's where I am confused, though. I am at the point where I am going to link to my resort reservation. My wife, son and I are staying in one room. If I link only to our room, will I still be able to control FP+ selections for the other four people in my party? Or do I need to link to their respective room reservations as well?

I hope my questions make sense to you all, and thank you so much in advance for your assistance!


Beta Return
Are the three rooms all under your name, or did each family book their own? If they're all your reservations, you can link them all to your MDE and manage FP.

If each room booked separately, you can use the Friends and Family feature to link everyone together for this trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Are the three rooms all under your name, or did each family book their own? If they're all your reservations, you can link them all to your MDE and manage FP.

If each room booked separately, you can use the Friends and Family feature to link everyone together for this trip.
Tom, each room is booked separately. Is it pretty self explanatory on the app as to how to link everyone together. Sorry no be such a moron when it comes to this tech stuff!


Well-Known Member
So it seems to me that you will link your reservation to your account and tell the site to link your family members that will be joining you. Then the other families will have to link their reservations to their account and link to their family members. They could always provide you with their log in credentials so you can manage the whole process if that is something your party wants to do.

One the accounts for each of the three families has linked their reservation to all of the members of their party, you can use the friends an family feature to link the whole group together. The site will email each person and ask them to accept your invite to be a friend. Once every is linked in friends and family one person can make vacation decisions (ADRs, Fastpass etc) and share them out with the whole group.

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