planning books


New Member
are any of the 2008 books out yet, and which ones do you guys all use, last year i used the the official guide from Birnbaum's. We are going in Dec 08 and i am planning on getting another book any ideas, thanks in advance


I love the book WDW with Kids - not sure if the new version is out yet, but there are some great tips in this book I haven't found in some of the others.
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Active Member
The Hidden Mickeys guidebook is fun.

One not to get--Walt Disney World/Orlando for Dummies. I got this one really cheap at a sale and it wasn't good at all.
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My family don't use any books to help us with our trips but for Christmas I got the birmbaums one just to read basically. Get that one it's good.
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Well-Known Member
I'm another Unofficial Guide fan - By the time they're printed and reach the book stores alot of it is out of date - read them in conjunction with the internet
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New Member
Two years ago we used the Unofficial guide and Birnbaums. Both were excellent. However, this year DF and I are using Passporters, which offers great insight on dinning as well as folders for park tickets, fastpasses, ect. There are also sections for notes on each day of your vaca just in case you were planning on writing a TR :zipit:.

Either one will be a fun way to hold you over till your trip, but Passporter's would be my suggestion (and yes it has been out since early Dec.) Hope this helped. Have a wonderful trip!

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DVC Mike

Well-Known Member
I like:
  1. The Unofficial Guide
  2. PassPorter's Guide
  3. The Complete Walt Disney World
  4. Birnbaum's WDW
The Complete Walt Disney World has over 400 color photos and is chock full of information.
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New Member
I too only use unofficial and passporter. Our AAA agent gives us a free unofficial when we book. I like the passporter best because it can be written in. As I read about dinning options, I can make notes. when I make ressies, there is a place to put it. I use it for generalized itinerary plans. We take it to the parks, it holds receipts. I track mileage and gas in it (from our trip). I find it to be very versatile.
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We have used the Passporter for the past 5 years. They are folders to save tickets, maps, Mickey Dollars, etc. It has a place for us to record how each day part, what we tried, what we would change. They have great maps. Its really a complete guide!
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I usually get them all to check out every year. I know Birnbaum releases theirs in Oct. of each year.

Have any of you ever read Disney on a Dime? I found out a while back that my agency is actually mentioned in there. Pretty cool....:sohappy:

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Well-Known Member
I usually get them all to check out every year. I know Birnbaum releases theirs in Oct. of each year.

Have any of you ever read Disney on a Dime? I found out a while back that my agency is actually mentioned in there. Pretty cool....:sohappy:


That was the first book I bought. It is OK for different reasons than the normal planning books. It's geared towards saving for paying and reducing costs for the trip. A friend is borrowing right now, or I could give specific examples of good, helpful tips or duplicated information that I have found from you guys here.

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Well-Known Member
i luv the unoffical guide: great advice for on property (where we always stay) as well as off. Its amaizing how much it works
~a dream is what your heart makes~
~when you wish upon a star~
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Well-Known Member
Have any of you ever read Disney on a Dime? I found out a while back that my agency is actually mentioned in there. Pretty cool....:sohappy:


While that is very cool, I found that to be one of the worst guidebooks out there - many inaccuracies, and the author wasn't very receptive to constructive feedback.

I recommend:

- Unofficial Guide
- Passporter
- Either one of Anne Easterling's books - The EZ Fun Guide to Walt Disney World or her new Mouse Map book.
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New Member
Original Poster
well i went out last night in the rain and got the unoffical guide and passporter and i stayed up most of the night reading, I dont know what I will do when i finish these two, we have 332 days till we arrive at the world and i am almost done with preparing to make ADR'S. Keep in mind we just got back from the world October 14 last year. Geez i have this whole Disney bug bad
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