To my surprise, Pirates of the Caribbean is getting virtually great reviews thus far. Of 24 reviews posted by established movie critics at, 22 rate the movie as good. In their rating terms, a movie is either fresh (good) or rotten (bad). At this point, 92% of critics rate Pirates as fresh!! (Bare in mind, 100 more critic reviews will probably pop up within the next few days)
I thought this movie looked really good, but I figured critics would bash it as an adventure flick short on substance and copied from the theme park ride. On the contrary, critics are actually embracing it. Even going as far as to say it is the best movie of the summer and finally doing what the Hulk, T3, and even Charlie's Angels couldn't do...make an exciting, exhilarating, clever action/adventure movie filled with humor and "scary" images.
I'm very excited about this movie and will hopefully see it tomorrow when it opens!! Anyone else going?
I thought this movie looked really good, but I figured critics would bash it as an adventure flick short on substance and copied from the theme park ride. On the contrary, critics are actually embracing it. Even going as far as to say it is the best movie of the summer and finally doing what the Hulk, T3, and even Charlie's Angels couldn't do...make an exciting, exhilarating, clever action/adventure movie filled with humor and "scary" images.
I'm very excited about this movie and will hopefully see it tomorrow when it opens!! Anyone else going?