Pirates: Curse....Movie review :-)


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Original Poster
Let me start by saying, a huge thumbs up. They really did pull it off. The movie has the perfect blend of action, storytelling, campy humor, and ode to its roots.

I've come to the conclusion that anything that Johnny Depp does is automatically good. I've yet to see this guy mess up any movie. Even in the movies he has been in that weren't good, he is totally convincing. Easily one of THE most underrated actors out there.

Some points that made me really enjoy the movie (besides it being my favorite attraction since 7 years old)

1- action right from the get go, not overblown, believable, plenty of it, but you never feel "enough already". I waited 1 hour for the Hulk to appear. I don't have the patience to have someone set a story for 1 hour, give me some action while you do it, and this does!

2- humor, Depp pulls it off, the guy is just damn good, and the right amount. Campy but not to the point of making the movie silly

3- ode to its roots, plenty of obvious and not so obvious references. But again, cleverly done, not thrown in your face or feeling forced, but actually "fits". I won't spoil any of them, but it was incredibly fun to see it here in the Celebration theatre and have everyone laugh and clap when the first obvious reference came out

4- CGI was done very cool, but again not overdone. This is one of the few movies these days that doesn't rely on the CG, but uses it to advance the movie.

Anyways, it was great, and makes me smile to see all the dolts who were screaming and yelling when the premise of the movie was announced way back when, swallow some humble pie!

And yes there is a little bit to see after the credits are done :)


Well-Known Member
OK all, I started a thread on this earlier, but KevinPage thought he'd be neat and override me. :zipit: Just kidding, KP, calm down. Anyhoo, I thought this movie was awesome. I'm not a big pirate girl, although I love the ride, just usually not pirate movies or stories. Johnny Depp makes this movie cool. He is so funny and witty through the whole thing. And somehow, even with gold teeth and dreads, totally hot. And like in Celebration, here in Indiana there were die-harders like me who laughed at the parts that were familiar, parts that show up in the ride as well. I can't wait to go to WDW and ride the ride again and compare. There were certain signs and such in the town that i wondered if they matched PoTC at WDW. Seriously though, this movie was really well done. Go see it. Make my stock soar!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and they showed a trailer to Haunted Mansion. Soooo excited for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanksgiving!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Its good to hear that this movie is good. It's been on my top 5 for most anticipated movies since the beginning of the year. (If you saw my buddy icon on AIM u would see proof):lookaroun I think im going to go see it tommorrow. Thanks for the reviews and I'll keep a look out for the references to the ride! :sohappy:
I also LOVED the movies,right up there with the best of em. Everyone should go see it...twice!But remember the number one rule,Orlando Bloom is mine. No touchy!I loved the scenes that were directly from the ride,when i saw the dudes in the jail trying to get the keys from the dog I thought I was actually on the ride. And yes, CAPTAIN jack sparrow was right,it was a pretty ship.

'How far would you go?'
'I'd die for her'
'Oh good!'


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jwbeck3
I saw it tonight and also recommend it, but what happens at the end of the credits, I didn't stay.


Ok, now with the warning out of the way, I can answer your question. The very short clip at the end of the credits involves the monkey from the movie. He climbs over the gold mound within the cavern and jumps into the chest containing the "Aztec Gold". He pulls out a coin and jumps into the moonlight. What do you think happened?......................

He is seen as the "dead" monkey in the moonlight. In other words, he has just re-opened the curse for anyone who was to take the gold chest. In other words, this very short clip sets up the possibility of a sequel. ;)


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Original Poster

As soon as I got home, I was already wondering when the DVD would be released.

I heard Nemo ws Nov 4th, so maybe this one will be before Xmas as well. I'll have to update my want list :)


Well-Known Member
My only complaint is that Depp's accent, sounds like a cross between a drunken Dudley Moore as "Arthur" and Austin Powers


Well-Known Member
Me and my friends were going to see it yesterday but it was to long and it would have been to late by the time we got home. Do you realize it's 2 hours and 40 minutes? Geez that's a long movie! Can't wait to see it though!:sohappy:
Originally posted by CTXRover

Ok, now with the warning out of the way, I can answer you're question. The very short clip at the end of the credits involves the monkey from the movie. He climbs over the gold mound within the cavern and jumps into the chest containing the "Aztec Gold". He pulls out a coin and jumps into the moonlight. What do you think happened?......................

He is seen as the "dead" monkey in the moonlight. In other words, he has just re-opened the curse for anyone who was to take the gold chest. In other words, this very short clip sets up the possibility of a sequel. ;)

aw dang i didnt see that part!Oh well,I guess Im gonna have to go see it again.The pain and torture of it all:rolleyes: By the way you described that,it kinda reminded me or the monkey in aladin when he sees the treasure...
Originally posted by Katherine
Me and my friends were going to see it yesterday but it was to long and it would have been to late by the time we got home. Do you realize it's 2 hours and 40 minutes? Geez that's a long movie! Can't wait to see it though!:sohappy:
It really doesnt seem that long. I didnt once look to see what time it was.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Katherine
Do you realize it's 2 hours and 40 minutes? Geez that's a long movie!

It was long. The first 40 minutes are slow, but the last 2 hours flew by. Lots of sword fights, cannon fire, skeletons, and plot twists!!!



New Member
The DVD is scheduled to come out 12/02/2003...so add it your christmas lists...

I saw the movie yesterday...blew all of my expectations aways by far...Johnny Depp is great as always!
ya'll who are going to see it will definitely love it. The movie has to be one of the best...ever!

also theres no beating 2 and a half hours of orlando bloom...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Simba1
goofyfan...can i steal your icon?! where'd you get it? (thread drift...i know....just move on...haha)

sure, go ahead. I am going to be changing mine soon anyway, but I really don't remember where I got it from, it was a while ago and I can't get a copy of it onto this post so if u want it I can always email it to you.
Theres was only one thing bad about this movie. I had to go to the bathroom the whole movie but i didnt want to get up and miss some of the action. anyways the movies was awesome. i loved some of the parts of the ride were incorperated into the movie. I really loved when the prisoners are calling the dog over. Taht was funny. Before any of you go to the movie rember one thing

lol :hammer:

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