Okay welcome to PT 101. The rules for pin trading are as follows:
1. Don't touch another person's lanyard if you want to see the pin close up just ask them.
2. All pins traded MUST be Disney.
3. Any Disney event, character, special event, etc.. is deemed tradable material.
4. The Cast Member makes the final decision on All trades.
5. Pins should be in good undamaged condition.
6. Pins are to be traded one at a time with the safety backs ON.
7. You are supposed to only trade once with any single Cast Member.
8. Some pins were bought in, or as a part of a set and are to be traded as such.
Allright here is where time in the parks shows some new rules up.
1. See the Cast Members with green lanyards. Those are for children 3-9, however some CM's will trade with kids up to 12 years of age. So keep eyes open because every time a green lanyard appears so do some rare pins.
2. Lanyard pins are pins on the Cast Member's Lanyard. Those are sometimes rare and even harder to find. ASK THEM. Some CM's won't tell you which makes finding them a little harder but then again some will. Just try and see what happens.
3. Mystery pins- a mystery pin is a pin any PT flips around so not to see what the pin is. A lot of CM's do this in the MK, and MGM. My words of advice are trade for it. My first mystery pin trade got me a lanyard pin. That was great. Use a pin you don't want, or one that you were going to trade anyway. Don't trade a pin you like in the mystery trade. More than not you won't get what you want. Out of 3 trades only the mystery pin was rare, everything else was common.
4. The rule says one trade per CM. Well that really depends on the CM, some uphold the rule and some let it slide. It all depends on the CM.
5. Treat them nice. I allways greeted every CM I traded with and everything was smooth. They would show their pins, tell me about the ones they knew, and offer advice. So allways be kind to the CM's it pays off.