

New Member
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Could someone explain the "photopass" to me? Do you have to grab the photographer all through your trip - or how does it all work??:xmas:

4 days to go!!!



Active Member
There are photographers located at various locations in the parks. Take a picture, and you will receive a photopass card. After that, every pic you have the photographer take, give them your card. Before your vacation ends, you can bring your card to a photo shop, and they will pull up your pictures. You can pick and choose which to purchase, or get them all on a cd/dvd.

Check out his website:

Have a nice trip!:wave:


Well-Known Member
A friendly word of advise. Get alot of photopass photos taken and put on your card. Then buy the CD. It was a little pricey, but, when you divide the cost over the number of professionally taken photos, it's a great deal.

Have a great time. Enjoy the magic.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I completely agree. Get them to take lots of pics throughout your trip. When you get home, view them online (they tend to be good photos and high quality) then order the cd. We weren't aware of the cd option and bought several individual photos while at the parks. We would have had more photos for less money if we'd have simply ordered the cd.


I'd agree with what others have said, its definitely worth getting them on a cd, if you meet characters the photographer will usually take quite a few. Also the quality of the photos will be better than most can get with their own, especially the nightime lights etc

Also if you're planning a trip to Typhoon Lagoon you can get a smaller photpass there on a strectchy wrist band so you don't lose it in the water, again you'll get photos you wouldn't get otherwise, there is one photographer in the wave pool and one round the lazy river ready to take photos.

Test track was the only ride i found to accept photo pass, i think its a bit of a con the others don't yet but thats my only grumble.

Personally I found it great, unlike Universal and Sea World where you feel pressured into having your photo taken by the barrier of photographers as you enter the park!


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the great info. You can look at the pictures before you leave and purchase the CD before leaving the park? Number of pictures unlimited??

:xmas: Friday can't come soon enough!!!


I think it can take up to about 350 photos, but you'd struggle to get that many I think. You can view the photos in any of the photo centres 15 minutes after they've been taken. The only thing I'd say is that their computers don't seem the fastest so don't pick a busy spot if you're planning on viewing a lot in one go.

We bought our CD on our last day in the park purely because it was thanksgiving and didn't want to be late to the airport or have to get it sent if they were too busy.


Well-Known Member
Test track was the only ride i found to accept photo pass, i think its a bit of a con the others don't yet but thats my only grumble.

Test Track was a very recent addition to Photopass. They were using it to test out the systems and programming. Eventually it will expand to all of the other attractions with on-ride photos.


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