Photo Update: Space Mtn Lights On, Rainbows, Etc!


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Hi, All.. I just got back from a week-long trip to WDW (Sep 17-24). Following are a few photo updates. I'll add in a disclaimer here... Some of this stuff has already been discussed on the forums; other stuff I've included may not actually be new, but seemed new to me since my last trip in mid-April. Also embedded are some neat photos of a double rainbow over Main Street.

Let's start at EPCOT... Construction/rehab continues near the imagination pavillion. They've comletely repainted the white pyramid fountain thingy and the jumping fountains appear to have been completely gutted.

This photo taken from the Monorail shows that all still appears normal behind the construction walls blocking the entrance area to Living Seas.

Some more photos of the construction on what was once Ice Station Cool. The building's interior is pretty much open to the elements, minus the construction wall. Can't see in this photo, but there's still a coke logo on the wall in there.

Here's what appears to be a wooden form for a new concrete wall at what will be Club Cool.

Remember the MickeyMouse-shaped marble "roller coaster" thing inside Mouse Gear at EPCOT? Gone. This rack is in its place...

More soon...


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Teleport over to AK for your mandatory Expedition Everest Pictures. Here's the view from the main bridge into Africa...

Looks like most of the rockwork and painting is practically done. Don't see any bare spots.

Closeup of the rockwork near where the lift hill enters the mountain...

A shot of the lift hill (close as I could get, since that walkway was closed).

The crew checking out the lift hill.

More soon...


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Now, onto Magic Kingdom. Halloween decorations sprang up Friday morning.

The leg-dangling guy inside Pirates of the Caribbean has gotten a new look (again!) Remember how he got a new head and was clean-shaven? Now he has a really mis-matched beard. Hard to see in this photo (didn't want to use the flash), but imagine a dark brown toupee on a light-brown-haired man, and you get the idea of how his beard looks.

As was previously mentioned on the boards, PotC, Splash, and Space Mountain were all down at once on Tuesday Sept 20. Now, this is why I always tell people to have their camera out and on when they ride the TTA. You never know what you'll see, like SM with the lights on...


A bit blurry due to TTA motion...


Plus I didn't want to use the flash (even though lights were on, I didn't want to call attention to myself or worse yet startle any workers who might be walking the tracks!)...


And another...


Kind of a neat serendipity photo... this was taken the instant they were turning off the lights to restart the ride. You can see it's sort of dark in there but not quite all the way dark just yet.

More soon...


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There is no word in existence that can be used to describe Expedition Everest, so I am forced to make one up right now in this very forum: Scrumptulesent.

(Based on SNL's "Inside the Actor's Studio")


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A few shots while Splash Mountain was in drydock. Boats were piled up around the various "stop" locations around the ride.

The Briar Patch is looking kind of dry these days.

This Timekeeper Meet-n-greet is looking more and more permanent every day. Well-bolted-down signs outside the science centre...

And the timekeeper poster (normally unlit when it's used as a meet-n-greet) is gone, replaced with characters...

More Soon...


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Train Station / Town Square Construction. Here's the first thing you see when you walk through the tunnel into MK...

Some Painting and Refurb on the Train Station itself...

Scraping and painting. Despite the weirdness of seeing scissor lifts on Main Street, the newly-done work looks nice.

View from the train station balcony. The upper level (especially the inside waiting area with the old-timey nickeloden video machines) is getting a daily dose of dust (drywall, not pixie) due to the refurb.

Looking toward the Kodak Exposition Center...

Looking toward City Hall...

Finally, I'll leave you with some true-life magic... A gorgeous double rainbow over Main Street USA Friday!

A bit closer now...

Wisdom from the mouths of babes... I heard a little kid say as he looked at the rainbow, "This truly is a magical day." I quite agree!

More soon...


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Some non-photo updates to include here...

They're now swiping your "Key to the World" room key cards through little handheld computers before you can get your Extra Magic Hour bracelets. Apparently this is to either verify your lodging status or to make sure you're not passing your room key amongst several people. I'm pretty sure it's NOT being used to count the number of people who are getting bracelets, since they are also still using those little handheld mechanical counters.

Spaceship Earth appears to have some new screens inside the main lift tunnel. These are in addition to the "sit down or get kicked out" TV that recently appeared in the load area. These show the same animation as before (the rotating "time machine") (EDIT: I originally thought these were plasma screens, but others have said, and I'm prone to agree, that they're projection screens. Still, much bigger than the original TVs).

The cones you "run over" in the Non-ABS demonstration in Test Track appear to be completely gone. There are just some cone-shaped indentions in the floor.

On occasion, you can see the Riverboat if you look to the left rear of the train as it passes over the swingbridge near Frontierland. It is, of course, being rehabbed and looks pretty shabby with a coat of semi-scraped paint.

Construction continues at the Contemporary. Portions of the parking lot near the construction area were walled off to house equipment. Meanwhile, another portion was roped off on Friday for what appeared to be stuff related to the triathalon.

The former Disney Information Center (I-75 @ exit 350 in Ocala) looks nice-and-deserted since its closure. The official highway signs are still up, with nothing to indicate it's closed. Also, the sign that was visible right from the interstate has an empty mickey-shaped hole in it and faint markings where the word "Disney" used to be."

If you can get by the "Everything under $10" store at Downtown Disney over the next day or so, you may want to pick up some of the Haunted Mansion and Peter Pan die cast ride vehicle toys... $10 will get you four of them!

That's all, folks!


Well-Known Member
brkgnews said:
They're now swiping your "Key to the World" room key cards through little handheld computers before you can get your Extra Magic Hour bracelets. Apparently this is to either verify your lodging status or to make sure you're not passing your room key amongst several people. I'm pretty sure it's NOT being used to count the number of people who are getting bracelets, since they are also still using those little handheld mechanical counters.
Hopefully this will somewhat cut down on the insanely large crowds for EMHs, but I wouldn't bet on it.
brkgnews said:
Spaceship Earth appears to have some new plasma screen TVs inside the main lift tunnel.
This is good news. Now for a nice, long rehab!
brkgnews said:
If you can get by the "Everything under $10" store at Downtown Disney over the next day or so, you may want to pick up some of the Haunted Mansion and Peter Pan die cast ride vehicle toys... $10 will get you four of them!
Note to self: Self, remember to check out said store on next trip.


Account Suspended
I think one of those $10 stores just popped up in MGM. They're a nice thought, as a kid i would have loved them (my parents were the "you only get $X, what do you want to buy?" types), but as an adult i don't find them too attractive...


Well-Known Member
An update done at its best! Thanks! Im really disappointed about Timekeeper. :cry: Everest is amazing! The rock work is so unreal! I dont think I would want to stand on the lift like the workers in the one pic. Great Job!


New Member
About the Plasmas at Spaceship Earth, I was riding a couple of weeks ago and one screen said in a caption "this bulb has used the best of it's life cycle" thats not exactly what it said but it was clearly a indication that it was time to change the bulb in that projector....from your post I can see that Disney opted to buy Plasmas instead of changing a bulb. I guess that means less maintenance for them.
I dont know if you caught how the water in Splash looked, but it looked a little like watered down milk. The hydraulic fluid leaked into the flume, and started turning the water nasty, and causing logs to slip on lifts.

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